Chapter Seventy-three: Killer Queen

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The sun rose and cast its filtered light over the two pillars that rested in the hotel. Morning had rose in Morioh. Santana had finished his book a while ago, he looked out of the window and watched the sky. The tiny pillar child was quietly curled up on the bed, lost in her own mind. The scarlet eyed man looked to the child who was in his care. He knew she was not alseep. She was just so deep in thought and emotionally spent Tha she looked like she was sleeping. With how much she broke down the previous night, she needed the rest. Santana rose from his seat and picked the child up. He propped her up against his chest like he had done many times before when she was an infant. He had adored her since she was born. He always wanted to hold her when she was an infant. She was nothing like her father.
Santana put a kiss on her head and went to the couch to sit on it. He leaned back with the smaller pillar on his chest and rested. His own mind wandered back to the days when he would try and sneak a look at the baby. She was new and fascinating. His scarlet eyes closed and listened to her breathing.

He felt her little hands grip the fabric of his cloak. Her voice was hoarse when she spoke, "Santana... I'm sorry..." "You're worried about me. I understand.," the man responded, "I love you too." (Y/n) nuzzled her tiny face into his chest, "I don't feel him. He's gone. He's not out there anymore. Those times I thought I lost him yet he was still there... this is not like it. This time... he's gone completely." The pillar man patted her head, "You were trying to reach him after you cried, right?" "Yeah...," the little girl replied softly. "You really adore him.," he smiled slightly, "Although I don't blame you. Master Kars was an incredible man." "I love daddy. I miss him. Like everyone else.," the little girl whined, "The curse of being a pillar among humans, you live to watch everyone you love die."
"Immortality is lonely and boring.," Santana mused, "Feeling one dimensional when there is an ocean of depth." His scarlet eyes opened and looked down at the little girl, "Isn't it tiring to pretend to be happy all of the time. Especially when you are not?" "It is. But, it seems to make others happy.," (y/n) replied, "It also helps to hide me among the humans better." Her small cheek was squished against his chest. Her eyes were closed and her small arms were trying to hug around his broad chest. Something she would not be able to do as a child. Santana patted her back, "You don't have to worry about hamon anymore, yet you do have to worry about stands that might be able to kill you. Yet hiding among humans hurts you more, seeing them age and die so fast. Are you still mad at Jojo for not keeping his promise?"

"Yeah... I am.," (y/n) made an angry face, "He promised that he would stay strong, he would keep doing his hamon and teach it to someone... but look at him.. he's weak." Santana patted the child's back as her tiny clawed hands gripped him tight. "Humans are weak. So easily tempted by desires.," Santana spoke. "Don't remind me.," the little girl huffed. The vermillion haired man chuckled, "At least Josuke is not an asshole." "Watch it. That's my stepbrother.," the little girl pouted. She looked up to Santana with her little red eyes. He looked down at her with a kind smile, the kind he used to give her when she was an infant. He patted her soft and fluffy hair. He placed another kiss on her little forehead.
A knock at their door made Santana stand and put the tiny girl on his back. Her small hands allowed her to cling to his back easily. The vermillion haired man opened the door and saw Jotaro there. Kakyoin was with him. "We're going to investigate the tailor shops downtown. We need you to help us, (y/n). You and Shigechi were the only ones to have seen him.," Jotaro spoke. Kakyoin had a smile on his face, "Unless you don't feel like you can." The small red eyes glared at Kakyoin after his teasing. "I want to bisect the bastard.," the little girl said. "Where did that come from?," the red haired man laughed. "He's a killer. He tried to kill Shigechi and I.," the little girl replied, "He's too dangerous to let roam."

"Some may say that about you.," Jotaro pointed out. "I don't kill humans, if I do, it is to protect others.," the little girl said, "I don't enjoy killing." Santana stayed quiet. He did not want to be brought into this conversation as he liked fighting and killing. The vermillion haired man felt the little girl jump off of his shoulder and onto Kakyoin's. The red haired Japanese man had thankfully been able to regain his lost muscle mass, so it did not hurt him to have the little girl on his shoulder again. "We'll return her unharmed, Santana.," Kakyoin smiled, "You don't have to risk going out today, it's going to be very sunny." The vermillion haired man pointed at them, "Nothing happens to her." His ribs shifted like angry snakes under his skin to emphasize his point. "She'll be fine.," Kakyoin spoke and walked away with Jotaro. The little plum haired girl on his shoulder looked back at her guard before he closed the door to his room.
She hugged Kakyoin's head. "So, how unique was this man's clothes?," Jotaro asked. "Very.," the pillar girl responded, "The whole suit looked to be custom made. Perhaps a wealthy man who works as a businessman just to hide in society." "That's oddly specific.," Kakyoin spoke. (Y/n)'s hands played with Kakyoin's long strand of hair, "Just saying what I noticed during the fight. He looks unique enough that I might be able to pick him out."

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