Chapter Eighteen: the Challenge

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The sound of fighting was heard as (y/n) was walking to the inner room where her father and the servants were. The sounds made the girl stop. She could feel the energy from Caesar there. Caesar and the big man were there, but the big man with the mustache was unconscious. The girl could not help herself but to go back. She heard the sound of a Divine Sandstorm and came in time to see that Caesar had been hit with it. Wamuu had won. There was blood everywhere, (y/n) began to absorb as much of it as possible. The child saw Caesar come up behind Wamuu, the warrior of wind turned and the blond Italian grabbed the warrior's lip ring. Caesar tore the ring out and fell back. The girl came closer and looked up after hearing something from above, there was some stone that had come undone from the fight.
Caesar used all if his remaining Hamon to made a bubble of his blood. He fell to his knees in weakness. (Y/n) dashed forward as the stone fell, past a startled Wamuu. The girl was able to tackle Caesar out of the way of the stone as it fell. Wamuu saw this act of mercy and saw the girl had her hands inside the Caesar's body, "When you are finished eating him, come back. You need your rest." The warrior turned to leave, leaving the bubble as a sign of his honor.

The girl let go of Caesar once she was done, turning him on his left side to look like he was sleeping. She sensed Lisa Lisa and Joseph coming and took off into the hotel. The girl quickly caught up to Wamuu and was picked up by the grand warrior. The green eyed pillar's wounds were healing. He carried her into the throne room and sat down on his platform with her in his arms. The girl relaxed finally as she was back home. Safe in the arms of this warrior. From the darkness, she heard her father's voice. "(Y/n). You're finally home. Come here my precious.," Kars said to his daughter. The girl was set down by the warrior she was held by and she walked over to her father's throne. She was picked up by her father to be Sat on his leg. (Y/n) leaned against her warm father and yawned before she snuggled and Dozed off.
She felt her father's arm tighten around her as she was woken up by the loud Joestar coming into the room. Joseph was ready to fight Wamuu and Kars. The little girl glared at the British young man and the woman with him. She felt her father's hand on her back, telling her to calm down and leave this to the servants as he made their presence known to the human intruders.

Two pairs of red eyes glared at the two intruders. Kars kept his daughter close to his body and motioned for the vampire servants to dispose of the humans before him. He had become increasingly annoyed at these humans, especially when they held his daughter captive. Kars was happy that his daughter was back, but he needed to deal with these humans and retrieve the stone for his mask. He will achieve his goals by any means necessary. His Servants were about to attack when Wamuu spoke up, "Master. Please, may I interject. Jojo and I have agreed to have a battle once he has trained." Kars made an expression that made the warrior flinch. (Y/n) felt her father's rage at Joseph. The child was glaring at the two humans as well.
Kars snapped his fingers, signaling the vampires to attack. Lisa Lisa stepped up, "If you kill us, you will not get the stone. A small bomb was set on it." The man halted the attack of his servants and looked down to his daughter for confirmation as she was with the humans. The woman spoke again, "I had Caesar attach the bomb while I looked after your daughter. She did not see it." The woman pulled down her scarf to show that she did not have the stone on her, "If we are not back to disarm the bomb, then the stone will be destroyed!"

(Y/n) looked up to her father. He chuckled and leaned back, "Don't try to bluff, Woman." "The bomb is small enough that it will only destroy the stone. Do you think you could find it in time?," Lisa Lisa asked. Joseph spoke up as well, "It is true, I watched Caesar put it on the stone. If we aren't back, kaboom! Goodbye shiny rock!" (Y/n) hissed at Joseph, he was loud and the girl was trying to sleep in her father's arms. Kars was even more irritated with the humans at this point, first Esidisi's death, then the capture of his daughter, now these fools trying to stall for time. He was usually calm with his daughter around, but these humans were making him furious.
"May I offer a solution?," Lisa Lisa asked, "Joseph and Wamuu will fight one on one, and Kars and I shall fight one on one. The Victor shall have the stone and the future." The three mentioned men all payed attention to the proposition made by the woman. She was clever. "The fight will make it clear, who shall hold the stone? US or you? Who will survive, the pillar men or mankind?," Lisa Lisa asked. "Why you.," Kars growled, "Wamuu!" The godlike man turned towards his warrior as his body glowed in his growing rage. His offspring clung onto his arm as he stood from his throne. (Y/n) looked between the two groups, so the fight would indeed happen.

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