Chapter one hundred and seven: Brother, come home

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Quiet gripped the mansion. Giorno was doing his schoolwork while balancing his new role as the head of the mafia. Thankfully, he had his friends supporting him. However, a new panic gripped him, his aunt had disappeared in the night a few days prior. She had left without warning, leaving her ghostly followers behind to help Giorno with the few Diavolo loyalists left. The pillar child had also left her valuables behind, indicating that she would be returning. The blond teen's eyes looked up when he heard the door open. Ivory walked in with a tray of tea for him, her warm smile greeted Giorno. "Still no word?," Giorno asked as the tray was set down. "No. (Y/n) only said that she needed to find something in order to bring someone home.," the brunette ghost replied, "I think she mentioned something about going to see an old friend while going back to a place she hates."
"A place she hates?," Giorno asked. He got a nod from the tan ghost as she sat in the chair in front of the desk, "I did not want to stop her. This seemed important. Especially to her." "Do you know where she went?," Giorno inquired. "To Africa.," Ivory answered, "You already know what happened there." The green eyes of the teen looked to the heart shaped circlet that sat on the edge of his desk.

"I remember she told me it was one of the most painful experiences she has experienced."


The darkness of the water swirled around (y/n) as she dove deeper and deeper down. Her eyes adjusted to the lack of light. She knew it was there. She just knew it. She had to find it. Her legs and arms propelled her through the water, deeper and deeper, closer to her goal. Red eyes scoured the ocean floor. She did not need a scuba tank as she could just breathe through her skin like she and her father had done before. She felt an animal swimming closer to her. Her red eyes looked towards the animal and saw a grey whale. 'Wow. What a big guy.,' the tiny girl thought to herself as she watched the animal swim by, "Whales are nice. I like them.' She heard the whale click with echolocation as she resumed her dive, returning to her search.
(Y/n) swam deeper and deeper into the depths. Her mind had a simple goal: retrieval. Retrieve what was lost and return it to its rightful place. Her small body seemed to disappear into the darkness as she finally found what she was searching for. Her small hands gripped the salvage bag that her friend in the boat above gave her to carry items she found down there. She made it. She could finally complete what she wanted to do for over sixty years.

(Y/n) swam farther down and stopped to look at her destination, the ship that Erina and Jonathan took for their honeymoon. It was in decent shape still. She could swim inside easily and retrieve any treasures she could find. The young half pillar swam down and entered the ship through a hole in the side. She immediately saw the bones of many people aboard that ship. Had she not been forced back into hibernation, perhaps fate would have been different for them. Her thoughts were pushed back by Avalon reminding her of her mission. She swam deeper into the ship, finding different rooms and compartments. She was able to salvage some trinkets and valuables, yet kept room for her most important treasure. She made her way to the boiler room and looked around. There were boxes and items scattered all over the place. How was she going to find it?
She needed to find it. She felt something pull her to a certain spot. Like a voice from the distant past was calling her to it. "Over here." She swam to the spot and looked around, removing the debris and sediment carefully to not damage the precious treasure. Her hand his something hard as she uncovered exactly what she was looking for! She brushed the dirt and sediment off of it and carefully picked it up. Her face became a smile as she looked upon it. She gave it a quick hug and carefully put the object into her salvage bag. She no longer had any business in that place, so she left that ship to return to her friend waiting in the boat above.

Light filtered from the surface as she swam up. It was so bright compared to the dark depths. The ocean world around her became more and more colorful as she ascended from the depths. Corals and fish painted the watery landscape with vibrant colors. It was beautiful. She felt happy seeing the colors and fish. But she needed to return to the boat. Her red eyes looked up to the dark shadow above her before fixing her trajectory and ascending. She looked around at the waters around her as a voice called out to her, "You were down there a long time, did you find what you were looking for?" The small girl turned around and gave her friend a nod, "I sure did, Avdol!" The dark skinned man reached down and plucked the girl from the water with his mechanical arms. He set the drenched half pillar on the deck of the boat and gave her a towel to dry off with.
(Y/n) set the bag down on the deck of the boat they rented and opened the bag, "I got some of the jewelry and other things too. Salvagers and treasure hunters cannot go that far down normally, so the valuables are still there." "Did you get attacked by anything?," Avdol asked and handed the child a box of orange juice. "No, but I saw a whale!," the child replied with a wide grin. Avdol looked through the valuables that the child found and took care not to disturb the precious treasure she had retrieved, he knew how precious it was to her. No matter how morbid it was.

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