Chapter Forty-four: Closer

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(Y/n) stayed in the mansion as DIO asked her to, she did since it was more comfortable inside than the hot outdoors. She would mainly avoid the servants except for Vanilla Ice and D'arby. Her time was spent wandering the mansion or reading with her brother. It was a big mansion and there was plenty to explore. The plum haired pillar found a camera in one of the rooms and a pile of pictures on the desk. One picture was of Joseph and Jotaro napping on the plane they first left Japan in, (y/n) could see her hair in the bottom of the picture. She found other pictures of the group doing various things together. This must have been how DIO was checking up on them. She found another neat stack of pictures on the other side of the desk. All of her, anyone she was with or perched on was cut out of the picture.
There was a lot more pictures of her than the others. "How long was Dio watching us?," the little girl asked nobody in particular as she looked at the pictures. She felt a looming presence behind her with her horn. It was Vanilla Ice. "Lord DIO was watching you and the Joestars since he found out you were still alive.," the brunet man said, "Lord DIO looked very happy to see that you were okay. He told me once of how mad he was when you were severely injured one hundred years ago."

"How long have you been following me through the mansion?," the child asked. "Half an hour after giving Lord DIO the update on the assassins.," the man replied, "He has told me to tell you that you are permitted to go outside, but to stay inside the gates. Petshop will be out there." "Petshop? Is that the name of the falcon?," (y/n) inquired and got a nod from the loyal servant, "Thank you for informing me, Ice." She got a small bow from the man and he walked away. He was polite, but was fanatically loyal to DIO. (Y/n) had a feeling that she was only safe from him because of DIO's wanting her to be there.
The girl wondered if the others were okay. She could not help but to think of them, they had been together and relying on each other for so long that they became super close. But now she was on the other side of the lines. Not as an enemy or an ally, but as an observer. Her red eyes looked into the cool darkness of the mansion, very little light was within the walls. It allowed her red eyes to heal and use her sharp night vision.

Her arms carried her precious doll that now looked like the ghost lady who followed her. The lady was much clearer to her now whenever she saw her. Her coffee brown hair in a braid was draped over her shoulder. The smile that the woman had on was warm towards the child. (Y/n) once felt the woman hug her while she was reading in the dark while her brother was talking to Vanilla Ice. She noticed that she could see the other figures more clearly as well. The figures were familiar, but she could not see them clearly.
The little girl wandered with her doll in her arms, the Victorian dress that the doll used to wear was switched out for a more fitting chiton. She wandered around the mansion more, peeking into rooms and out of windows. She saw Petshop on the gate outside. He seemed to be on guard. The little girl wondered what her brother fed the bird. He was a very handsome falcon with pretty feathers. He seemed to be very proud bird. The little girl hopped down the stairs and to the door. The sun beat down on her when she opened the door to step outside. The blue eyes of the falcon snapped to the red eyed little girl when she stepped outside, he started to chatter at her and flapped his wings as if telling her to go back inside. "I'm not leaving, I came out to see you.," the little girl spoke a little sternly to the bird so that he would stop flapping his wings wildly. He stopped and bobbed his head at her.

The bird looked over the gate and to the street before flying over to the child, he alighted on a statue near her and made a deep gutteral noise towards her as if asking why she was outside. "Big brother said I could come out here.," the little girl explained to the bird, "So I wanted to see you. Your name is Petshop, right? It is very nice to meet a handsome falcon like you." The falcon puffed up his chest after being called handsome and made a higher pitched chitter in pride. "My name is (y/n).," the pillar introduced herself to Petshop and both bowed to each other. Her horn brushed against his helmet and she could feel a stand from him. The girl rose from the bow, "You're a stand user. That's really neat! What can your stand do?"
Petshop squawked and flapped his wings as a pterasaur like creature appeared behind him and ice covered the statue he was sitting on. "So you pull moisture from the air to flash freeze it and made deadly ice weaponry.," the pillar child said after seeing the demonstration, "That is cool, literally." Petshop tilted his head and chattered. "Me? I don't have a stand.," the little girl said and put her hands up, "My natural abilities are rapid regeneration, flesh melding, longevity and super strength. Some sub abilities are breathing through my skin and to feed on creatures through skin contact." Petshop bobbed his head as if to say he did not believe her. "Well I do not have a stand.," the plum haired girl said and hugged her doll. The pterasaur creature appeared in front of her and she fell back in surprise with a squeak. Petshop had his wings open and was bobbing his head back and forth while making a laughing chatter.

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