Chapter Seventy-one: Blown away

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(Y/n) lay on her stepbrother's chest as he was reading a magazine. She was asleep. He had found her asleep in the sun with Iggy. She probably needed the rest after dealing with Dio and training to get her stand out after that. It had been a few days since Dio the poltergeist had attacked. Josuke felt her slow and deep breathing. She was fast asleep and sleeping hard. The teen heard the snap of a camera and looked over to see that his mother had taken a picture of them. "This is going in the photo album.," the human woman smiled with a laugh. Josuke's cheeks were a light pink as his mom added it to the photo album. He felt the little hands of his stepsister grip his yellow undershirt that he was wearing.
Her little face looked like she was having a nightmare. Josuke patted her little back. What she was having a nightmare about, he did not know. She had plenty of bad experiences in her life to have nightmares from, though. He heard Iggy's claws tap on the hard floors before padding on the soft carpets. The teen saw the dog, he had a big doggy grin as he jumped up onto the couch with Josuke and curled up to nap as well. Josuke went back to reading.

In her mind, (y/n) was not on earth. She was with her father. The last of his mind was currently fading. It was desperate to cling on after feeling his daughter reach out to him again. 'Daddy. I wish you could come back in some form.' He heard this wish of hers. He heard everything she had told him. 'Daddy, I'm scared.' 'Daddy, Where are you now?' 'I love you Daddy.' All of it made him hold on a little longer. He felt the sharp pain of the arrow stab her. He felt her rage, her sorrow, her happiness, all of it. The child and the father longed to see each other. He felt himself wanting to go back like his daughter wished. He felt a pull towards earth.
He wanted to follow that pull. To go back and see his child again. (Y/n) and Kars were together through the link they shared. Spinning together in the expanse he was trapped in. His fading mind clinging on, clinging to his daughter. He felt her fade as she woke from her nap. Yet he did not let go this time, the pull felt greater as he clung onto this link. A pull towards his daughter, to earth.

Red eyes opened as (y/n) felt her little cheeks being tapped by Josuke. The plum haired child yawned and felt like her body was heavier for some reason. She nuzzled her little face into Josuke's chest again, "No. Jojo.." "Are you talking to me or about my father?," the British-Japanese teen asked. The tiny ruby eyes looked up at him, "Jonathan." "I need to move, and your claws were digging into my skin.," Josuke said and pointed to the scratch marks on him. The tiny girl sniffed and ran her hands over the small scratches to fix the damage she did, "Sorry. I felt like I was in the arms of Jonathan while I was checking on my father again."
"You still feel him out there?," the violet-blue eyed Boy inquired with a smile. His tiny stepsister gave him a nod, "I do. I miss my father." "I bet, and from what Santana said about him, he was pretty incredible.," Josuke smiled, "I think he'd be proud of you." Small tears dripped from the tiny child's eyes, "Perhaps so." She hopped off of Josuke and stretched. The sun was going down. Tomorrow was a school day for Josuke. He would need to eat and go to bed. Her body felt heavier. Yet she was the same weight. She said hello to Tomoko before she left to go play with Santana. The little girl set off into the night. She ran past Okuyasu's house and Koichi's house. Past Rohan's home. Her little legs propelled through the town and to the grand Morioh hotel.

The moon and stars twinkled above her. She saw something in the sky. It was like some sort of shooting star. It was very pretty. The small child continued on her way to the grand Morioh hotel. Santana was waiting for her. His scarlet eyes lit up when he saw her. A small smile was on his face. The pillar man knelt down to greet the smaller one. He was greeted with a horned head giving him a headbutt before he felt small arms around him. The headbutt was unintentional. He could forgive that. Santana picked up the small child and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Shall we continue the training?," the vermilion haired pillar man asked and got a nod from the child. "Do I feel heavier to you?," (y/n) asked before she felt Santana raise and lower her to check her weight. "No, not at all.," the vermillion haired man replied, "Are you getting sick? I hear illness weakens the muscles and makes one feel heavier." The girl was going to speak before she felt a hand on her forehead. "You are a little warmer than usual.," the man mused. "I just ran here.," the child pouted, "I want to try and bring my stand out again!"

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