Chapter nine: Speedwagon foundation

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America, 1938

A white building stood proud. It was a building housing the headquarters to a foundation built by a man with a golden heart. The man used to be a street thug, but he changed after meeting a gentleman and his sister. The former street thug swore to help the gentleman's family after their meeting. He gathered wealth from being in the oil business and expanded his wealth through discoveries in science, technology and archeology. He founded a foundation meant to help humanity and the gentleman's family, he gave it his name so that the noble family he protected would remember his solemn vow. The foundation's headquarters stood in the capital of America, in Washington DC.

Inside this proud building, deeper down into the more secret research areas, was a room that housed a particularly beautiful statue. In the room with the statue were artifacts of an age that had passed. A porcelain doll. A picture of a family. All of these artifacts and the statue were taken care of. The statue was of a child, a little girl. She looked alive, like she could wake up at any moment. The founder of this foundation had told the ones tasked with looking after the statue that she was indeed alive, she was injured gravely and was healing. The members of the foundation tasked with watched over her gave her food in the form of donated blood that was about to expire. When her statue form was examined thoroughly, they found that there were amino acids present and slight breathing through the skin. Once a researcher found her heartbeat, it was faint but present. She was alive and seemed to be closer to waking up.
The founder, now an older man, one day got the call that made him overjoyed and deeply afraid. The statue was waking up.

He quickly left the restaurant he was eating at, after paying first, and quickly went back to the building. The place was on lock down and many were confused about the reason why. The older gentleman walked through the halls of the foundation he had built and to the room where the statue was supposed to be. The containers that held the statue and the artifacts were broken, dents covered the walls and some of the researchers were asleep on the floor, drained of their energy and some blood. A merciful but grim reminder of the power that this one being held. The door was open and the little girl that used to be a state was gone. She had to be scared and confused.


Red eyes shot open to the surprise of humans surrounding the ancient being. Her skin gained a fleshy color and she easily broke out of the container holding her. The ancient child named (y/n) was awake. Her eyes darted around, looking for someone familiar. She saw nobody, she was on display like some sort of macabre museum piece. She grabbed the human nearest to her and drank enough blood to make him sleepy. She continued this trend with all of the humans in the room. She broke the cases that held her precious picture and her doll. Her cloak hung on the wall. She grabbed the cloak and put it on before kicking the door open and running out. She had to find Jonathan or Speedwagon.
The little girl feared the worst, had she slept so long that Jonathan and Speedwagon died? Where were the Joestars? Where was she?

The girl kept running through he halls and past humans that tried to stop her. The ones who tired to stop her with force got a restrained kick to the gut. She was terrified. Why was she in some sort of facility? The child kept running and running, searching for the exit. Her long plum colored hair flowed behind her as she ran. Her blood stained chiton clung to her body. The humans were calling for her to stop running and to calm down. She did not listen to them.
A voice called out to her, "(y/n)! Stop, you are safe." This voice made her stop, it was familiar. Her red eyes looked around for the source of the voice as a familiar scent approached her. She turned and Ruby red eyes met with warm brown ones. An old man was looking down at her. His face held a familiar scar. His hair was shorter and greying, but this was a familiar human.

"Robert?," the girl asked and got a smile from the old man, "You have been asleep for almost fifty years." (Y/n) got closer and hugged the old man. She was happy to see a familiar face in this new environment. "Where is my brother?," the little girl asked and was hugged a little tighter by the old man. "I'm sorry. He died on his way to his honeymoon after he married Erina. Dio killed him and sunk the ship they were on.," Speedwagon answered, "Erina and an infant were the only survivors." The old man felt a wetness on his shoulder. The girl's body shook as she cried. She had lost the only family she had known since she woke over fifty years ago. After she was done crying, he held her hand to take her to where he kept some clothes her size for when she woke. He knew she would want to change into something clean when she woke finally. As expected, the little girl was grateful. She had a little dress on that was more fitting for the time period she had woken in. Speedwagon gave her a quick update on the period of time she woke and the events that were happening, everything has changed from when she fell asleep. Jonathan had a grandson. Erina had grown old. Speedwagon told her about how he amassed his wealth and became a humanitarian thanks to Jonathan and her influence. Her selfless and noble sacrifice to save Jonathan from a surely fatal attack inspired him to help others.

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