Chapter Sixteen: the Burning king

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(Y/n) squealed as she was woken up by large warm hands tickling her sides. Her giggles echoed in the room as a chuckle joined in with her laughter. She pouted as the chuckle became teasing laughter. Esidisi had woken her by tickling, again. "Oh? Is the little bunny rabbit mad at me again?," the dark skinned warrior asked. The plum haired pillar child had her cheeks puffed up in anger. Esidisi poked at the girl's cheeks as she sat up on the chair she was left on. "Stop.," the girl whined and pushed against the invading fingers. Esidisi continued to chuckle as he poked the girl's cheeks more. The girl slapped the fingers away, "No!" "It's sundown. Time for us to get up, little lamb.," the dark-skinned warrior spoke and picked the girl up, "Your father let you sleep in." Her warm uncle carried her around the building as she woke up and set her down. He knelt before her, "I'm going to go look for the stone, I have heard of it being under the care of a woman in Italy." The little red eyed child nodded as he placed his huge warm hand on her head. "Wamuu is in Greece, you and Your father will be searching around here.," Esidisi explained, "I will come back after obtaining the stone."

(Y/n) nodded once more. "Hug before I go?," the dark skinned warrior asked and got a hug from his niece. Her small arms squeezed his neck nice and tight as he patted her small back. "I promise to come back.," Esidisi said and left out the front door. The girl watched him jump away, "Be safe, Uncle Esidisi." Her red eyes looked at the sky, the moon was Waxing. It would be a few more nights before the moon was full again. She felt eyes watching her. It was the spectre again. The child went to look for her father. She found him putting on the huge coat and the hat. She jumped onto his back and hid out of his sight. The large man looked around and turned to try and see his daughter. The little girl giggled. Her father reached for her. She crawled out of his reach and into his line of sight. Just where he wanted her. Kars seemed to be much happier once she was in his line of sight. He was always super protective of her. It was his instinct as a father to protect and care for his offspring.
"Where are we going tonight, daddy?," the little child asked as she perched on her father's wide shoulder. Kars looked up at her and took her off of his shoulder to put a coat on her, "We will be looking around in the area of these so called 'germanic' countries." He placed a little knit hat on her head to cover her horns before picking her up again. The vampires wished their master and his child well during their exploration.

The child clung to her father as they left the old building. Kars moved quickly and flew across the countryside. The two set down in one of the smaller cities and explored the area. It was late into the night, not many humans were out. Only the drunk and the unsavory were out. Kars kept his daughter either on his shoulder or held her hand as they walked together. The man kept his daughter away from the humans around. His own intimidating size and presence was enough to scare off most humans. Once he found it was safe enough, he let her play near him. He kept an eye on his daughter as well as watching the surrounding environment.
Kars was determined to find the stone and complete his task to become the ultimate lifeform, he would be able to completely protect his daughter once he did. The girl looked around and played happily. Her harmless childish antics made her father smile slightly. Kars knelt by his daughter as she played in the small park they stopped in, "What is on your mind?" "I have seen a human woman in the places we stay. The same woman is following us.," the little girl spoke, "She looks like she is hurt. Her belly..."

"Is cut open.," Her father finished, "I was there when she died." The plum haired man looked to the sky, "But I have felt like she has been following us." His red eyes seemed to be a little sad. The man picked his child up and held her, "She has been watching over you. I've never seen her after she died, but I felt like she was there."
The plum haired child felt the arms of her father embrace her as he began to walk, "we need to wait for word from Esidisi. He found the stone." The child felt the pain that her father was feeling. This human woman must have meant something to the ancient and godlike man. "He will find a way to get the stone to us.," the little girl said, "He's ready to do anything to complete his task. Although, I can't help but worry about him." Kars petted his daughter's hair with his clawed hand, "I have faith in him, my Precious." He looked to the horizon. The sky was becoming light, It was time for them to return to the hotel they took over. They were greeted by the vampire Servants once they returned to the hotel. Kars walked back to the rooms. "I think it is time for you to have another bath, (y/n).," Her father spoke, "I think we both need one to calm our nerves."

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