Chapter sixty-seven: bruises

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Josuke was extremely sore when he woke up the next morning. He did not have it at all. He was completely unprepared for Santana's savagery. The Japanese teen felt a small weigh in his chest and saw (y/n) was laying on him. She did not go back with Santana, she instead prompted to stay with Josuke to take care of him. He laid back down. He remembered that Santana had to carry him back, his mother freaked out after seeing him like that. Santana had to explain the best that he could that this was how he was trianed. Tomoko was mad before Josuke told her that it was his idea.
He lay there in his bed, bruised and battered. His little stepsister had her small little cheek squished against his chest. His blanket was kicked off of him. Josuke sighed and slowly rose. Pain enveloped him as he did. (Y/n) was stirred from her rest as her stepbrother got up. "Josuke.," the little girl's voice caught his ears, "Are you okay? Santana was kind of rough on you." The British-Japanese teen winced as he touched a sore spot on his body.

"I'll be fine.," the teen replied and got up as his sister climbed up to his shoulder to play with his hair that was down. "Your hair looks a lot like your father's, especially when he was your age.," the child chirped as Josuke tried to shoo her away to give him a chance to style it. Her face told him it was a compliment, so he did not get mad. She did not go away, she was braiding his hair. (Y/n) hugged his head as he was brushing his teeth. Tomoko came to check on her son, she saw the two children together. The woman saw the bruises on her son. "Josuke, are you feeling okay?," the woman asked. "Sore, but otherwise okay. Santana is a tough guy. I should have known better than to ask him to teach me some defense moves.," Josuke answered with a pained smile while he tried to stop his stepsister from putting bows in his long hair.
(Y/n) held onto his head tighter and pulled at his cheeks as he tried to get her off. Tomoko could not contain her snickers as she watched the two siblings squabble. Iggy watched the two as well. His doggy grin smiled up at the two. Josuke waited until his mother was gone before he got Crazy Diamond to take his sister off of his shoulders.

His hair had clips and bows in it. The small pillar child laughed at her work. She grinned at him as he picked the clips and bows from his hair. (Y/n) was shooed out of the bathroom and she went to see Tomoko and Iggy. Tomoko was making something for her son to eat, "Do you want something to eat?" The plum haired pillar child looked up at the woman, "No. I can get something later." "You don't eat much. You always decide offers of food.," Tomoko said, "Why is that?" (Y/n) did not answer and put some food out for Iggy, the small Boston terrier ate his food hungrily.
The small child watched the dog eat. Tomoko saw the dress she was wearing. A dress that looked to be ancient in style, "Where did you get that dress?" "This dress was one that my dad had made for me. It is more traditional in our kingdom's style.," the little girl said with a smile, "It was made to look like my mother's." She spun around and the streamers that flowed from her circlet followed. Tomoko chuckled at the cute little child, "It looks a little expensive." "It would be if it was appraised.," the little girl replied and watched the dog finish his meal, "I'm going now. Bye."

Tomoko could not say goodbye to the little girl as she left the house. She ran through the streets as Iggy followed her, she was just happy to be alive. She passed the ghosts that were at the corner store and continued to the hotel. She saw Caesar and Joseph walking together as she ran up. "Caesar, Jojo!," the little girl called out. The two turned and saw the daughter if their old enemy run up. She gripped Caesar's legs in a tight hug. She stuck her tongue out at her adopted father. Joseph sighed and rocked the baby he held in his arms. (Y/n) climbed up onto Caesar and sat on his shoulders. "Santana came back early this morning. He said something about training Josuke?," Caesar asked the small pillar.
(Y/n) pinched his cheeks and pulled it, "Josuke is battered and bruised. He said he could take Santana. He could not." The little girl grinned and played with the feathers that decorated his hair.
Caesar smiled and shook his head. "So, how are you doing this fine morning?," the Italian gentleman asked. "Good. Although... Father's mind has faded, I can't feel him anymore. I wish... I wish there was some way to make contact and bring him back.," the little girl said, "Not really back here to earth to rule, but, back here so he won't be lonely. Like another ghost. He could reunite with mom. See everyone again."

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