Chapter 29: Mercy

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— Gundham POV —

"Aahhhh!" Yelped Mikan as she covered her eyes running away, Fuyuhiko and Peko sitting there, Peko's hand gripped to the doorknob. Swiftly shutting the door in front of them. All of us panicking.

"I-It's not what it looks like!" I spluttered, pulling back down Sonia's dress, stumbling off the bed trying to pull back my jeans.

"No! It's f-fine!" Fuyuhiko yelled over the other side of the door, distant mumbles being heard from over the wall. Looping back my belt, adjusting my pants further. Sonia's face blushed red, her hands covering her face in embarrassment. Turning back to her, sitting next her on the bedside, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay, Dark Queen?" I asked whispering to her, her body still in shock.

"I'm fine." She mumbled, looking up at me and then herself, "They can come in now." Sonia allowed, staring at the door.

"You all may come in now." I stood back up, guarding Sonia behind me as Fuyuhiko slowly opened the door again, the hinges creaking.

"Alright," He pokes his head in as Peko followed behind him, "You two, uhm, all good now?" He asked, his face pinkish, Peko's glasses foggy.

"Yes, yes we are. Now why did you three come in so randomly! Should've gave us the courtesy of a knock!" Sonia blurted, stomping up from behind me, her face red in frustration and embarrassment. Her fists balled up tightly.

"Uhm, we did knock. Like a lot." He spat bluntly, his tone quickly turning condescending. The two of them entering into a battle of glares. Until Sonia finally gave in.

"Oh." Sonia sighed, stumbling back into the bed in defeat, her hands holding up her head. Rubbing her eyes furiously, her knee twitching.

"Anyways, for what reason did you all come here?" I crossed my arms, leaning on one leg, raising my nonexistent eyebrow.

"Mikan wanted to check up on you. She noticed Sonia was back and wanted us to come." Fuyuhiko answered, looking to the side into the halls. His hands stuffed into his pockets.

"Why did she want you to come with?" I questioned the two further, with Peko being the tall silent partner, Fuyuhiko giving the answers from his perspective.

"Scared about Hajime. Turns out he was working with Soda to, well, kill you." He shrugged, turning back to me, stepping closer into the room, with myself stepping forward to them in reaction.

"What?!" I boomed, shock filling into my head. That had to be false. "How?!" I asked, my shoulders rising anxiously.

"Yeah, we searched his room. I saw it! We saw it all!" Fuyuhiko's voice staggering, his pitch rising as he relived the moment from his memory, "His room was filled with these creepy drawings of Chiaki. And on the back of one of them had Kill Gundham' written tons of times on the back." His eyes staring blank to the floor, shaking his head slowly.

"No. No. That's impossible!" I refused to believe his story, Hajime would be the last person to turn on us.

"B-but i-it happened!" Mikan cried, crawling back into the room, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"What happened to after finding that horrifying poster?" Controlling my breathing and senses, I tried calming down. Connecting the pieces to this crazed story of betrayal.

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