Chapter Thirty-seven: the desert is dangerous

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After leaving Pakistan, the group traveled by boat to the United Arab Emirates. (Y/n) was quite happy that everything turned out well. She did not like to see her friends in pain. The girl was sitting on Polnareff's shoulder as the group wandered about, Kakyoin was close behind. The girl hugged Polnareff's head, "So how was your first sight of hamon?" "It was pretty interesting. That energy is the only thing that can kill you?," Kakyoin inquired and got a cheery nod from the girl. "Yep. But the old man knows that I am not like my father, so there is no need to hurt me. Besides, hurting a child is against warrior honor policy.," the plum haired pillar child said and looked to Joseph, "Right, old man Jojo?" "Ha! It's been a long time since I heard anyone call me that.," the old man laughed, "But yes. Hurting children is against the rules."
"Are you feeling any effects of the flesh bud?," Polnareff asked. "None at all. I think I got it in time.," Joseph said as he allowed hamon sparks to crackle between his fingers. The silver haired Frenchman felt the girl grip his head more like she was scared. "Mr. Joestar, I think you are scaring (y/n).," Polnareff spoke. "Oh, sorry. I forgot about that aversion to hamon that you have.," the old man said as the girl glared back at him.

The group made its way to a car dealership. Joseph was buying a car. Kakyoin and Jotaro waited outside and Polnareff was flirting with a saleswoman. (Y/n) wandered around with her porcelain doll in her arms, she was watching all the humans around her. Human businesses were weird. She walked over to Polnareff and looked up at him and the woman he was talking to, "Pol pol. What are you doing big brother, are you flirting again?" The woman laughed as Polnareff looked down at the little girl. She was pretending to be a naive human child. She had an innocent pose and face going on. The Frenchman sighed and was smacked in the back of the head by Joseph. The folder that Joseph slapped him with messed up his hair. The woman he was talking to laughed a little more.
"Sorry to interrupt, but we need to go, Polnareff.," Joseph spoke. "Mr. Joestar! Watch the hair! It takes a lot of work to style it perfectly!," Polnareff complained. (Y/n) jumped up onto Polnareff's shoulder and hugged his head, making it hard for him to fix his long silvery hair. Polnareff sighed as he walked behind Joseph. He had to drive. "Old man, why can't you drive? Did your license get suspended?," the little girl asked. Joseph did not answer. It was a nice car that Joseph bought. But it was not going to survive going across the desert... so what was he planning? The car was comfortable. There was air conditioning. (Y/n) sat in Kakyoin's lap as they rode through the area, each house was very fancy and kind of reminded the child of the temples she and her family would stay at in the old days.

"All of these houses are so fancy, they are like mansions.," Polnareff commented. Joseph was looking at a map, "Yeah. This is the norm here. This used to be just desert, but the oil business made this place rich and turned it into a dream city." "Reminds me of the temples and cities that my father would have us stay at.," (y/n) spoke up, "He always had pretty luxurious tastes." She felt Kakyoin look behind them, like he was looking for someone following them. Jotaro questioned him and got the answer that Kakyoin felt like someone was following them.
The red haired teen poked the little girl's cheek, "(y/n), Can you sense someone following us?" The child used her horn to look around, she was able to use it again thanks to Dan's blood healing her completely. "No. I cannot feel anything in my eighteen meter range, if we are being followed, they are staying out of my range.," (y/n) said as she looked out the back window, "That would mean that Dio is aware of my power to sense stand users." "I sometimes feel like we are being watched too, then I remember that (y/n) can tell if they are enemies or not by stand energy.," Polnareff said with a smile. Joseph showed the teens in the back the map he was holding, "I was thinking that we should get to a village named Yarpline and get a Cessna there. We can use the Cessna to cross the desert. I will pilot it once we get it." "I could go on ahead through the desert at night.," the plum haired pillar child said, "It is safe to travel in the cooler air of the mornings and evenings."

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