Chapter one hundred and thirteen: Contact

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The pillar girl ran through the halls, following the man's instructions. She kept running utility she got to a familiar area. The plum haired girl saw the warden and ran to him. Locobaraco looked relieved to see her.
"Where were you?," the goldfish eyed warden asked through his puppet, "We were worried!"
"I got scared. Then lost.," (y/n) answered as she saw Pucci walk up to her, "A blind man told me how to get back here."
"Johngali helped you? Thank goodness you ran into him instead of someone more distasteful.," Pucci asked and made a mental note.
The dark skinned priest lifted the child up and held her, checking her for injuries. He seemed relieved to see she was not hurt. He thanked Locobaraco for helping him to search for the child. Pucci left with the girl and returned to his home with her.
"Can you tell me what happened?," The priest asked as he carried her inside.
"A prisoner found me and tried to grab me.," the red eyed little girl replied, "I ran to get away and got lost. Then that man uh.. Johngali, I ran into him and he told me how to get back."
She purposely withheld information about Emporio. She did not want him to learn about the boy. The man did not pursue any more questions about what happened. He was content it looked like. He however was not done with her. He filled the bathtub and held onto the girl to male sure she did not run away.

"You're going to drown me like those humans?! Noooo!," the little pillar girl cried and tried to run.
She could not run with Enrico holding her above the ground.
"Drown? Do you mean baptize? No, I am not doing that at the moment.," the dark skinned man said, "You need a bath, child."
"I don't stink!," the plum haired child cried out.
The priest held her up, "You need to take a bath so you don't."
(Y/n) pouted. She did not mind baths, but she was with a man she did not know so well. And the tub was rather small. Pucci was somehow able to wrestle the little pillar into the warm water. The plum haired girl had shampoo massaged into her soft locks. Pucci rinsed her hair and left the bathroom to let the girl finish washing herself.
The dark skinned man picked up a book to read before he stopped. His ears heard someone talking. It sounded like a man's voice. The voice was near the bathroom. Pucci stood and quietly made his way back to the bathroom. He stopped and listened.
"If you want me to retrieve lady Ivory's necklace, I will.," the male voice stated in an emotionless way.
The depth of the voice made Pucci's skin crawl, he felt some sort of danger from that man who invaded his home. However, the pale haired priest kept listening.
"No. I'll take it back in time, then we continue the promise.," The child replied, "Although, I would like to have the others here in case something goes wrong. Father is restless."
"Lord Kar- I mean, Avalon is sensing some sort of danger?," the man's voice asked again.
Enrico carefully crept closer and used a picture on the wall to try to see who invaded his home. There was a dark shadow in the picture frame, but no clear face. The priest then carefully peered around the corner to a terrifying sight.

A tall, muscular man stood before the bathroom door. His reddish hair was long and had a pair of black horns erupting from it. The man was wearing a tattered and burned outfit while his skin looked like there were glowing cracks of magma on it. The man's eyes were scarlet, giving him an eerie look. Pucci hid before the man saw him.
The man spoke again, "We might have an audience."
"We'll speak again, Santana.," the voice of the girl sounded as the man disappeared from sight.
The priest saw the bathroom door open and a metallic man's head peek out before quickly vanishing. The small girl walked out with a towel. Pucci kept away from the girl, his mind reviewed the information he gained as he counted prime numbers. That man, Santana, was able to come and go without alerting the priest at all. This was a threat to his plans. He had to do something about it. Plus (y/n)'s strange Stand. It seemed to have a mind of its own. The priest knew he had to be more careful. After all, DIO's sister would be unpredictable and powerful. He just needed to get her to help him to realize her brother's dream. The white haired man waited until took a breath. He waited for the girl to come out of the room she had been in.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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