Chapter one hundred: Doppio and boss.

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(Y/n) held her tiny clawed hands over her mouth as she heard the 'Boss' talk to the young man on the cliff above her. She smelled both him and Risotto up there. That amount of power that was on the cliff above her, it was making her shake. She knew she could easily end a human, but that power was making her writhe and Avalon was trying to force his way out to try and kill the powerful stand user. She shivered from the power rippling inside of her and the power of the stand user who had appeared beside her. "Stay here. This information we collect from this may be useful.," Risotto told her and went invisible again. He climbed up the side of the cliff and to where the stand user was. The young man, Doppio, hung up the 'phone'. He mentioned something about a headache before looking around.
The tiny pillar used her horns to sense out what each stand user was doing. Wamuu kept her stable on the platform she stood on. Her father, her stand, was still trying to claw his way to the surface, 'Let me end this, I have to protect you!' (Y/n) fought against her own stand's power in order to keep him in.

She felt Risotto's energy on the cliff above her, he was towering over the smaller Doppio. He must have surprised Doppio with his sudden appearance as the young man stumbled and fell. (Y/n) heard a Crack and smelled the scent of blood. Doppio yelled out in pain. This young man seemed cowardly as he quailed away from the intimidating Risotto. The assassin told the cowardly young man to move his hand so he could see the face of the young man. Doppio did so and told him that he had no money to take. The young man then began to whim about how much blood was spurting from his body and how he was so unfortunate. Risotto began to get closer to the young man, telling him that he was not interested in this young man anymore. 'He has a stand, remember?,' (y/n) hissed in her own mind towards Risotto, although she knew he would not hear her warning. She did not know how to talk through her stand like Joseph or the others did.
She could hear the two above talking more. She heard Doppio mention again about how his head hurt. Risotto was reaching down from what the tiny pillar's horns were telling her, reaching for something he had thrown. However he stopped and told the young man to show him what he was hiding. After more pressuring Doppio did as asked. (Y/n) looked up as she heard a sound, the familiar whining of a engine. A plane engine. Aerosmith was scouting the area! The small red plane flew overhead.

This was the sign that Risotto needed to confirm what the child had told him before, she sensed a stand user. This young man was indeed a stand user. The silver haired man was even more determined to get information from this pink haired young man. A walking contradiction that suddenly snapped and ran towards him, telling the assassin that his opponent's stand was a close range stand. The small child that was listening in on him and this teen was going to get information that might help them kill the boss. Risotto showed no fear as the enemy approached him. Abruptly the young man stopped and yelled in pain. (Y/n) smelled even more blood as Risotto's power. The power to control iron in the surrounding area.
What a frightening stand.
Iron had been torn from the young man's body. This iron was creating weapons that were being used against this enemy. Doppio kept going after Risotto. The assassin was able to dodge his attacks and fall off the cliff safely. (Y/n) kept out of sight as Doppio was focused on Risotto. She was able to see his face. He had blood on his face from the attacks. His hair was a pink color, darker than Trish's. His eyes were odd, seemingly green yet at the same time, were brown. The tiny girl pressed herself closer to the rocks, blending in as much as possible. The young man did not notice her somehow. She heard this Doppio make a ringing sound again before he picked up something. It sounded like a frog from the croak it made.

The teen made a whining plea to his boss to help him. The deep man's voice from before spoke again. "Doppio. My adorable Doppio. Don't you remember that yu have a portion of my King Crimson's power?," the voice asked. The young pillar girl recognized the name. The same name that Bruno said before. King Crimson. The stand that killed Bruno Bucciarati. The plum haired girl forced her stand to stay inside, to keep him restrained. She knew what would happen if she let him go berserk. She needed to glean information. This information was important. She recognized the power of King Crimson as its energy flared. There was no way someone could share the same stand, not like this. Jose told her of a pair of rats in morioh, but this was much different! The little pillar listened to the discussion between the two. The boss and Doppio. There were two stands. A main stand and a substand. King Crimson and Epitaph.

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