Chapter sixty-nine: Harvest of mischief

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(Y/n) wandered around. She had a good day with Caesar and Santana four days ago. It was quite fun to play with the both of them. But, she had another person to play with as well. Shigechi. The plum haired pillar child walked to the convenience store and bought some snacks and some drinks. She walked to the park and waited for Shigechi to show up. The little girl left the bag of snacks on the ground and put a turtle charm on top of the bag before jumping up into a tree to hide. She just needed to wait until Shigechi was there before she surprised him. She giggled to herself and waited.
Red eyes scanned the park, looking for signs of the rotund boy. She kept all of her senses sharp to look for the boy. A golden bug caught her attention before the round body of her human friend appeared from the path. He saw the bag of snacks and the turtle charm and waddled up to it. His hand picked up the charm and looked at the shiny object before looking around.

"Is she here, where is she?," the human boy asked and his blue eyes looked around. Yet, he never looked up. (Y/n) smiled as she watched Shigechi try to find her. She had bought some bubble mixture to blow bubbles with. She took that out of her bag and blew some towards the boy. The little girl quietly laughed at his reaction to suddenly seeing pretty bubbles. Shigechi followed the bubbles and tried to grab them, making them pop. It was a game to pop them before they reached the ground.
Shigechi was greeted with some laughter as he popped the bubbles. He looked up and saw the little girl in the tree he was under, her red eyes looked to shine like the rubies his mom sometimes wore. (Y/n) hopped out of the tree and blew some more bubbles, "Hi Shigechi! Did you have a good week in school?" "Yeah, I had a tough time with the pop quiz.," the rotund boy replied. The little plum haired girl smiled, "I'll help you study if you need it." "I'd really appreciate it.," the boy replied as the little girl picked up one of the Harvest that ran about their feet. "I brought some snacks and drinks.," (y/n) smiled to her new friend. Shigechi looked excited after hearing that there were snacks.

He two children set out to play after this. Chasing each other and blowing bubbles. Only stopping to take a break when Shigechi hot tired or when (y/n)'s time was up in the sun. The shade of the tree was their haven, protecting them from the sun. The two would open a snack to share and drink a bit of their drinks. The Harvest stand always wandering about as they played and rested. The plum haired pillar made it a game to see how many she could catch. The most she got in her small arms was three. The bugs were able to wriggle out of her arms and she was laughed at by Shigechi. Her pouty face puffed up her cheeks to him. "It's not funny!," the child pouted. "You can only catch three of them!," Shigechi laughed and rolled over from laughing so much.
(Y/n) pouted at the laughing boy before making him laugh more by tickling him. By the time she was done, Shigechi was crying from laughing so much. He had a pink face and was trying to catch his breath. The pillar girl let him catch his breath and pulled him up to a sitting stance. She gave him his drink to help him cool down and a snack that he liked. The red eyed little girl sat beside him and nibbled on a cream filled bun.

"The turtle charm... is that for me?," Shigechi asked his friend and got a nod. "It is, I saw it and thought you would like it.," the little girl answered, "I bought it with my allowance." "It's the same charm I saw and wanted a while ago after getting my pet turtle.," the boy said with a smile. (Y/n) took his hand and placed the beautifully crafted turtle charm in it. Shigechi's face lit up and he squeezed the much smaller child in a bear hug. Her tiny body squished in the tight hug. "Thank you! You're so nice! Nice and pretty like a princess!," the rotund boy said as he squeezed the little girl. Shigechi kept hugging until the little girl made a squeak.
They sat under the tree and ate their snacks. It was a nice day. The cans Shigechi brought sat in front of them. The small pillar girl pulled out the bubbles again and started to blow more. "These remind me of Caesar's. He makes good bubbles.," the little girl smiled. Shigechi saw the signs of his stand coming back. The little girl climbed back up the tree to keep a lookout while Shigechi gathered up the coins with his harvest. The little girl stretched and yawned. It was a nice and warm Saturday. She was happy. (Y/n) closed her eyes and rested a little. She felt her father. His life force was strong, yet his consciousness was almost gone. His grip on himself was fading. "Daddy.," the little girl spoke to herself, to her father, "I wish I could find a way to Bring you home."

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