Chapter Thirteen: My family

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(Y/n) followed the car as it flew down the street, she watched where it went carefully. Her eyes rolled as the car started to swerve as the driver was being stupid. The girl landed and jumped off again, she heard part of the conversation in the car. It was about her. She scoffed, this was none of he Germans or Ceasar's business. She was here for some answers. And to follow this energy that was beckoning her to come. Makin her get closer and closer. She would not run now that she knew for a fact that she was safe around these beings, her people. She wanted to know who they were. Who was beckoning her? She set down again near the coliseum before jumping once more, she had been there before. The energy was stronger.
Her body set down as the car stopped, she hopped up onto Ceasar's shoulder and stuck her tongue at him as he walked up to a face on a wall. The blond scoffed. "You and your grandfather act a lot alike.," the girl commented, "I cried when I saw he died. But he went into that fight knowing that he was going to die. He died to protect everyone. Have pride in that, Ceasar." She jumped onto Speedwagon's shoulder after that and unclipped her cloak. She no longer needed it as the sun was down.

Her horns shone in a silver light under the moon. A sign of her bloodline. The young German officer stared before he opened the secret entrance behind the face. The Mouth of Truth. It was the entrance to the resting place. The place was unearthly to the humans, but comfortable to the girl. The girl looked into the darkness, her eyes quickly adjusting to the low light. She felt three life forces ahead, their energy was massive. One stood out, that one was calling for her. The blood was calling. "Can you sense anything?," Speedwagon asked the girl after commenting on the caverns. "Yes. I feel life forces further back.," the girl answered, "I feel strong ones." "She must be sensing the sleeping pillar men.," Ceasar said,"How are you able to sense them?"
(Y/n) tapped her main horn, "My horns. They are able to sense heat, heartbeats and life energy. They are the most sensitive part of my body, so I use them like a radar system to track down enemies or prey." She was taken off Speedwagon's shoulder by Joseph as Speedwagon and Ceasar began to talk about his hamon experiments. The brunet hugged the little girl to his chest as they finally reached the end of the stairs and into the main cavern, "It's Quiet, there should be guards right?" He placed the girl down so that she could look around. He noticed that she ran to a certain place and crouched down to poke at something on the ground. "Ewwwwww.," they heard the child say as they realized there should be guards around. Joseph walked over to her only to step on something, "Gross! Is this bat guano?!" (Y/n) laughed as the flashlight beam was pointed to her and what she was playing with.

Husk corpses of dead German soldiers. (Y/n) was laughing as the others were freaking out. She felt three forces deeper into the darkness and hid behind Speedwagon's legs to observe. Speedwagon noticed this as the German soldier who brought them here ran deeper into the caverns... and into the path of the awoken pillar men. Ceasar called for the soldier to run away, but the call came too late. One of the Warriors walked right through him and ate half of his body. The plum haired girl kept out of sight and out of the way of the Warriors who had awakened. She did pick up the jewels that had fallen off of the wall as she heard the exchange between Ceasar and the German.
The child snuck away from the group of humans and hid behind a pillar to watch these warriors. One with dark skin, white hair and a cross shaped mark on his face. One with tanned skin, blond hair and a square shaped mark on his face. And finally, the one that had the most power drawing the girl towards him, one with eyeshadow like markings, red eyes and dark cloth wrapped around his head and upper torso. All of them were muscular, large, and adorned with gold and jewels. She hid as she sensed the one with the head wrap look towards her direction. She heard the white haired one ask him about that his answer was, "I thought I saw something." This voice was the same one she had been hearing. From back in the past when she first heard the voice to just a few hours ago when the voice was asking where she was. This was the one she was supposed to meet!

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