Chapter Forty Seven: The World's end.

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Joseph could faintly hear the anguished and painful cries of his adopted daughter, he knew that she was mourning the death of Kakyoin, Avdol and Iggy. Hermit Purple was helping him to swing across the rooftops to avoid DIO, the relentless vampire that was chasing him wanted his blood. The blood that would complete his fusion with the stolen body of Jonathan Joestar. As a precaution, Joseph wrapped his body in his stand and made hamon flow through it. He had decoded the message that Kakyoin gave him with the destruction of the clock, The World's power was to stop time.
A deadly power. The old man moved quickly over the rooftops as the vampire seemingly flew behind him, trying to catch him but always missing by a hair. He felt his heart rate spike, he was panicking. He had to tell himself to calm down and not panic. 'I don't know the meaning of the word 'panic'!,' Joseph thought to himself, 'I need to think of something to do to defeat Him!'

The old man saw DIO vanish from sight. He landed on a rooftop and skidded a small ways before stopping. Where did the vampire go?! Joseph felt a horrible Aura behind him and turned to see DIO and The World hovering over him. He jumped back quickly. The world threw a punch that was held back, he was not hit. "What's wrong? I thought you wanted to drink my blood?," Joseph said with feigned stutters. "You are using hamon to protect yourself.," the vampire said, "Your stand is wrapped around you like body armor and you are running hamon through it like high voltage wire. You're quite the clever old geezer, such a schemer."
"The same goes for you. (Y/n) told me of your tricks, so I thought to use my own.," Joseph replied, "You realized I was using hamon and made sure not to touch me." DIO made a small laugh, "She did?" "I've also figured out something about your stand, DIO.," the old man said, "Even though you can stop time, you can only do so very briefly, about three to four seconds I would say. If you had more time, we all would have died back at the mansion, Correct?" "I would not have to chase you if I had longer. I'm impressed you figured it out. But that will not save you, you will die like Kakyoin. Even though you know my stand's power, that alone will not save you.," the blond vampire spoke, "Your hamon will not protect you anymore. I don't need to touch you to attack!"

Joseph unleashed his stand that was filled with his hamon, DIO made his stand punch a nearby rooftop decoration to direct the rubble and shrapnel at the old man. The old gentleman fell to the streets below. DIO looked at the pathetic old man on the street below him and let out a vicious chuckle. The old English man saw that DIO was still pursuing him and set off to run again, he stopped when he saw his grandson. Jotaro started to walked to Joseph in order to help his grandfather before the older man yelled at him to stay back and what the power of the enemy's stand was. His words were cut short by DIO stopping time. When time began to move again, Joseph had a knife in his throat and the vampire was much closer to the Japanese teen.
The Englishman warned his grandson to stay back, that DIO was too strong. The old man went limp as his life drained from him. This pissed off the Japanese teen. Jotaro Kujo was pissed. The vampire looked smugly at Jotaro, "I've already taken care of Kakyoin, I would have liked (y/n) to see this too, but she elected to stay with him as he died." Amber eyes scanned the area as the vampire looked around, "Polnareff must be hiding nearby. Hah. But that does not matter. You are next, Jotaro!"
Jotaro was thoroughly pissed now, "Bastard. DIO!" Jotaro got closer to him in order to beat his ass.


(Y/n) jumped from rooftop to rooftop. She searched for any sign of her stepbrother and her family. She left Kakyoin after getting a feeling that she was needed elsewhere. Her small body moved fast and she felt like she was gliding for longer periods of time. Her big red eyes looked for any of her family. She had to push aside any care she had for DIO. He was no longer her brother. He was a monster who sold his soul in order to gain power one hundred years ago. A massive surge of energy got her attention as the screams of 'Ora ora' and 'useless' cut the night air.
She followed the sound to see DIO and Jotaro in a duel between their stands. This was her first time seeing star platinum and he was magnificent. Between his colors, his hair and his movements. It was like one of her warriors was alive again.

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