Chapter Ninety-six: Stand mystery

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The taste of iron slid down the little pillar's throat as she sipped down the blood bags that were delivered to her. She found the O blood to be a little sweeter than the others. She even tasted what the original owners of the blood had ingested before giving blood. "It's like some sort of demented juice box for you, huh?," Caesar asked and patted the girl's head. The child pouted as he laughed at her little face, he poked her soft cheeks, "So cute." (Y/n) kept sipping on the bloodbag as she was picked up by the hamon user. "I can't believe that Kars had such an adorable kid.," Caesar continued and felt a smack on the back of his head, "Ow. Who was that?!" The pillar girl looked at her stand that had manifested behind Caesar and was glaring at the Hamon user. "Daddy.," the child said after suckling down the rest of the blood. "Sorry, but it is true.," Caesar said to the shimmer he saw in the air. The Italian man held the small child as he walked, "Your friends must be in Venezia by now. I wonder what they are doing." "With their luck, assassins are after them.," (y/n) sighed.
"You don't sound too thrilled about it. Reminding you of the old days?," Caesar asked. "Which old days? It happened during the Egypt trip and 2000 years ago.," the little girl huffed. The blond man listened to the girl before seeing her yawn. "You have been sleeping somewhat more frequently from what Bruno told me.," Caesar commented. "I've have been using my strength more frequently without eating living things. There is nothing to hunt around here without humans seeing me.," the little girl sighed. "You can nap for a bit and catch up to the others.," Caesar said while patting the child's head. Her tiny head rested on his chest. He was still very close to how he looked back when they first met, that made (y/n) happy. But reminded her of how much Joseph had aged. 'Dumb old man.,' she thought to herself.

Caesar saw a silvery mass out of the corner of his eye, it was gone when he turned to look. The silvery mass was a little see through. The blond man wondered just what he saw. He remembered that Joseph mentioned that Kars's new form looked silvery with his usual features. The man looked down to the child in his arms, she was resting. Her little hands gripped onto him. Oh well. She was not going anywhere for a while. Caesar resigned to taking a day to rest after working so much. Perhaps he should call his old friends. He made his way to the phone and dialed a number. He put the receiver up to his ear to wait for the other side to pick up. "Hello? Caesar?," Jotaro had picked up. "I found her and met the ones she has adopted. He was there as well.," the hamon user said. "These people that she adopted. What are they like?," Jotaro asked.
"They are gang members of the local gang. But, from what I've seen, they are good people.," Caesar reported to the man on the other side of the line, "Even Giorno. He did not act like his father." "Is (y/n) there?," the Japanese mix man asked. "She's right here, but, she can't talk at the moment.," Caesar said with a small smile. He could hear a small 'hmph' from Jotaro, he could hear the smile in that one sound. "Polnareff should be somewhere in Italy, the last time he contacted me, he found something important.," the dark haired man told the hamon user, "There is a great danger in Italy, a danger that more than likely has caused Giorno's stand to respond. This danger may cause Avalon to react more erratic if it is powerful enough." "I'll keep that in mind.," Caesar spoke. The two men spoke a little longer before they hung up.

The blond man saw from the door of his office that a pretty brunette was watching him, "Ivory, I can see you outside of the alley." "Yes, it seems like we have been getting stronger after being around strong stand users.," the woman smiled, "Strong enough to manifest to be seen by humans." "So, what are the others doing?," Caesar asked. Ivory tittered, "Santana is insisting that the rest of the fabric that was delivered be used to make adorable outfits for (y/n). Esidisi left to find Bruno a while ago and Wamuu is right behind you." Caesar looked behind him and almost fell over from seeing Wamuu there, right behind him. He quickly stabilized himself and did not drop the little pillar in his arms. Thankfully she either did not care, or was too deep in sleep to notice. "Wamuu, I almost had a heart attack.," the blond man said, "I'm not 19 anymore." "My apologies, Caesar.," the fallen wind warrior spoke as he bowed his head, "I must apologize for eavesdropping as well."
"Did you want to talk to Jojo?," Caesar asked. "Yes, but I also realize that he could be preoccupied by the infant he adopted.," Wamuu spoke. "Shizuka. I do think he does have his hands full with her.," the hamon master responded. A smile was on Wamuu's face, "Infants are precious, but they can be troublesome. (Y/n) has scared us on more than one occasion with her exploration antics." Caesar motioned to one of the other chairs in his office, offering the fallen warrior a chair to tell him tales of the past. He green eyed warrior sat down and began telling Caesar some stories. Starting from first meeting Ivory to how much he and Santana enjoyed looking after (y/n) when she was a baby.

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