Chapter Forty Six: Brother's world.

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Polnareff wrapped his wounds up with the fabric he tore from DIO's curtains. 'Dio will be a bit mad at this.,' (y/n) thought as she helped the Frenchman to bandage his wounds. She heard footsteps as Polnareff tested the bandage work that he had done. He stood and placed her on his shoulder before looking up the stairs to see DIO himself. The blond vampire had a smile on his face as he looked down at the two, "Ah, Polnareff, it has been a while. And I see that my sister is keeping you company." "DIO, So you finally come out of hiding.," the Frenchman replied to the vampire. DIO's amber eyes seemed almost amused at the Frenchman before him, he gave a small and condescending applause to the Frenchman.
"Congratulations, Polnareff, you have avenged your sister, and have traveled from the far East to make it here.," DIO spoke. Polnareff, ever sharp, gave his reply, "Of you want to give me a prize for that, how about you give me your life?" The silver haired male spat blood onto one of the curtains that DIO had hanging on the stairwell. (Y/n) could see that DIO's eyes narrowed a bit from that action. DIO laughed a little and put a finger up into the air, "I'll give you a chance, Polnareff. Go down two steps and I will allow you to rejoin my side. Or ascend and face certain doom."

(Y/n) clutched onto Polnareff's shoulder strap and looked up at her vampire stepbrother, his gaze was sharp and leering. "When I first met you, I was scared and you took advantage of that. You made me a loser. But after traveling with Mr. Joestar and the others, I am no longer afraid of you.," Polnareff spoke and ascended the stairs. He was at the bottom of the stairs the next second, (y/n) was being held by her brother. She felt a stand energy from her brother. DIO was laughing at the scene before him, "I see, I see, you do wish to join me and my sister." The silver haired Frenchman tried again and again to ascend the stairs, only to be placed back where he started.
"What?! I knew I took a step!," the frustrated Frenchman cried out. "What's wrong Polnareff?," DIO asked and patted the hair of the little girl in his arms, "You seem to be losing your composure. Doesn't one lose their composure when they are afraid?" The silver haired man's blue eyes looked up to the vampire above him in pure shock. "Or perhaps, that you know in your heart that you must climb up, but your body is so terrified that it subconsciously made you go down?," the vampire inquired, obviously toying with the man before him.

The Frenchman was trying to make sense of what was happening and looked up to see the tiny girl jump out of the vampire's hold and try to get back to him, only to be right back in the vampire's arms in a somewhat more secure grip. DIO patted the child's head before running his claws along her cheek, "Polnareff, have you considered why humans with to live?" He walked over to the throne chair with the plum haired girl in his arms, "Humans live, Hoping to conquer fears and anxieties to attain a peace of mind." The vampire sat down in the chair and sat the girl on his lap, his hand running through her long and wavy plum violet hair. "They seek fame, control others and search for wealth just to attain that piece of mind. Friendship and marriage are also pursued as a way to attain a peace of mind. When a Human does anything, they may claim that it is rhe right thing to do or that it was for love or justice is justice fooling themselves, it is done for their own gain.," the blond man continued as he patted the child.
(Y/n) did not do anything to escape, she knew that he was doing something to keep her with him. She felt his clawed finger poke into her soft cheek again before she was lulled into leaning against his wide yet stolen chest, his almost hypnotic voice spoke to Polnareff, asking him to rejoin the vampire and cut ties with the Joestars.

(Y/n) did not know what kind of emotion she saw in Polnareff's eyes, but she knew it was not the emotion that would allow him to bend to DIO. "I died once before, but I will not die again until I figure out your stand and take (y/n) back to where she belongs!," Polnareff shouted and lept up onto the landing like a true knight in shining armor, like the fairytales told of. Polnareff's Chariot charged towards DIO to attack. The vampire stood and held the little girl up to his chest, "I have no choice now. You will just have to die, Polnareff." "So, that is The World? Bring it on!," the silver haired Frenchman shouted as his stand and DIO's were about to fight.
The fight was interrupted by the wall being smashed down, It was Jotaro, Kakyoin and Joseph! Light streamed into the darkness from the hole. DIO's grip on the little pillar tightened a bit, making the child squeak. The three looked up in time to see DIO disappear into the darkness and a flash of red and plum violet in his arms. "Too soon. I will end this after sundown, (y/n).," the vampire spoke softly as he retreated into the room with his coffin in it. The girl was squished against his broad chest as they hid inside the coffin. His hand rubbed her back to tell her to be quiet. She could hear the voices of her friends and the whiny vampire. DIO made a 'Shh' noise when she wanted to call to them. The coffin they were in began to open.

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