Chapter Sixty-three: Old friends

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Santana did not let the little girl leave his side for almost a week. He was scared something else would happen to her. But, during that time, they were able to talk to each other about different topics. Be the topics consist of fears to insecurities and hopes for the future. The vermillion haired man listened to the child as she talked to him. He, in return, gave her some stories that he remembered from the old days. The training, him sparring with Wamuu, silly things Esidisi did. He even told her about her mother, Ivory, a kind and pretty human woman. His face held a small smile as he regaled the child with stories of the past.
(Y/n) in turn gave him some stories of the people she met. Their stories were interrupted by a knock at the door. Santana got up and motioned for the child to stay on the bed. The scarlet eyed pillar opened the door to the hotel room he was in. On the other side was a blonde man. "Ciao, Santana. All of us are going to a restaurant tonight, Joseph wanted to know if you wanted to come.," the voice of Caesar spoke. The little plum haired girl leaned to try to see her old Italian friend.

Caesar had the same idea as he leaned to look past Santana. He could see Santana's ribs move under his shirt as he tried to get a look at the girl. The blonde Italian moved back quickly as some ribs shot out as a warning, he knew Santana was just giving a warning. This time at least. He was very serious about his role of guarding the young half pillar. The green eyed Italian got the message, "We'll all be there, she'll be safe. You don't have to keep her on house arrest." Caesar had his hands up to show that he had no violent intentions. Santana's scarlet eyes carefully watched the man he knew as one of the few who could kill him and the girl, he was contemplating on what he should do.
The green eyed Italian watched the man before him, the pillar known for his violent abilities. Santana broke eye contact with Caesar to look back to the child, "Lady (y/n), the humans are inviting us to join them." The child nodded, "It would be nice to go out." The vermillion haired man looked back to the blond man, "We will come." "Better get ready, we're leaving soon. We're heading to a restaurant that Kakyoin found.," the Italian spoke, "The sun will set soon, then you can come without the protective gear." The pillar man gave a small and slow nod to the Hamon user before him.

(Y/n) heard the door close and she took a brush out of her bag to brush her hair with, she brushed Santana's hair as well and helped him choose a nice outfit out from the ones he had. The tiny pillar girl polished up her and her Guardian's jewelry before they put on the traditional adornments. Santana placed her on his shoulder after they left the room. The two found Kakyoin in the hall. The red haired man had a nice button up shirt and pants on, covered with a casual jacket. He had some nice glasses on as well. "Noriaki!," the plum haired pillar girl called to him. Kakyoin looked at the two walking towards him and gave a smile, "Good evening, you two. You decided to join us for dinner?"
"Yes.," Santana replied curtly. "We are.," (y/n) spoke, "I know that the place you found will be lovely." "Are you still mad about that stand user, Santana?," Kakyoin asked the pillar man who acted pretty rudely. "I want to kill him.," the vermillion haired man answered. (Y/n) held onto his thick hair, "Josuke already beat him into a bloody pulp." "That's not enough. Not for what he did.," Santana growled. Kakyoin took a small step away from the angry Pillar man. He still had a smile on his face, even if the pillar was being rude, he would be kind.

The three stepped out into the cool night air. Joseph and Caesar were already outside and talking. The baby that (y/n) heard about from Koichi was in Joseph's arms. Jotaro was standing beside Jospeh. "Jojo! Jotaro! Caesar!," the little girl called and waved at the small group. The three turned and saw their friends coming up to them and the little girl waving. Joseph had a small smile to the approaching group as he held the baby he found, "Good evening, Santana and (y/n). You two look well." "Thank you, so do you.," the little girl replied to be polite and looked at the baby, "So small. Is this the baby you found?" "Yes she is. I'm calling her Shizuka.," Joseph replied and let the two pillars look at the child. Santana looked at the baby with his scarlet eyes, "Small. Like (y/n) is." "She is a baby, so she is small.," the old man smiled.
"Is that a jab at my height?," the plum haired girl asked and gripped the vermillion hair that was under her hand. "No.," came the answer from her guard. They heard the good natured chuckle come from the Italian man that stood next to Joseph, Santana sent a glare to Caesar. "Santana, lighten up. There is no need to be so on guard.," the Italian spoke, "(y/n) is back to normal and this Rohan was taught a lesson right?" "There is still a possibility that there are more enemy stand users. We need to be on guard.," Jotaro spoke, "Santana is right for being on guard. But you should also be considerate of others."

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