Chapter Thirty-one: sleepy in Singapore

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Avdol was carrying (y/n) as the crew looked for a hotel to stay at in. They have arrived in Singapore after being rescued by a ship heading that way. Avdol was very warm. Like Esidisi was. The Egyptian was careful with how he held the little girl and followed her adopted father as they walked. It was a bright and sunny day. Beautiful weather for tourists. Not so much for nocturnal creatures. The small plum violet haired girl looked around from under her hood, "It's bright and warm. Like Italy is when I visit Caesar on his film sets." "Caesar? As in Caesar Zeppeli?," Polnareff asked, "The Famous Italian film actor?"
(Y/n) gave a nod, "Joseph and I have known him for a long time. They are the ones who fought my father and uncles." The Frenchman looked really excited, "You know an Italian movie star!" The girl did not understand why he was so excited, "Caesar is an old friend. I don't get why you are acting so weird." Joseph and Avdol chuckled at this as the group kept walking. "I have watched many of his movies.," Polnareff said, "He seems so magnifique." "He's a man, like you. He's no different than any of you. Well, maybe a little since his aging is slowed due to his constant Hamon practicing.," the little girl said.

Joseph stopped the group and looked around at the hotels near them. He was deciding on which to use. Polnareff set his bag down and stretched. Anne stayed near Jotaro the whole time. A loud and annoying whistle blew as a cop ran up to the group yelling about how they could not throw trash around in Singapore and pointed to Polnareff. "Littering is a 500 Singapore dollar fine!," the cop said. Kakyoin and Joseph did the math, that fine equated to 40,000 yen. Pretty expensive. Avdol let the little girl he was holding down to walk on her own.
Polnareff was confused about what the cop meant by trash during this ordeal. The officer pointed to the bag that Polnareff set down on the sidewalk. Avdol barely held back a laugh. The silver haired Frenchman pressed a finger into the chest of the cop, "Trash? I don't see anything but my luggage. Would you be so kind to show me what trash you are referring to?" The officer looked a little bit embarrassed at this as Polnareff set his hand on the man's shoulder. The officer apologized and left as the men all laughed at the misunderstanding. The laugh of Anne caught their attention, she had followed them like a little lost puppy since they got to the port.

(Y/n) walked over to Anne as the taller girl sat on the curb, "Aren't you going to go meet your father?" "He won't be here for a few days.," the brunette replied. "Do you need somewhere to stay?," the pillar child asked as her adopted father watched them. Joseph motioned to the buff Frenchman to bring Anne with them. Polnareff came over, "Hey, you're poor right? We'll pay for your room." He was not very nice to the girl. Anne pouted with how rude he was being. (Y/n) jumped up and kicked his head enough for it to hurt, but not to damage him. "You are an idiot.," the tiny girl said as the silver haired man rubbed his head. The young pillar held her hand out to Anne and pulled her up from the curb she sat on. The rest of the group groaned or laughed at how dumb Polnareff was.
Joseph chose a hotel and walked in, it was pretty busy. The place was beautiful with the polished floors and bright lighting. It was a large place. (Y/n) was looking around the building with great intrest. This was probably the first hotel she had been in that was being used by humans as well. Kakyoin bent over to be more at her height, "You are acting like you have never been in a hotel before." "Not one with this many humans.," the young half pillar replied, "The first hotel was in Switzerland, it was an abandoned building that daddy took over to act as our home while we looked for a stone."

Joseph was signing everyone into rooms. He got their attention to see how they would split the rooms, "Avdol and I will share a room." Kakyoin stood and held a hand over his chest, "Jotaro and I will share a room, since we are both students." "So that leaves the last room for Polnareff, (y/n) and Anne.," Avdol spoke. Anne got defensive immediately and pointed to the buff Frenchman, "There is no way I am sharing a room with him!" Polnareff made an indignant noise as Anne made a face at him, (y/n) just stood quietly and watched them act like children. "So noisy.," the small plum haired pillar girl commented as she held her precious porcelain doll, "You both are acting like children." "Well, they are children, but also ladies...," Joseph said and turned to the receptionist, "Is it okay to make it four rooms?" The woman happily agreed and gave them four room keys. Polnareff took a key, "I can relax more in a room on my own anyway! Nothing would suit me better." 'How about another kick to the head?,' (y/n) thought as she watched him walk off.
Polnareff motioned for them to follow, "It's been hell since we left Hong Kong, let's rest and shower where it is safe." "How safe will it be as long as my brother is around?," the pillar girl asked nobody in particular, "We have to still be vigilant." The group followed Polnareff up the stairs and said goodbye when his floor came up. They continued onto their rooms. (Y/n) was given the room numbers of both her adopted father and the two Japanese students just in case she or Anne needed anything.

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