chapter three: Something dark emerges

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George coughed again as he told a story for (y/n) to hear. The girl go worried, "Father! Perhaps you should be taking it easy." George smiled at his daughter, "You are a sweet child. But I am fine, this illness won't kill me." The girl was worried for him. His health was declining. She curled up next to her father to sleep herself, she had not slept in two weeks. She could do with a nap. The girl easily fell asleep next to her father. She was startled awake by the laughing of her brothers, they must have come home. The little girl whined and jumped off the bed after being shooed out by the older boys, perhaps they wanted to spare her details of their father's health? She was older than they. She understood illness. She went to the study where her father kep the mask. It hung on the wall. Just why did she have that mask? Why did she want to take it down and keep it away from humans? What connection did it have to her or her past? She climbed onto the desk and took it of the wall. It was too big for her small face, but she placed it on herself anyway. She had nothing to activate it.

Something inside her mind bubbled up. Some voice from the ancient past. This voice spoke to her from a distant memory, "(y/n), this mask is made to draw out the latent power within one's body. But the cost for one to be used is great, as great as the benefits." The little girl took off the mask and looked at the face it portrayed, it was marked to look like her vaguely. By it resembled another. She looked behind her when she heard an exclamation, "(y/n)!" It was Jonathan. He took the mask from her and took her off of the desk. "You could have gotten hurt by this," the young man spoke, "It could be dangerous if we don't know what it can do." The little girl's eyes never left the mask.
"Do you... perhaps know something about it?," the young man asked and set the girl on the floor as he sat to examine the mask, "You had it when mother and father found you." Red eyes continued to stare, "Latent power..." Jonathan gave her a concerned expression, "What?" "When I put it on, I heard a voice from the past. A memory. It said latent power.," the girl said. The young man looked to the picture of his mother then to his sister, "You have not slept in a while, have you? You should probably go get some rest. I fear you may be hallucinating from lack of sleep."

(Y/n) did not argue with her brother. She walked to her room and crawled under the covers of the soft bed. It was warm compared to the cold air. She felt comfortable. The small and ancient girl fell asleep with the doll that Jonathan bought her. She slept peacefully and deeply until scared awake by the sound of crashing. She went out of her room and found Dio on his back on the first floor while Jonathan was yelling at him from the second floor. Jonathan was telling Dio to stay away from his family, Dio looked very mad at Jonathan. The small plum haired girl was confused, she thought they all got along very well. "Jonathan, Dio?," the little girl yawned. "(Y/n), Stay away from him!," Jonathan snapped, "Go back to your room." The plum haired stopped rubbing her eyes too look between her two brothers, she had no idea what was going on. She tilted her head as Dio got up and limped to another room. Jonathan pushed the little girl into her room, "Go back to sleep. You should not have to worry about this."

The girl silently waited instead of sleeping. She heard that Jonathan was going out somewhere after a few days of waiting and staying away from Dio even though the blond tried to talk to her. She wanted to know what was wrong. If what she heard was correct, Jonathan had found what was making their father sick. The girl wanted to help him. She felt her hunger grip her stomach again. She needed to keep her strength up. But, she wanted to follow Jonathan. She put her cloak on and hid on the carriage. She stayed out of sight of Jonathan or the driver. They went into London where it began to snow. The carriage stopped in a dark street and Jonathan got out. The girl jumped onto a nearby building to watch as the carriage drove away. The driver warned Jonathan of the place he was going, Ogre Street. The most dangerous part of London. The girl knew that Jonathan would not be swayed and watched as he continued on into the dark streetways. She kept up and out of the way of her brother, he would scold her if he knew she was here. The girl kept following her brother, seeing he was in another alley dead end. A cat ran out of the alley, it had a puppy in its mouth that it was devouring.

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