Chapter Seventy-five: Soul struggle

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It was afternoon when (y/n) was found under the tree. Caesar and Joseph had found her. The two older gentlemen decided it was a good place to stop and rest. The little pillar girl was woken up from her nap by a hand patting her cheek. Her red eyes met the blueish - green ones of the italian. To their surprise, she quickly backed away from them. "Huh? What's wrong (y/n)? Are you still mad at me?," Joseph asked her as Shizuka cooed. The plum haired pillar girl kept her distance, "Don't come any closer! I don't know if I can control him!" Her panicked voice made Joseph and Caesar both worry a little. The old British-American looked at his friend then to his adopted daughter, "Control who?"
"Da-... Avalon, my stand. It is out of control.," the child said as she continued to back up. Caesar had a face like he already knew, "Jotaro told us of your berserker stand." "I don't want Avalon to kill you.," the tiny girl backed up until she ran into a pair of legs. She looked back and saw Kakyoin looking down at her. "Don't get too close!," the child said as she backed away from her old friend. She hid behind a tree and curled up into a small ball.

"Don't worry.," Kakyoin spoke, "If your stand does do anything, I can counterattack with Heirophant Green." "I don't want to hurt you...," the little girl shook, "Don't want to hurt any of you. I love all of you too much." "What were you doing out here alone?," Caesar asked. "I wanted to go to the fields outside of town... where I could let Avalon out safely...," the child spoke, "I could only get this far." She still had little tears coming from her red eyes. "Earlier, you said 'Him'... We're you talking about Avalon?," Joseph asked. This statement made (y/n) go cold, he noticed her slip. She had to get away. If she got upset again, Avalon would emerge once more. She had to be careful, otherwise she might hurt someone she loved.
The plum haired pillar child hopped up and used the tree next to her to launch herself away from the adults interrogating her. She heard metal ringing. Her blood ran cold. Too late. He woke up. She landed away from her adopted father and Caesar. Joseph had a look of cold terror. The face of the child's stand brought up past trauma. Kakyoin's face was one of surprise and awe.

Avalon stood over (y/n) in a protective stance. The large metal wings rang as the blades clattered together. Its red eyes had a harsh glare set of the two hamon users. The metal body shone in the afternoon light, the plum hair waved by the force of an unseen wind, the piece of cloth wrapped around its hips that covered the legs waved as well. The small, round, red jewels that set in its forehead and on select joints shone. A snarl came over the lips of the stand before it let out an inhuman screech at the Hamon users. The same shriek that Kars made when he ascended into the sky when transforming. Kakyoin stood quickly and called out his Heirophant. Caesar was still looking at the child, "Jojo, What is that shimmer above her?"
"You can see it?," Kakyoin asked. Caesar nodded, "A vague shimmer it is distorting the air aove her." "That means that Avalon is strong enough to be bordering on being visible to Non stand users.," the cherry red haired man spoke. Joseph had been quiet the whole time, the stand was glaring at him and him alone. "It's Kars. Not just the shape. That glare, it's the same one he made after I killed Esidisi.," Joseph finally said.

(Y/n) forced herself to take a step back, "No! I'm not going to let you kill them! I do still hate Jojo for Killing Esidisi and Wamuu, Hell, I hate him because he grew old and will leave us alone when he dies, but I can never hurt him! He and Mama Suzie took me in and treated me like their own. Even though I hate him, I love them! This family!" She was fighting the rage of her own stand and heart as she kept backing away, forcing her stand, her father, to come with her. Her body was heavy as the stand dug into the ground to try and stay put. The pain she was feeling in her muscles was unlike any she felt before, the strain felt like she was tearing her own body apart to try and force this power back. But she had to if it meant to keep them safe. Her adopted father and new little sister.
Large gouges were left in the ground as the wings dug into the dirt. She felt one of her legs break from the pressure of pulling her stand along. She was able to get pretty far from the humans she was protecting from herself. "Is this what you wanted? Us destroying my body in a struggle? Then so be it.," the child hissed through the pain, "Stands are manifestations of will and fighting spirit. This just shows how strong we are, Father. I got this from you." She collapsed onto the ground and kept crawling forward in a struggle against her own power, her arm next to break if they kept this struggle up. She bit back cries of pain. Something she was used to doing. "Do you like pain father? Then feel this one we share.," She muttered as her arms gave out and they both collapsed on the ground.

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