Chapter Twenty seven: The assassins

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The young pillar rested and dozed off. She dreamed of the past and her brothers. She dreamed of the battle between. The events played out just as they did before, this time, she heard her brothers speak. She had just been impaled by Dio as she took the attack to protect Jonathan. She was thrown off his hand. Dio got even more angry at Jonathan, 'It is your fault! I struck her because of you!'
(Y/n)'s eyes shot open after that, she felt something watching her. Something different to what was usually watching her. She felt sick and weak. She needed to eat something. She had gone too long without food. The child looked to her adopted father and nephew. Both seemed to be on high alert. They seemed to be listening for something. Was another one of Dio's minions on board the plane? The plane was filled with the scents of different humans, it was hard to pinpoint just one.

"Jotaro.," the girl whispered, "Is there an enemy on board?" Joseph and Jotaro both looked to the child and then to each other. "So it is a stand, she can't hear or see it.," Joseph spoke. The girl knew it had to be an enemy with how their expressions were. She felt some sort of energy flying around the plane and pointed towards it, "There. I sense something there."
"So that beetle is a stand.," Avdol said, "(y/n) can't see or hear it, but she can sense its energy. Dio sent someone to kill us before we could even get to Egypt." The group watched the bug before it disappeared from their view. (Y/n) felt through her horn an energy getting closer, "It's coming closer. Jotaro, beside you." The dark haired Japanese teen looked beside him. "It is huge, too big to be a regular rhinoceros beetle.," Avdol said. The pillar child looked at the passengers. Everyone seemed to be asleep. Their breathing and heartbeats were regular and slow. She needed to find a way to find the stand user before he killed them. Avdol knew his stand, the Tower of Grey. It was a stand used by a mass murderer. Someone who would kill many and make it look like it was a vehicle accident. "So he is working with my brother now.," (y/n) spoke, "Much like my brother to search for the most vile to be his followers."

The girl quietly moved between the seats and avoided the stand by feeling where its energy was. She ducked out of the way when she felt it near her. The girl heard the group talking to the stand. She was looking for the stand's master. The child felt something zoom past her head and a row of sleeping humans in front of her head their heads torn through, killing them. A mass of tongues from the killed humans floated in the air. It was like Avdol said before, this sick bastard liked to tear out tongues. The plum haired pillar child stuck her head up from between the seats to show the group she was okay.
Joseph motioned for her to stay down and out of the way. The girl ducked down again and searched for the stand's user. She could sense Kakyoin's stand slithering about the plane. She wondered what he was going to do with it. She continued to crawl towards the front of the plane. Her nose was hit with the smell of blood. She got up and went towards the cockpit. A pair of stewardesses stopped her, "I'm sorry sweetie, but you can't go up there. The pilots need to do their work. You're not allowed up here."

(Y/n)'s red eyes stared up at the two women, "I smelled blood and came to investigate. But now I can smell that the pilots are dead." The two stewardesses tried to stop her but were surprised that their hands seemed to move right through the little girl as she kept walking forward. The child uncovered her horns and opened the door. The stench hit her first, followed by the sight. The three men in the cockpit were dead. Holes through their torsos and their tongues ripped out. "Just as I thought. He killed the pilots during the flight."
The stewardesses gasped when they saw the girl standing in the room with the bodies. The child looked back at them, "There is a man among the passengers named Joseph Joestar. I need him to come to the cockpit, he'll make an emergency landing. Prepare the rest of the passengers for the event." The stewardesses did not move. (Y/n) looked back with a harsher look and heavied her aura to intimidate them. The women went to look for Joseph as the girl placed the bodies somewhere out if the way so her adopted father could pilot the plane.

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