Chapter Eighty-three: Fate's twists

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Morning light filtered through the window, hitting the face of Bruno Bucciarati. He moved his hand and shifted in his bed, careful not to hurt the little one who was with him. (Y/n) snuggled close to his chest, hugging the teddy bear that Abbacchio got for her one year ago. The black haired Italian man looked at the clock, it was time to get up. He did not know if this child he took in was still in her sleep cycle that she started two days prior. But for some reason, she always came back to him to snuggle. Perhaps because she can't keep her body temperature stable like he could. Bucciarati hugged the small child and got up. He bumped her bag that was on the table and a large red stone fell out with other shining jewels. The Italian man picked up the large red crystal and looked at it. It was beautiful, the same gorgeous red color as her eyes.
He put it away, with the other stones. He saw a pack of pictures in the bag and picked one up, it was an old photograph. A man, two boys and (y/n). The Italian man looked at the smile on the child's face. She looked so happy. Bucciarati smiled lightly, this had to be the family who found her. He put the picture away and closed the bag, no need snooping in a bag he had no business in.

He felt tiny clawed hands grip his nightshirt. (Y/n) was waking up, "Buongiorno." "Buongiorno.," Bruno replied, "Go ahead and get ready. You're going to be spending time with the others. I trust you can behave for Mista and Abbacchio." "I will papa!," the little pillar girl chirped after waking herself up. The little child ran off to brush her hair and get ready. Bruno got ready as well, choosing his suit and brushing out his hair. The little girl came back wearing another one of the little outfits that Bucciarati got for her. Her hair was brushed out and styled. "Well, don't you look cute.," Bucciarati chuckled at her cheerfulness. "Mama did my hair!," the little girl cheered. The Italian knew the ghosts were staying around, he had seen Santana and Ivory hanging around his home. The brunette ghost also learned how to make some simple meals and make coffee or tea to help Bucciarati.
Bucciarati smiled, "Your mother does a great job." The red eyed pillar child gave the man a big smile, "Mama made breakfast!" "Let's go see what she made.," the Italian said and followed the little girl. They found the brunette ghost woman in the kitchen, finishing up making breakfast. "Buongiorno, Bruno. Did you sleep well?," the ancient woman asked with a kind and motherly smile. "I did, thank you.," the Italian responded and sat down as the ghost woman set down the breakfast she made for the Italian man. "(Y/n), don't you have something to give him?," Ivory asked, "Something you made with Wamuu?" "Oh, yeah!," the little girl chirped and ran away before coming back to present a small box to Bucciarati, "We made this for you. A way of saying thanks and welcoming you as part of the family."

Bucciarati opened the box and found a ring in it. A gold ring with patterns that Ivory and the rest of the Fallen family wore. The Italian man took it out and put it on, the ring fit him perfectly. "It's beautiful. Thank you.," Bruno smiled. Ivory clapped her hands together, "Oh, this is so sweet. It reminds me when Kars gave me my first present." The woman's face had a big smile on it and her cheeks were pink. Bucciarati sipped his coffee as he listened to the woman talk, his home was a little more lively and warm with them around. (Y/n) played with her doll and the bear as Bucciarati ate his breakfast. As he was finishing up his meal, Bucciarati saw that (y/n)'s stand had emerged to play with her as well. The stand was rather gentle to her and looked like the child, albeit more masculine. From how it acted, Bruno knew it was a sentient stand. He had also heard the little girl talking to it, calling it her father. Was this sentient stand somehow her father's soul fused with her stand?
The Italian man finished his meal and thanked Ivory for making it. "It's no trouble at all, if anything, I kind of like acting like a housewife.," the Brunette woman said with a smile as she cleaned up, "Have a good day, Bruno, (y/n)." "Okay mama!," the little girl cheered and hugged the neck of her stand. The stand's metal wings wrapped around the little girl. The Italian man stood up and walked to the girl, "Ready to go?" "Yeah!," the plum haired pillar child smiled.

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