chapter one hundred and eleven: Punishment

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(Y/n)'s little hands clutched the broom as she swept broken glass from the floor of Pucci's home. She volunteered to clean after he let her stay with him. Not like she needed to rest, she could have gone through the night without resting. The dark skinned priest was getting ready for his work.
"(Y/n), was it?," he spoke, "Can you tell me what happened last night?"
The plum haired little girl held the broom a little tighter, "I saw someone breaking in. So I followed him in and pulled him out of your home."
Enrico Pucci rolled a lint roller over his shoulders, getting any specks of dust off of his robe. (Y/n) kept her father's soul from manifesting again, he wanted to kill this priest so bad. She could not let him do that. The man looked back at the small girl and knelt down to her height.
His hand was set on her head kindly. Her red eyes looked at the broken glass on the floor.
"Tell me the truth. Did you drag him into the greenhouse?," the dark skin man asked, "And did you do something that made him disappear?"
(Y/n) couldn't grip any tighter on the broom or else it would break. She just nodded her head slightly. She did not want to look at the face of this man. Something was Strange about him. He was nice to her, even though she had horns. Didn't the people from churches hate horns? At least, that was what Joseph told her.

"I appreciate that you are cleaning up the mess. But you cannot do things like that to people, you might get caught.," the priest spoke, "you've committed a crime, little one, so you have to have a punishment. I will have to think of a suitable one for you."
Pucci removed his hand from her hair. (Y/n) raised her eyes to watch him walk away from her. She finished cleaning up the broken glass and put away the broom in time to hear the sound if liquid being poured into a cup. Her large rub red eyes saw that beloved white drink in the hands of the dark skinned man. He set the small cup on the table as he poured himself a dark colored liquid into his own cup.
"Come sit down. I'm getting ready for work, but I first need to make sure you are fed as my guest.," Pucci said as he set down a small plate with toasted bread and jam, "It's not much, but I don't think you want much to eat right now."
The violet haired young pillar looked at the man with much suspicion before she hopped up on the chair that was before the plate. Her eyes looked to the cup and smelled its contents. The sweet scent of milk filled her nose before her small hands picked up the glass and drank. She was fully aware of the man watching her.
"Sir, uh Pucci, do you know where the place where a person who is awaiting judgement is held?," the child asked, "I have someone I need to find there."
Pucci looked like he was surprised, "Oh? I do, but I don't think that you would be let in to visit whoever it is you seek."
(Y/n)'s little eyes fell onto the plate before her as she dejectedly picked up a slice of the toast and nibbled on it. She could tell that he was not going to tell her where it was.

Pucci looked at the clock before patting the child's head and standing up.
"I need to go to work, but I also need to make sure that you don't get into more trouble, little (y/n).," the dark skinned man smiled.
The little girl heard a jingle and looked up. In the man's hand was a necklace. Her mother's necklace! The one she lost! The tiny pillar immediately was by the man and reaching up to the necklace, trying to get it. Pucci held the jewelry higher over her head. He had a small smile on his face. As if he was teasing like an older brother would. The tiny pillar girl began to get annoyed and jumped up higher to grab the necklace. Pucci pulled it out of the way and caught the child who was in midair.
"That is my mother's, please give it back. Daddy made it.," the child pouted.
Pucci smiled, "I'll keep it safe for the time being."
The priest put the little girl down.
"Clean up your plate and come with me.," the man spoke, "I will take you with me for today. I trust that you will be well behaved?"
(Y/n) only nodded. She obeyed what this man told her to do. Something was telling her that it would be dangerous to disobey him. It had to do with the overwhelming stand energy she felt. However, she could not pinpoint where it was for some reason.

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