Chapter Nineteen: the arena

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The moon was full and there was a clean breeze blowing over the arena. Kars, Wamuu, Lisa Lisa and (y/n) all waited for Joseph to arrive. The little pillar child was watching everything. The vampires talking and taking bets, Lisa Lisa returning her gaze, her father watching for Joseph carefully and Wamuu looking around as well.
The girl was getting impatient and tapped on her uncle's leg, "Wamuu." The warrior knelt by the little girl to let her get onto his shoulder, he was careful not to hurt her with the spikes that pierced his collarbone. "Will you be cheering for me, Lady (y/n)?," Wamuu asked the child. He felt her tiny arms around his neck as she hugged him, "Of course I will, I always do!"
Lisa Lisa watched the whole interaction between the two while Kars was keeping watch. The plum haired child happily held onto her warrior uncle and felt his smile.

The child looked down to the woman who was still watching her, Wamuu followed her gaze. "I won't let any hamon users get you.," Wamuu stated as he looked down at the woman. "If Jojo and I are the victors in this, I promise that we will not hurt (y/n).," Lisa Lisa said. "If you are the victors, the outcome is yet to be seen.," Kars spoke with an edge in his voice. (Y/n) felt something from her father, she felt him giving off an energy he has only done once a year. Lisa Lisa must have somewhat reminded him of (y/n)'s mother with her fighting spirit and cleverness.
Kars has a harsh gaze down on the hamon using woman. She must have been wondering why there was a sudden increase in hostility towards her. The brunette did not know that she reminded the leader of the pillar man of the human woman that birthed his beloved daughter. The air was heavy and hostile. It lightened as some vampires ran off to retrieve some things. All they needed now was Joseph to show up with the stone.

It was almost midnight when (y/n) heard footsteps and smelled Joseph's scent. The girl had perched on her father and was watching he brunet British teen approach. Joseph's scarf blew in the wind behind him. He held up a necklace with a large stone in it and smaller stones surrounding. The red stone was beautiful. (Y/n) felt some sort of warmth looking at it. It was like she was not the only one there with her father and Wamuu, like another presence was there. The girl looked back at Wamuu, he was smiling as he was anticipating this fight. The girl looked back to the gemstone, "It is pretty." "Whether or not it is real is the question.," Kars said to his daughter and watched the brunet man below them.
Joseph lit a match and held it up to the jewel. A bright light beam shot out from the stone. It was the real stone. Kars and Wamuu jumped down, (y/n) held onto her father. The girl dropped off of the man once he landed. She looked to Joseph as her father spoke, "So it is real. We accept your bargain, we shall fight each of you one on one." "Joseph and Wamuu will have a chariot duel based on the ones we watched a over two thousand years ago.," the little girl explained, "Lisa Lisa, you shall fight my father afterwards. You will be allowed to choose what weapon you will use."

Lisa Lisa walked towards Joseph and the brunet gave her the necklace that held the stone. (Y/n) noticed a photo frame in his other hand. The young Joestar showed it to his hamon coach. The plum haired girl was finally able to see them clearly side by side and was able to cross reference their scents. Lisa Lisa was Joseph's mother. Her hamon had to have kept her young for so long. Joseph had no idea that he was standing next to his mother. This made (y/n) feel a little bad, she never even knew her mother and now her father was set to fight and kill Joseph's mother before he even learned who she was.
The brunette woman explained that she was on the boat that Jonathan and Dio had sunk in, she was rescued from the burning ship by Erina.
Those were names that (y/n) recognized as her other family. A sharp pain in her heart came from hearing the names. She felt her father look down at her, he must have sensed her emotional pain through their blood link. The young pillar stood by her father as Joseph began acting like a fool again, trying to tease Lisa Lisa.

Kars had enough of this foolishness and ordered the fires to be lit. The flames shot forth from the center of the arena. The girl heard the vampires roar in anticipation of this, they were ready to see a fight to the death. (Y/n) looked between her family and the two humans. She wondered what the future held if either party won. Her father and Wamuu would most certainly make the earth safe for her and bring a new age of terror for the human race. Humanity would live on if Lisa Lisa and Joseph won, her kind would be  forgotten by humanity. She and Santana would be the only ones left.
She was scared of this. Being alone and forgotten, but she was also scared of have people she loved die. The little girl clutched Esidisi's horn in her hand. She had found it when she and Kars went to Italy to find out what happened to the warrior. It was all that was left of him, save his clothes. A faint heat still burned in the core of the horn. Joseph still held the silver plated photo frame, he did not see the little pillar sneaking up to him. She was able to take the pictures from him and escape before he caught her. She hid behind Wamuu and looked at the pictures. Erina looked so pretty in the picture. The girl held it up, "I'll take care of this for you."

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