Chapter eighty-six: Capri

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Everyone was back to normal after the fight with the attacker. The man was headless, his mouth was zipped up so he would not make a sound. Fugo was checking Narancia's head for bumps. He did find one. Narancia got angry and kicked the headless body. Fugo and Abbacchio joined the scout in kicking the body. Bruno was keeping a lookout as Giorno was checking the wallet he found on the body for Identification. Mario Zuccero, a Roman gangster. "Rome huh? Way to bastardize where I and my mother was born.," little (y/n) hissed from her perch on Mista's shoulders. Narancia, Fugo and Abbacchio kept kicking Mario's body. Mista retrieved some glasses and fishing line with a hook from the cabin. He squatted next to the severed, yet still alive, head of the Roman gangster. The man had something on his face. Mista noticed it, "What is that on your face? Is that seaweed or garbage?" Mista leaned in closer, "It looks like it could be seaweed, but it could also be plastic." "I hope not!," the plum haired girl said, "I'd hate to see this lovely ocean polluted!" "Yeah. It would be a real shame, so what is that? Is It seaweed? Is it trash? Is it seaweed on a piece of trash?," the gunslinger asked.
"I think the trash has seaweed on his face.," the little girl said and reached put her hand, plucking the item off of the head with her stand, "It's seaweed. Kelp" "Whoo. Thank goodness. I was afraid our beautiful ocean was polluted.," the gunman replied, "Aren't you happy that it was just seaweed? Huh? Answer me. It's rude to not answer a question."

Mista saw that the man's head was looking at the fishing line and the glasses in Mista's hands, "Oh these? I found them in the boat. Which do you prefer me to use? The glasses or the fishing line? We need answers, starting with whoever it is you are working with." Zuccero's head was making muffled screams as Mista was talking to him. "You know, I was being polite to let you choose which one you would rather me use. But, if you won't choose, I'll have to use both!," Mista said and hooked the fish hook into Zuccero's eyelid before tying him to the rail to hang, the gunman placed the glasses onto the man's head. "It's only going to get worse, garbage.," the little girl said as she sat on Mista's shoulders, "The glasses lens are convex, allowing the light to be refracted into your eyes. With how the sun is, your corneas will be burned and you'll be blinded within the next half hour or so. Or I can get this over with and eat you right now."
The little girl hopped off of Mista after Narancia did a name divination with Zuccero's full name. The scout determined that he was going right to hell. To the ninth circle. The little girl sat on the deck as she watched Narancia turn on his boombox to play music. A nice bright song played. The music was funky with a good beat. Narancia began to dance as the song played, doing a shuffle and a spin with a pose. Mista joined in soon after with the dancing, just to add more annoyance to the man they were torturing. Fugo joined in last, right as the chorus played. (Y/n) watched them dance and clapped at them once they finished dancing, "Wasn't that wonderful, Zuccero? Huh? Is something wrong with your eye? Perhaps you should worry about what will happen to the other one.~"

"Hey, stop screwing around you dumbasses and come look at this, dammit!," Abbacchio told the younger members of the team. The teens hopped off of the platform they were on to go see what he had found, the former policeman punched the head in an outburst of anger. The hook tore out of the head's eyelid and sliced the eye as the head rolled on the ground. Abbacchio scoffed then turned to Giorno, "Giovanna! I'm not letting you see my stand, but I'm doing you a favor and letting you hear its voice!" Giorno walked off after shrugging, he understood. As the others were listening to the stand, he noticed the child stuck her fingers into the body of the gangster. She pulled her fingers out and blood dripped from the holes she left. After Moody Blues played the event, the others were a little panicked on what to do next. However Giorno had a plan, he changed a life preserver into a fish that would pull him to shore, that way he could get rid of Zuccero's partner. He explained to the team that he had a dream to move up the ranks of the organization and change it from the inside out.
"You're ambitious. Like someone I knew...," (y/n) said. Abbacchio was laughing from what Giorno said before pointing at out that they had no idea what this partner looked like or who he was. Mista volunteered to go with Giorno as his stand, the Sex Pistols were made for killing. He would be most equipped for the mission. The two quickly gathered what was needed for the mission. Giorno looked to the little girl, recognition was in his eyes. He somehow knew her, like she knew his scent, the scent of his blood. He and Mista left.

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