Chapter eighty-five: Another bad boat ride

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Bruno walked down the streets with his adopted daughter on his shoulder. His gang followed his lead. Giorno followed and saw that people liked Bruno. The townspeople greeted Bucciarati as be walked by, inviting him and the child to come back to their store. The black haired man greeted them in return. Giorno looked at the small child that was on Bruno's shoulder. She was so small, yet so familiar, like he knew her. He reached his hand up to touch the long and wavy hair. His hand was grabbed by Abbacchio, the white haired man gave the golden haired teen a glare. The little girl looked back as Abbacchio let Giorno's hand go. Her big red eyes looked at them before turning away from Giorno in an angered way, he did not know why she had such a sudden hatred for him.
The gang was led to the docks and to a yacht rental place. There were a line of yachts at the dock. Bruno put the child down on the street and wen inside to rent one of the yachts. Her small hand grabbed Abbacchio's coat as she followed him around after Bruno started talking to the man who ran the rental service. She held the small bag that held her clothes and her favorite toys. She watched Narancia pick out snacks and drinks from the store as Bucciarati got a rental, Mista reminded Bucciarati to avoid getting the yacht with the number 4 on it. (Y/n) could feel his eyes on her, familiar green eyes. She gripped Abbacchio's jacket a little tighter. Besides Giorno, there was an unfamiliar energy there at the docks.

The yacht rental owner told Bucciarati that he did not have to pay because of how much the black haired man had helped him, the gang was going to get to use the yacht for free. After Bucciarati got the key, Narancia placed all the snacks on the counter and asked the man to ring him up. He had a huge grin on his face. Abbacchio walked out to the yacht as Narancia was paying for the snacks and drinks. He got onto the boat and looked back to the little girl as she jumped onto the boat with ease. The small plum haired pillar set her things down and stretched. It was a nice and sunny day, so warm. Abbacchio looked back at the others before crouching next to her, "Do you sense something about Giovanna?" "There's something about his face, his energy.," the little girl replied, "I know this energy, but, it makes me feel ill." Her red eyes looked over to the golden haired teen as he got onto the boat, followed by Mista and Narancia. Fugo got on last after Bucciarati, the holey suited teen untied the boat. Bruno drove the boat out into the ocean as the others kept a lookout and enjoyed the nice weather. Abbacchio stood next to Bucciarati and (y/n) as the little girl played with her stuffed animal.
The little girl went below deck to change into her fresh outfit what Bucciarati brought for her. Mista started to go into the cabin, but heard a small shriek and closed the door, "Sorry! I didn't know you were in there!" He waited until the little child was out of the cabin before getting the magazines he had put in there. Giorno was talking to Narancia as this happened, "Excuse me, why does Bucciarati have a child here?" "Oh, (y/n)? Bucciarati adopted her after we found her in Rome last year, her family is gone.," the teen replied as he was putting a disk into his music player, "she's cute, right?" "Isn't that wrong to put her in danger?," Giorno asked. Narancia laughed, "She's in no danger, her stand is the danger." "She's a stand user?," the golden haired teen asked. The older teen looked up at Giorno, "If we're lucky, we will not see it at all. Bucciarati does not want a repeat of what happened before. Ugh..."

The little girl sat on the top of the cabin and watched everything around her with great interest. Her little arms held her toys as she watched everything. "At least this is more peaceful than the other times I was on a boat.," the little girl sighed. She felt her hair being played with. Had to be her mom. The warm ocean breeze blew over her skin, bringing the salty scent of the ocean with it. Mista and Narancia was enjoying themselves near the stern as Bucciarati and the others were towards the bow. Fugo and Abbacchio were standing near (y/n) and talking. The little girl felt her hair be let go and she looked behind her to see who was playing with it. She did not see anyone. She pouted, they were playing with her. "Not funny.," She said. "What's not funny?," Fugo asked. "Someone doesn't want me to know that they are playing with my hair.," The pillar girl replied and looked around to find any trace of who it was.
"They gave you a nice braid.," Fugo commented and went back to talking to Abbacchio. The little girl felt her hair and found a part of it was braided like her father had his. She made a small huff and heard Mista call out to Bucciarati. "Bucciarati, where are we going?!," the gunman asked. (Y/n) sensed stand energy from everyone. Yet she felt slight stand energy nearby. She remembered that something did not feel right at the boat place. The blue eyed man nodded, "We're far enough away from land, I can tell you now."

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