Chapter eighty-seven: Trish

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It was a sunny day in Capri. Bucciarati and his men were in the men's bathroom, discussing things. (Y/n) played with her toys as she waited for her papa to be done with his mission. Her red eyes watched a pair of janitors that were nearby, something was strange about them. One was a woman that was disguised as a man. The little Plum haired pillar girl watched them. She felt the sun bring her skin, so she pulled her cloak over her. She noticed how the janitors kept looking around, like they were waiting for someone. She watched as Narancia came out of the bathroom to tell the janitors to shoo, only to get in a fight with the woman janitor. Bucciarati put a stop to the fight after it started. He knew the smaller man janitor. The man was not a janitor at all, but a Capo that was with Passione, Mr. Pericolo. Bucciarati motioned for his adopted daughter to come to him after he greeted the Capo and gave a respectful bow.
Pericolo looked at Giorno and (y/n), "You must be the new recruit and the secret adopted child. Bucciarati told me about you two." (Y/n) made a nod to the man. "You can call me Mr. Pericolo." The human pointed to Narancia, "You there, I'm sorry about earlier. This one does not like to be touched." (Y/n) looked over to the young woman. The young woman had pink hair sticking out from under the bandana she was wearing on her head. The little girl avoided being picked up by one of her papa's men and ran over to the young woman to take a better look at her.

She was pretty. Pink hair and green eyes. The woman looked down at the little girl who was staring at her. "What's your name? I'm (y/n).," the plum haired pillar introduced herself, "You're pretty!" The pretty punk haired woman looked down at the child more before speaking, "Trish.... Why are you so small?" "I was born premature.," the little girl answered with a big smile, "But don't worry! I'm strong!" Trish was quiet as she looked down at the little girl then back up to the ones the child was with. The plum haired girl heard her papa and Pericolo talk, she learned that Trish was the boss's daughter. Trish went to change in the bathroom as the men talked. (Y/n) wandered back to Bucciarati as he and Pericolo was talking about the ones who were after Trish. Those people who were after her were stand users. Bucciarati's men had to protect Trish from stand users. "I can help. I'll sense them out and kill them!," the little child told her adopted father with a big smile. The blue eyed man looked down at his daughter and then to the Capo, "She is able to sense stand energy." "That will be a useful ability to help protect Trish.," Pericolo said, "But it is not good to put one as young and innocent as yourself in danger." The tiny pillar pouted.
She was picked up by Abbacchio as they left after Trish was done changing. Pericolo went to deliver the fortune to where it needed to go. Bruno gave the order that the gang was to help protect Trish. (Y/n) leaned toward her adopted father as they went back to the boat, "I will have my court help protect her, too." "That is much appreciated, Mia stellina.," the Newly crowned Capo smiled and patted his daughter's head. Bruno helped Trish get aboard the boat. The teen girl went down to the cabin as the gang members got ready to set sail again. Abbacchio set the child down and went to untie the boat. The red eyed child played with her toys while the boat sailed out of the harbor once ready.

Giorno knelt by (y/n), "I finally know why you look familiar." This made a few of the gang that was nearby pay attention to Giorno and (y/n). The blond spoke again once he had the girl's big red eyes staring a him, "You were my friend, Kijo-san. I don't know if you recognize me." "I do.," the little girl replied, "Your scent and hair changed. That's why I did not recognize you at first, Haruno." "Oi, oi,oi, What's this? I thought your name was Giorno.," Mista spoke up. "It is. My name was changed by my mother and stepfather after we moved to Italy from Japan. I knew (y/n) back in Japan as Kijo-san since she looks a little like the mythological Kijo.," Giorno explained. "Your parents are horrible.," the tiny pillar commented. "My mother and stepfather are not the best, no.," Giorno replied to his old friend. "I never mentioned your stepfather. I said your parents.," the tiny child said and turned back to her toys. She played with her porcelain doll.
Giorno stood after the little girl stopped talking to him. He looked at Abbacchio after feeling an angry glare being shot at him. The former policemen had a hard glare set on the golden haired new recruit. The tiny girl hopped up and went below deck, coming back after a bit with blood on her fingers that she was licking off. She went into the cabin where Trish was after Fugo told to clean the blood off of her. The blood faded away without staining after she put her hand on the spots.

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