chapter Fifty-six: Stand users in Morioh

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The two days later, (y/n) and Iggy were walking around when they saw Okuyasu and Josuke walking around. They looked like they were looking for something. The two teens saw the girl and the dog, they approached the two. Josuke knelt down, "Hey, (y/n), have you seen Koichi anywhere?" The little girl shook her head, "I haven't seen him since he was talking to thar pretty girl." "That pretty girl is a stand user named Yukako Yamagishi.," Josuke said, "She seems to be after Koichi. She is dangerous." "Do you want our help?," (y/n) asked, "Iggy and I have experience tracking stand users." "Sure, but be careful.," Josuke said and he ran off with Okuyasu.
"Be careful, huh? He just doesn't know. Right, Iggy?," The little girl asked and the dog began to make a laughing noise, "Want to go see where Koichi is or what?" Iggy gave her the same 'I don't care' look he made in Egypt when he had to follow everyone. "We will need to start at his house then. We can follow his scent from his home.," the little girl said and the dog barked at her before following her to Koichi's place.

A big lazy dog was sitting in the backyard. The little girl took in the scents in the house she smelled two women and one young male scent. She got it. A third female scent. Iggy barked at her. He caught it too. "Let's go then.," (y/n) said and ran with Iggy following her. To the north of Morioh was a villa that was used as summer homes for the wealthy who owned them. The girl and dog followed the scent of the silver haired Japanese teen there. The two ran into Josuke and Okuyasu. "(Y/n), Iggy, What are you two doing?," the dimmer teen asked. "We followed Yukako and Koichi's scents here.," the plum haired child said, "She had snatched him from his room during the night."
Josuke looked down at his stepsister, "Can you show us where they are?" The child nodded and led the two to the house near the cliff. The house was covered with hair. There was strong stand energy coming from the house. "Looks like she is showing her stand and her darker nature.," the child said. The child watched as Yukako flew back suddenly, Koichi's stand must have done it! The girl nodded to Iggy after he barked at her and ran to go see if everything was okay, she heard Yukako screaming insults at Koichi. The silver haired teen could not move because the Japanese teen girl had his stand bound. The plum haired pillar ran up and heard a crackling as Koichi told Yukako to step away from the edge.

"Let go of Echoes and grab onto something, when Echoes was listening to your heart, I heard the cliff crumbling.," Koichi said. "Don't make shit up to save yourself!," Yukako hissed as the little pillar heard the crumbling increase. "Yukako. Get off of the cliff, now! He's not lying!," the pillar child said before the ground split and the teen girl was thrown off the cliff by the ground falling out from beneath her feet. The plum haired girl looked over the cliff as Yukako sprang back up. The pillar child reached her hand out to the teen and caught her arm. (y/n) pulled the girl up with the help of Koichi and Iggy. Iggy was pulling on her little dress.
The child let the teenaged girl go once she was safe and went to see if Koichi was okay. (Y/n) was happy to see that Koichi was okay and that he had a cool stand. Iggy was sniffing at the stand as the little girl hugged the stand. Koichi looked at Yukako, "I tried to warn you. But, you don't understand anything I say. Do you?" The silver haired teen walked away with the tiny pillar and the dog following. (Y/n) picked the teen up and ran with him to Josuke and Okuyasu. Koichi was sweaty and shaky. He had been through a lot.

"You're still alive!," Okuyasu said with a smile. "It took you long enough to get here!," Koichi said to the other two teens as the small child set him down. Josuke and Okuyasu were happy that he was okay. The small pillar was still hugging the silver haired teen's stand. Iggy was sniffing around and barked impatiently at the little girl. She gave the dog a stick of coffee gum. Iggy was more than happy to accept the gum. "Your stand evolved, that's great.," Josuke said to Koichi. "Yep! It can do really cool things now!," Koichi said with a smile. He was glad to be safe and back with his friends. Okuyasu noticed that Yukako was looking at them and smiling. "That's kinda creepy.," Josuke said, "Let's go."
The small group returned to town. Koichi's family was relieved that he was safe. Josuke and (y/n) had to tell Jotaro what had happened. After telling Jotaro and the others, Josuke went home. (Y/n) stayed with Jotaro, Avdol and Kakyoin to talk a little more. "Has Iggy behaved for you?," Avdol inquired. "He has been stubborn and prideful, but he has not tried to pull our hair out.," the little pillar child replied as she sat on a bench next to the Egyptian as Kakyoin and Jotaro was walking at the beach and looking into the tide pools.

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