Chapter Ninety-Four: Floating fortress

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The Boat's motor hummed as they went further out to sea. Looming in the distance was a fortress. Air Supplina Island. A strange energy seemed to emenate from it, making the others tense. Bucciarati brought the boat to the pier, finding that there was another boat already there. A gondola with a strange pattern on it. "Looks like someone is home.," Mista commented. (Y/n) hopped off of the boat and looked around, "The gate is closed. I'll have to scale the wall." "Did you not hear me? Someone is here!," Mista fussed, "We don't know if they are friend or foe!" "Wrong. He's a friend. I met him many years ago.," the small pillar said and pointed to the turtle, "Get in. I'll carry all of you in." The group, sans Fugo, got into the turtle. (Y/n) picked the turtle up and tied it to her with some fabric she tore off of the table cloth. She used her little claws to grip the walls and scaled the fortress.
She felt a humming energy in the walls. A humming energy was nearby. The pillar girl climbed the wall and jumped down onto the stone tiles below. She took the turtle out of the makeshift harness and held it while looking around. There did not seem to be anyone there visually. But she felt a man with her horn. The little girl put the turtle down and tapped the shell.

"It's safe to come out.," (y/n) said to the team in the jewel. She felt movement in the shadows. Caesar was there. The first to emerge was Mista. Then the others emerged. Trish was left in the turtle to rest. "Welcome to Air Supplina Island. Home of the hamon training grounds. Pretty much the only thing that can effectively kill me.," the little girl said. The men looked around, the stone walls and large fortress, coupled with what the little girl said was unsettling. The little girl motioned the group to follow, she cut her eyes to the shadows. The movement of a man caught her eye. 'Just what is he doing?,' she thought to herself. The group followed the tiny yet ancient girl. Her small feet padded on the ground. Suddenly, she sensed a surge of energy and heard the familiar crackling of hamon.


The girl jumped out of the way as the hamon charged bubbles flew towards them. The group was immediately on edge. Bucciarati and the others readied their stands. The plum haired pillar, however, started laughing. "This is not funny! There is an enemy!," Narancia yelled at the girl, "What happened to the friend?!" "He's testing you. He's always like this.," the little girl laughed. "Testing?," Bucciarati asked as bubbles surrounded the team, floating in the air. Seemingly harmless. Giorno reached out to touch the bubble in front of him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you.," he heard (y/n) say, "Try to find a way out of there without touching the bubbles." The little plum haired pillar picked up the turtle and carried it to the main building.
She watched the others try to find a way out of their predicament, she felt herself be picked up. The familiar soapy smell told her it was okay. A familiar voice greeted her as well, "Brought some friends here, (y/n)?" "Si.," the small child replied as the two watched the group. The gang was trying to get out of the bubbles without touching them. Some of the bubbles were touched and the members got a little shock from the hamon.

However, they did get out of the bubbles. They heard a clapping and saw a man walking towards them, a man with blond hair and green eyes. A small beard and mustache was on his face. He had the pillar girl on his shoulder. He was tall and pretty buff. We wore a casual outfit with a blue jacket over top. Mista Recognized him immediately, "You're, you're Caesar! Caesar Zeppeli! But you look young!" "Believe me, I'm much older than I look.," the blond laughed, "I'm sorry, but I had to see what you could do, especially since you were with (y/n). From what I can see, or lack thereof, you are stand users." "You know about stands?," Bucciarati asked. "Of course, her previous caretaker and his family have stands. So do her other friends. I even know about her ghosts.," Caesar replied, "If she led you here, she trusts you. And I welcome you all here."
Caesar looked over everyone, "Now, all of you know me, yet I don't know you." "My apologies, I am Bruno Bucciarati.," Bucciarati greeted, "This is my team." "Leone Abbacchio.," the yellow and purple eyed man said, "Pleasure to meet you." "I'm Narancia! Wow! You're famous and rich! How cool!," the violet eyed teen chirped. The gunslinger was next, "Guido Mista. But, you can call me Mista." Finally, Caesar looked to Giorno.

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