Chapter eighty-four: Familiar face

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(Y/n) stayed with Abbacchio overnight after Bucciarati called to tell them he would be home very late. The little girl stayed quiet and played with the stuffed animal that she carried around. She could tell that Abbacchio was a little uncomfortable. "I could go and-," she started. "You are not going to hunt drug dealers.," Abbacchio stated. "I was about to say catch a large fish.," the little child finished. "Just come over here. I made some dinner for you as well.," the white haired man spoke and put down a little plate for her. The plum haired girl climbed up onto the chair that Abbacchio had some cushions on so she could reach the table. The man sat down on the other side of the table, "You're still holding onto that toy?" "It's very soft. Thank you, Abbacchio.," (y/n) told the man. Abbacchio only made a small hum noise. He ate his meal and sipped his wine. The little girl could not help but to tilt her head as he sipped his wine. She remembered, her father liked wine. "Eat it before it gets cold.," the white haired Italian man told the child, "It will lose flavor if you wait too long."
The little girl picked out the fork and began to eat the meal that was made for her. It was tasty and she ate happily. She stopped when Abbacchio started wiping her face with a napkin, "Eat neater." Her little cheeks and face squished under the napkin he was using to clean her face. The Italian man stopped cleaning her cheeks and gave her face a little squeeze, "Your skin is like silicone rubber." The girl whined a little as her cheeks were squished, "My daddy's was the same way." Abbacchio let her face go and sat back down to eat.

After dinner, (y/n) helped Abbacchio clean up. She waited for him to get ready for bed. The former policeman had a nice set of pajamas on. The pillar girl followed him to his room. She climbed up next to Abbacchio. One of his eyes opened and looked at her before his arm lifted up, "Fine. Come here." The plum haired pillar child climbed closer and the man hugged her with his strong arm. "Don't tell the others.," She heard him murmur as he settled down to sleep. The red eyed girl snuggled close to the former policeman. Her head rested next to his chest, she listened to his breathing and his heartbeat. Both were strong. His breathing and heart rate was slowing down as he dropped into restful sleep.
She liked this human. He seemed to have a bit of a bad past, but he had a good heart. Just like other friends she made. (Y/n) hugged her little stuffed animal as she settled down in his arms to rest. Abbacchio and the others were good people, even if the gang they were with were horrible people. A small smile was on the little girl's face. She thought over everything that had happened after she had been taken in by Bucciarati. Those thoughts also made her remember that golden head of hair she had seen. That hair was very familiar. It looked like Dio's hair. The girl knew she had some issues, especially if she was seeing things that reminded her of past trauma.

Thinking about her past made her remember Haruno. He's the only one that she was unable to find. She wondered if he was okay. If he still had the turquoise earrings she had given him. 'He's fifteen years old by now.,' she thought to herself, 'I wonder if he took my advice on being a better person than his mother or stepfather?' Her red eyes closed and she snuggled closer to Abbacchio. It was late. She played a lot with Mista and Narancia. She may as well get some rest. She was hungry too, she needed something that would fill her more than just some Italian food, even though the food was amazing. The child sighed happily and let herself fall asleep with a stuffed animal in her arms while she was being held in Abbacchio's arms. The covers were pulled over the two by a ghostly hand.
A peaceful and restful night passed before morning came. (Y/n) was still snuggled close to Abbacchio. The man had a small smile on his face, he was peacefully asleep. No more scowl. Her little red eyes opened as Abbacchio's alarm sounded. The tiny pillar tried to crawl out of his grasp, but the man's strength kept her firmly in place. She pouted a bit, "Abbacchio! It's time to get up!" The man groaned a bit as the little girl began tapping him with her tiny hands. "Abbacchio!," she called again before getting her tiny mouth covered. "I hear you.," the white haired Italian man said and sat up. His hair was a little bit messy from bedhead. He looked a little different without his lipstick on. The Italian man got up and made his bed, his yellow and violet eyes looked a little sleepy. (Y/n) followed him as he got ready for today. She sat on the bathroom counter and brushed his hair as he washed his face after he changed clothes.

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