Chapter Ninety-three: assassins and the boss

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Trish did not move away from the tiny pillar who was resting beside her. The child had just collapsed beside her. The stress of aging and de-aging at a rapid rate must have strained her body. The pink haired teen hesitantly reached out and placed a hand on the soft hair of the tiny girl beside her. The teen had her back to Bucciarati. The those air between them was tense. While the others were quietly talking amongst themselves or planning where to go next, Trish patted (y/n)'s tiny head. Trish saw what the child had done in order to protect her and the others. The teen stopped as the child started to whine from something she was dreaming about. Nightmares. "Jonathan... Dio..," the small child whined before a loud noise alerted all of them. The truck they were hitchhiking in crashed. Trish found that the pillar child was clinging to her, startled. The green eyed young lady felt wet drops fall onto her arm. She felt the little girl shaking.
Bucciarati ordered Mista to get them out of there. The gunman obeyed and got out of the turtle. The air was still tense between the teen girl and the Capo. Bucciarati looked to his men, "Find another mode of transportation." The others nodded after getting the order. "Come here, (y/n).," the black haired man said and beckoned the little girl over to him. The little girl sniffed and went over to him. She still had the tablecloth she stole wrapped around her to hide her torn dress. Bucciarati picked her up and wiped the tears from her face, "It's okay, Stellina."

Mista told the others that he had found a parking lot with cars in it. The others got out to look around, leaving Bucciarati and the two girls. The capo held his adopted daughter and patted her head. "It's okay. I know crashes are scary.," the man said to the little girl as Trish watched them silently. The Italian man held the child close to him, letting her sniffle. His blue eyes looked to the pink haired teen girl who was trying to get to the ceiling to get out of the turtle's stand, "Get down from there. It's dangerous outside." "Well then, Mr. Bucciarati, if I was to ask you a dumb question, would you answer it?," Trish asked. The red eyes of the tiny pillar looked at her. Bucciarati sighed, "Depends on the question." "What am I supposed to do when I need to go to the bathroom?," Trish asked, "Am I supposed to wear a diaper?" She looked at (y/n) when she mentioned diaper. 'Rude.,' (y/n) thought to herself, 'I'm not that young.'
Bucciarati brought his hand to his chin as he contemplated her question, "That is a good question." He placed the little girl down and went to the closet to use his stand, he made a small hole in the closet, "Use this. The turtle may even get some nutrients from it." "What are you even saying?!," Trish demanded. Giorno looked into the stand from the jewel, "Bucciarati, we have procured a vehicle." "Good. Once we confirm that we are safe, then we head for Venice.," Bucciarati said. "Understood.," Giorno replied. "Venice... huh... I have somewhere we can stay there if things go wrong.," (y/n) spoke up, "I've been there once before, it's basically a floating fortress." "I shall keep that in mind.," Bucciarati said.

Giorno was quiet for a bit. (Y/n) was immediately on edge, she sensed a flare of stand energy. She looked back and saw Trish was gone. "Papa?," She asked as she looked at Bucciarati, "There is a-" "(y/n), get out of here right now!," Bucciarati yelled as he fell apart in cubes, "It's a long ranged stand!" She smelled blood and sensed stand energy, yet did not see it. She jumped out of the turtle, just as she saw the floor rippling towards her. "(Y/n), where's Bucciarati and Trish?," Giorno asked. "No time, Haru- Giorno, there's a stand. It's inside the turtle right now. But it got papa and Trish. I don't know how, but it can take things apart in sections while keeping them alive!," the child said, "It is one of the assassins. I am sure of it." The little girl looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse if it was outside, "I saw a ripple inside the Turtle. I think the is a sign-" a sharp pain in her neck made her stop talking. She looked down, a chunk of her throat had come out of her. She looked back and saw that the same had happened to Giorno.
'Dammit!,' she thought and tried to run, she fell. Looking back, she saw both of her legs were gone. A buzzing on the phone she stole made her check it. A text from an assassin. One under the contact 'Melon', 'Don't think you can run (misspelling of name), you're coming with Trish.' She knew that Giorno saw the phone she stole. He was going to tell the others. The girl crawled on her tummy, trying to get away, to find a way to warn the others. She felt a foot on her back and looked up. A stand was looking down at her. A large grin was on the stand's face. She put her finger up and typed a message out to the assassin controlling the stand, 'You spelled my name wrong. It's (y/n).' "(Y/n). You're coming as well.," the stand said in a robotic voice and picked her up before putting her in the turtle. The child looked for Trish, for her adopted father. Did these assassins know of her regeneration ability or did they think they were going to find a stand to heal her?

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