Chapter thirty: On the seas

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A pale hand reached out and touched a mirror in front of a man. His muscular form stood proud and powerful in front of the glass. His black nailed hand pulled back from the cool glass and touched his shoulder that had been getting a feeling from it. His voice seemed soothing and reverberating as he spoke, "I have a question for you, Enyaba. What does it mean to be alive?" "To gain all that you desire my lord.," the voice of an old woman replied, "To put it simply. That is all it means to live. People want money, they want fame, they want food, they want love, they want a lover..."
"But when they get what they desire, there is always a battle is there not?," Came the question from the man shrouded in darkness. The old woman cackled, "Indeed." "If they lose the battle and do not obtain what they desire, they are frustrated and feel failure.," the smooth voice came again from the darkness, "They will be more hesitant when the time comes to battle again, they will be gripped by the fear of failure again."

He brushed his fingers along the star mark upon the shoulder, "I believe that conquering fear is what it means to live. The one who stands at the top of the world is the one who feels no fear whatsoever. Do you understand, Enyaba?" "I was the one who told you about your stand's existence and how to use it. And you have an immortal body.," the old woman spoke, "What is there for you to fear if anything at all?" "Not fear, concerns.," Came the man's voice from the darkness.
"And what is it that concerns you, my lord?," the old woman asked and the man looked back to her. "The Joestar bloodline.," Came the answer to the old woman's question. "Joestar? Those two are mere trash compared to you.," the hag spoke and raised one of her wrinkled and arthritic hands, "They cannot compare to your stand!" "Yes... But the fates of the Joestar bloodline and (y/n) are entangled so deeply into my own that I cannot help but to take notice.," came the deep voice of the man, "I do not fear the Joestars, but it is the fact that I cannot underestimate the Joestar bloodline. I must remove them from my wheel of fortune." "You want to have them eliminated because you feel like they cannot be underestimated?," Enyaba asked, "What foolishness! We have seven stand users on the move. You need not worry yourself, lord DIO."
"Perhaps, Enyaba. But do not underestimate them or (y/n).," the man spoke before retreating into the darkness.


A large ship loomed as the group boarded. A massive and empty cargo carrier. The machinery had power and everything seemed to work, but there were no humans aboard. (Y/n)'s horn was on the alert. There was a power around them. A stand power surrounded them like a morbid blanket of dense and evil air. The young pillar girl held onto Kakyoin's shoulder as he held her. She sniffed the air to search for human life other than the ones she was with. Her horn was numb with the amount of energy surrounding them.
(Y/n) let her red eyes Leer over the ship as they explored. Kakyoin and Avdol noticed her sudden tension. "Miss (y/n), is there something wrong?," the Egyptian asked. "There are no humans other than you on the ship.," the girl answered, "I feel stand power from all directions. I cannot pinpoint where the stand or the user is." The got the rest of the crew on edge. She was a living radar system for them.
The group continued their search and split up to look better.

The brunette girl called everyone to the control room. She had found something. She pointed into the room where there was a cage. The only lifesign aboard the ship was there. "Look! It's a monkey!," the girl said and pointed to the cage. "It's an orangutan.," Kakyoin said as (y/n) dropped off of him to get a little closer to the ape. "He seems to be fairly young and probably just matured. He does not have the cheek growths most male orangutans have.," the plum haired pillar said, "But how has he been alive on this vessel with no humans around? Unless someone comes out every so often to come see him and this is some sick social experiment."
"Let's go see if the person who feeds this ape is here.," Joseph said and left with the other older males. (Y/n) and the stowaway stayed in the room to look at the ape some more before Joseph called for them to follow. The two girls felt the ape's eyes follow them. They followed in time to see a man impaled on one of the container hooks that was on a crane that Avdol and the Speedwagon crew were investigating. Strong stand energy seeped from the crane. The girl that was beside (y/n) screamed before her eyes were covered by Jotaro. The plum haired pillar looked up at the carnage before them, "Stand. There is a stand.," the girl said, "But where is the user?"

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