Chapter ninety-seven: Shark, tongue and plane

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Warm blood rushed through (y/n)'s tiny body. She let out a little yawn and wiped her eyes of tears she had cried in her sleep. A sheet placed on her fell off of her. She was on one of Caesar's couches. The tiny child picked up the cloth and folded it before setting it on the couch before going to search for Caesar. Her feet padded on the stone floor before finding her way to the Hamon master. She had caught his scent and followed it diligently. She felt the sparking of Hamon and smelled his soapy smell mixed with a little sweat. He had to be training again to keep his skills sharp. In the courtyard, Caesar was training. He did not have his jacket, but he had his bubbles. Wamuu was also there, watching and speaking to Caesar.
The plum haired child hopped up onto a statue to perch on and watch her old friend. He was attacking a dummy with his bubbles. The dummy looked like it used to look like Kars. "I think he's had enough, Caesar. The head is barely attached anymore.," the pillar girl spoke to the Hamon master. Caesar looked back when he heard her voice, "You think so?" "I do. He doesn't even look like my father anymore.," the plum haired girl smiled as she heard her stand come out and scoff at the dummy, "Dad isn't too amused by it."

Caesar took a few breaths and crackled with the familiar energy of hamon, he was healing himself with it after straining his muscles. Once the hamon in his body settled down, he walked over to the tiny child and placed his hand on her head. He patted her soft hair, "Sorry. I had to make it look like someone I don't particularly like." "I understand, if I had to choose someone to make a dummy of, it would be Hol Horse.," the little girl giggled. The Italian man picked up a towel he set aside and wiped sweat from his forehead. "I'll get myself cleaned up and we can go to Venezia, you can go return to your friends and I can get some shopping done.," Caesar said as he wiped sweat off of his face and neck, "Gather everything you need before leaving."
Red eyes followed him back inside and him disappear into the building. She hopped down from the statue she was perched on. She looked back to the fallen dummy that barely had its head on before walking into the building. The head rolled off of the dummy after a flash of light shone. Not that the little girl saw as she walked back in. Her main task was to pack up the clothes she had made and get ready to reunite with the gang she loved. She would miss Fugo, now that he was gone, but she knew she would survive to reunite with him. She had to. It was her duty to protect the Joestars and their allies. She did falter before when she reunited with her father and when she was in the claws of her stepbrother, but her resolve to protect the ones she loved had grown.

The child picked up the clothing items she had made with help from her uncles and packed them up into a bag she had made from the leftover cloth and clasped it closed over her with a button she attached to it. She was glad she was able to make a new dress. Thankfully the capsules she had attached to her belts were unharmed during the fights she was in. It would have been awful to lose the antidotes to her sadistic poison. (Y/n) laced her sandals on her feet before she stood and walked to the courtyard to wait for Caesar. She pulled her cloak over her head and waited in the sun. Before long she smelled the distinct scent of her friend coming back. She turned and saw he had changed into more casual streetwear. He still looked pretty sharp with his clothes, cheek markings and feather hair accessories. The pillar girl followed him after he motioned for her to do so. He led her to the pier where he kept his boat.
He got on the boat and asked (y/n) to untie the it before they drove back to Venezia. The salty sea air blew through their hair as they rode to the floating fortress. Ivory and Santana rode on the boat with them, making it seem like a family outing to outsiders. The sight of the floating fortress came upon them, as did the hope of being reunited to the friends (y/n) had made. She felt a happiness well up inside of her as she felt distance close between her and her nephew. Closer and closer the boat came to the floating city. Closer and closer to her friends.

The motorboat slowed down as they got to the city. The boat motored through the canals that filled the city. Faintly, (y/n) sensed stand energy. There was a stand around. "Caesar, I think there is trouble. An enemy stand is somewhere nearby.," the child spoke and looked around. Caesar's expression turned harder as Santana began to look for traces of enemies in the crowd. Ivory had a worried expression on her face as her ivy green eyes looked around. "Can you tell me the direction it is? We can follow it and assassinate the user to protect your friends.," Caesar asked. (Y/n)'s red eyes searched for signs of friend or foe, "No. You are not to get involved Caesar. You don't have a stand to protect yourself with." Her eyes looked down a street and saw the crystal blue eyes of her fallen uncle looking back along with the other gang members, they were looking at a cup with Moody Blues inside. Caesar maneuvered the boat closer to them. The girl felt stand energy even more now. Not from just one, but two stand users.
Esidisi walked towards the boat and gave a friendly wave before leaning on the railing to chat to the ones in the boat, "Ciao, Caesar. How is everything?" Esidisi mouthed that there was an enemy nearby and to act like a neutral party. Caesar understood and played along, "I came to do some shopping and take them sightseeing." (Y/n) was on her mother's lap as she sensed the area out while the adults were talking. She felt the enemies were nearby. However, she sensed that Giorno seemed to be jumping from place to place and Narancia's stand was out. The gang had to be very confused by the powers of this strange enemy duo.

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