Chapter Fifty-five: Memoirs

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Starry expanses and the feeling of loneliness creeped into the mind of the tiny pillar, a reminder of the cold and lonely existence her father now had. She felt that his mind was beginning to slip, soon she would not feel him anymore. Her red eyes opened to the ceiling of Josuke's room. She looked to the calendar on the wall and saw it was almost three days since she fell asleep. She light coming through the window told her that it was twilight. The child got up and walked out of her stepbrother's room. She smelled something cooking.
Some small barks were coming from the kitchen. The plum haired little girl followed the sound and saw Iggy panting up at Tomoko, asking for food. The dog got a piece of food from asking for it. "Iggy?," the little girl spoke. The little dog barked at her happily. The child knelt down and patted the Boston terrier, "What are you doing here? Are you here because the hotel won't allow dogs?" "Yes, Kakyoin asked us to look after him. He was a bit stubborn at first, but he has since chilled out.," Josuke said as he was doing his homework.

"He was much worse when we took a trip to Egypt.," the little girl said, "He and Jean did not get along at all. You really liked to mess with Jean." Iggy wagged his tail and barked. "He's a smart and handsome dog.," Tomoko said, "Your friend has a good companion. Wait, you went to Egypt?" "Yes, I went to Egypt with Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Jean and Avdol. Iggy came to join us later.," the little girl replied, "It was pretty fun, we went to quite a few places. I have some pictures."
Josuke put his homework away as he finished and motioned to the girl to show him the pictures. She placed the pictures that she got from DIO's mansion on the table in front of him. The ones that Her vampire brother did not cut up, those stayed in her bag. "This one was in Hong Kong. This one was singapore. Oh, Pakistan, that was fun. I honestly did not like India, but the drink we had was good.," She said as she pointed the pictures out to her stepbrother, "And here we are in Egypt finally. I admit I ran ahead to Cairo."
Tomoko picked up the picture of everyone sitting down at a cafe in India, "This place looks like a nice restaurant." She got a nod from the little girl, "The locals were a bit too beggary, but the chai was good."

Josuke picked up a picture that showed the little girl clawing a blond man in a cowboy hat, "What did this guy do to you?" "Oh. He picked a fight with Avdol and I. He even shot Avdol.," the little girl said with an irritated tone. "Do you have any other pictures?," Josuke asked. "I think so. I might have one I took with Caesar or even Speedwagon.," the little girl spoke and looked through her bags. Iggy sniffed her bag and started to growl. The little girl looked back at him, "Hm? Oh, you must be smelling this.."
(Y/n) pulled a green heart circlet from her bag and Iggy bristled more, his teeth were bared. "Iggy. He's dead. He's not going to hurt you. I picked this up after Jean cut it off of him.," the little girl said and showed the circlet to the dog, "Jotaro killed him. He won't be able to hurt anyone anymore."
The dog settled down only after the little girl put the circlet away. (Y/n) continued to share her pictures with Josuke. Iggy had an ear up, listening in on the stories the small child was telling.

Tomoko and Josuke looked at the pictures. The woman seemed a little interested in the pictures, "Do you have any pictures of your mother and father?" (Y/n) shook her little head, "Not at all. I only have this picture of a mural featuring my daddy and uncles." She pushed an old looking photograph to the Japanese woman, Tomoko picked the picture up. Like the little red eyed girl said, there was a mural on the image. Four figures, all of them had horns. "This looks like an ancient mural.," the woman said, "Like those I saw in history class in college."
"The one at the top is my father, see how he has the same three horns I have?," the little girl spoke, "The one below him is Esidisi. Then Wamuu. The one on the bottom is Santana." The little girl looked at the picture some more, she of course did not see herself. She was always hidden from the humans, "It's been a long time since daddy and the others were defeated in battle."

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