Chapter twelve: my past

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Red eyes looked on, watching the carnage done to someone she loved by someone she cared about. Her situation was troubling. Santana was beginning to reform as he was dragged towards the door. Joseph asked Stronheim if the sun would hurt the pillar, Stronheim answered that it would and that the masks were made to help the pillar to conquer the sun. Jojo was dragging Santana to the door to the exit. (Y/n) knew her warriors and guards were not as benevolent as she, that is what allowed her to survive many attacks from enemies. Her warriors were ready to destroy everything in their way, all threats to her and the mission were eliminated. She stayed with Speedwagon to make sure the man was okay as Stronheim went to help Joseph.

Speedwagon's warm brown eyes looked at her, "How do you not be destroyed by the sun? You are the same species as Santana, aren't you?" She realized what he meant, Santana was not resistant to the sun like she was. He would be hurt. But, how was she lost immune to the fiery ball in the sky? Was she the only one of them with this immunity? The girl pushed the thoughts aside as she helped Speedwagon to stand, the man was a little wobbly as he stood. "Careful, Speedwagon.," the girl said, "I don't want to carry you more then needed." She helped Speedwagon walk to the door and looked to see Joseph and Santana fall into a well. The girl made sure that Speedwagon was okay with standing on his own before she ran to the well and saw Joseph inside it. She saw Joseph looking up at her with annoyance, "(y/n), you and I will need to talk as soon as I get out of here." The plum haired girl walked away from the well and heard Joseph yelling at her to come back. She did and dropped a line of rope down into the well, the girl pulled Joseph and Santana both out. Joseph went to see if Speedwagon was okay as the little girl hugged the head of her sleeping former guardian.

"Santana. I'm sorry I did not recognize you at first. And I am sorry that you have been forced to return to hibernation, But I hope that one day I can show you that we no longer need to fight.," the child spoke to the sleeping man, "I love you Santana. Sweet dreams." She felt a shadow come over her and looked up to see Joseph, "(y/n). We need to talk." The plum haired girl looked down at Santana's face, "You want to know my relationship with him." Joseph crouched beside her. "He protected me when I was younger. He played with me.," the little girl said, "I don't blame you for what you did, Joseph. But, thank you for not killing him." "Why don't you turn to stone in the sun?," Joseph asked and pulled the hood over the girl's head. "I don't know. I don't remember ever using the mask. I don't have the body abilities that come with using the mask.," the girl said, "Yes I can manipulate my body similar to Santana, but it hurts me to do so. We all all can manipulate our skin and skeletal structure like that."
Joseph patted the girl's head, "There are others in Europe from what Stronheim told me before he blew himself up. Perhaps we both can get answers there." "Jojo.," the girl got his attention, "I must warn you, I am the least malevolent of my kind from what memories I have. And if there are more, they will not be as benevolent as Santana or I." Joseph's eyes widened slightly at this, "What?" "I don't know just how many of us are out there. But I do know that we are few and very dangerous," (y/n) spoke, "Even with my status, I don't think I can talk them down. I don't know if my parents have survived all of this."

"You have family with us if you have nobody else.," Joseph said with a smile, "But we need to get Speedwagon home and Santana to the Speedwagon foundation for safekeeping." She felt herself be picked up by the man and a photograph fell out of one of her bags. Joseph picked up the photograph, "Hm? That boy looks like me. And that is you! This photograph is very old!" (Y/n) took the picture from him, "This is the photo I took with my adopted family over sixty years ago. That is Jonathan and that is Dio. And there is George or father." She showed the brit the photograph and he smiled. "You better keep that safe.," he grinned, "We may just need it for later." Santana was loaded up by a Speedwagon Foundation Transport and was taken to the Foundation headquarters as Joseph and (y/n) Went to Rome. The little girl was quite happy as she looked around, she felt a connection here. "Jojo! I think I've been here before!," the little girl cheered, "This is where I was born!" She spun happily around as they walked through the streets. Joseph took her hand and made her walk with him, "That is nice, but Speedwagon told us to wait here for him. There is someone we have to meet." The plum haired girl pouted, "I wanted to look around the city."

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