Chapter Fourteen: A temple home.

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The night air was cool against the child's skin as she clung to her warm father. The girl felt her father grips her tighter as his movements made him seem to fly across the lands they passed by. It had been two thousand years since she had seen him last and she was finally able to be in his arms once more. She wanted to apologize to Joseph and Speedwagon, but her new pride as the daughter of this king, this god, told her not to. She had nothing to apologize for. The Joestars were just another way for her to protect herself before she could reunite with her father and family. She heard the chiming of her uncles' jewelry and decorations clatter as they moved. After a time, they found the old temple that they used to live in. Everything was like they left it. Once they determined that there were no enemies nearby, Kars let his daughter down.
The child did not run into the temple like she usually would, instead she stayed by her father. Kars noticed this slight change in his daughter. He believed it to be that his child missed him, he was right. The child followed her father in once he walked forward, loyally trailing behind him. He passed old and dirtied rooms, decayed drapes, and dust covered walls. They would have to do a deep clean, or get some servants who would do that for them.

Another thought passed his mind, they would need new outfits to fit into this new human world. These old clothes were no longer suitible for him or his warriors. His red eyes looked down to his child who was staring up at him with a look of expectancy. Her dress was classic. She would not have to change much, but having something new may suit her. He knelt down to be closer to her height, "Have you heard anything about the red stone of Aja?" "Other than what you have told me before, no.," the child replied, "But the stone would have been given to someone or a group to be looked after if it was so powerful." Kars agreed with his daughter's assessment. She was smaller and weaker than he and the others, but she was able to sense out energy and life as well as they could, perhaps even better. The godlike man smiled a little, "Would you like to help me make a new outfit? I think it is time for a little change."
(Y/n)'s ruby eyes shone with a light that showed her youth and innocence. Her father stood and motioned for her to follow to the room he had used as his own when he was last there. He heard the tiny footsteps of his daughter follow him. She jumped on the large cushion that made up their bed and a shower of dust fell around her, covering her in grey dust. Only big red eyes was seen through the little mass of dust covered child. Kars laughed lightly at his daughter, "You will have to take a bath now." A small sneeze from his child made him laugh more.

The little dust covered girl jumped off of the bed and wandered to the room that had their bath in it. She passed Esidisi, who found it the most appropriate time to tease her. "Is that a walking dust bunny.," the dark skinned man teased the tiny child. The dust covered child puffed her cheeks up in a pout, "Sheep haired jerk." (Y/n) continued on as Esidisi followed and kept teasing her, "How do I look like a sheep, dust bunny? You're so small, are you going to be okay in that big bath? Can you remember how to swim?" The small child ran away quickly as she heard Esidisi laugh at her getting mad at him. The dark skinned man continued on and stood in the doorway of his master's room, "It seems the dustbunnies have come to life. One just passed by me and called me a 'sheep haired jerk.'" He heard his master laugh as more dust flew as he was trying to clean his room. Kars cleaned out his room and found himself as dirty as his daughter was, Esidisi had already left to go to his room. The godlike man had to bathe now as he was filthy. Kars heard his child laughing and the sound of water splashing.
He looked into the room, expecting to see a mess and a soaked child. He did not find the mess or the child. He did see a little plum haired head drifting around as the tiny girl was literally swimming in the huge tub. Her small horns and plum hair was shiny with water. She saw her father watching her and swam to the side of the tub. (Y/n) peeked over the side of the tub, "Papa! It's bigger than I remember!"

Kars returned the smile she gave him, "I did not let you swim around before. Did you actually wash or were you playing?" The face his daughter was making told him that she did not wash, "Of course. You are a child." The girl tried to swim away but was caught by her father, "You will be clean, even if I have to wash you myself." The small child squealed at her father and giggled as he rubbed her scalp to wash her hair. He dumped a small handful of water to rinse her hair and placed her back in the water, he watched his daughter swim around and disappear under the water before coming back up. The ancient man took off his head wrap so he could wash his own hair once his daughter was done with her bathing. He waited for her to be finished with her bath before got in himself. The warm water washed over his body. Tiny hands played with his hair as he soaked. (Y/n) played with her father's hair after she changed into her clothes. "Papa, I wanted to ask you this after realizing this... Why am I able to walk in the sunlight while you and the others can't?" Her father tilted his head back to look at her and reached his hand up to press her forehead against his. "My treasure.," Kars spoke to his child, "You are special. You were born with the ability that I envy. You can walk under the sun."

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