chapter one hundred and nine: the priest

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(Y/n) watched over Jolyne as the girl grew. The plum haired pillar child did go visit her other family to check on them, but stayed with Jolyne. From helping her with homework to helping her with her first period. (Y/n) made sure that this descendant of her beloved brother was safe and happy. She however, could not protect her from everything. The plum haired pillar child had to separate from Jolyne for long periods of time due to school. During this time, she explored Florida. The harsh sunlight would beat down on her cloaked body as she walked, either alone or with a ghost, along the streets.
She found a church one day to hide in from particularly harsh light. Her skin had opened in glowing and dripping wounds. Her small form hopped up onto a pew and laid down.
"I hope nobody minds me staying here for a bit.," she breathed out shakily.
Her head laid on her backpack as she closed her eyes. She felt at ease in the serene and empty church.
It felt like hours creeped by as she lay there, healing her wounds slowly. Her hunger began to rage once more. Footsteps brought her out of her trance. She lifted her head up after smelling a human man, a dark skinned man with light hair. Her red eyes locked onto the man as he knelt at the altar. She heard whispers pour from the man as he seemed to pray. He wore a strange dark robe over dark pants. The robe had a cross motif on it. His strange and quiet speech made the little girl get off the pew she was on and walk up behind him to try and listen better.

She felt his calm heartbeat quicken slightly as her jewelry jingled slightly from a misstep. She was trying to stay silent.
"I thought I was alone in here. I did not know that I had a visitor.," the deep voice of the man spoke.
His tone had no malice or ill intent in it. His heartbeat and breathing were calm. The little girl quietly hid in the pews as the man turned around. She could tell he was looking for any sign of her there.
"Is there a reason you are in here?," She heard him ask, "You do not need to be afraid of me."
The child covered her mouth to not respond. She was not afraid of him. She was afraid of what reaction this man would have from seeing a small child with horns and red eyes. She used her horns to feel the man's movements. He was kneeling at a spot she had been and was touching the floor.
"You're injured? Was it a fight or an accident?," the man asked aloud, hoping for an answer.
He did not get it as (y/n) stayed silent. She realized that he must have seen blood from her wound. She stayed silent and tracked his movements. Finally she got to see him while watching from the shadows of the pews. He passed by the pew she was hiding under. His face looked to be on alert and a little concerned. He approached where she had been and stopped. (Y/n) began to panic. She left her backpack there.

The man found the bag and some more blood on the floor. His large hand reached out for the bag and opened the top before he recoiled back in horror.
"Dear lord!," he exclaimed.
(Y/n) quickly jumped up from her hiding spot and ran to grab her bag. She got it and ran to the large doors, only to smack her face on them. The plum haired pillar child fell back onto her butt. She was sure she pushed them open before. She thought for a second and remembered that she pushed them to get in. She would have to pull them to get out. The small child hopped up and reached for the doors, freezing in place when she felt the man standing right behind her.
"Why are you here alone, dear child?," the man behind her asked, "Do you need assistance?"
The little pillar slowly turned around to look at the man. His brown eyes looked down on her with a gentle expression before he knelt down to be closer to her height. His hand reached out and took her arm that was still wounded.
"Oh my. This looks like it is painful, I'll give you some assistance.," the man spoke kindly, in a way that was non-threatening, "Don't worry. As the priest here, my job is to care for the flock."
"I don't need medical assistance, I'll be fine.," (y/n) finally spoke to the man and pulled her arm away with surprising strength.
The priest was a little startled by this, but he remained in the kneeling position. His eyes looked at the child before him. Particularly her face. She pulled her hood down to hide her face and horns from this man.

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