Chapter one hundred and twelve: Prison of contradiction

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After a few days of living and going to the prison with Enrico Pucci, the priest finally allowed little (y/n) to explore outside of the chapel. Although, she was only allowed to when he or a trusted guard was present. The little girl was able to meet some people that way. Including a strange man with eyes that bulged from his head like a goldfish's. This small man also had a small alligator puppet that he would talk to and use to talk to the plum haired child whenever he saw her with Pucci or exploring with a guard on break. The man was the warden of the prison, named Locobaroco. His puppet was named Charlotte. The warden was a little concerned with Pucci bringing a small child to work with him, especially when the prisoners were known to be some of the most vile criminals known in Florida.
However, he would be polite and welcoming to the child whenever they crossed paths. Locobaroco was surprised by her wisdom after they spoke during the break he was able to have with her. (Y/n) thought his attempts to make her smile with Charlotte was amusing. It reminded her of the shows that her uncles would take her to in the nights they roamed. Those plays of great heroes.
"Warden Locobaroco, has there been any scary events here before? Have prisoners acted badly?," the red eyed child asked the man.
The warden and Charlotte both looked like they were thinking before answering, "We did once have some prisoners try to hurt some of the guards, but they were stopped. The guards are fine as well."
"The prisoners were given a punishment for that as well.," Locobaroco spoke through Charlotte in a higher pitch.

(Y/n) bit into the donut she had been given by another guard as she listened to the story. She could feel the prisoners in their area, moving about and going about their lives. She wondered if Jolyne could be there.
"You don't need to worry about prisoners being mean to you. You are safe here in the guard offices and in the chapel.," The warden spoke before his face fell, "Although, I wonder why you aren't in school."
The plum haired pillar girl wanted to tell him that she had already received what was a full education three times over, but she kept quiet. It was better for her to let everyone think that she was a small human child. Even if her father was severely against it.
"Warden, I-", (y/n) began to speak until she was cut off by a guard going into the room.
"Warden! The new prisoners have arrived!," the interrupting guard announced.
Locobaroco nodded his bulbous and goldfish like head before turning back to the child, "You were about to say something?"
"It's not important.," the plum haired child said softly and bit into her donut.
Locobaroco patted her hair and walked out of the guard office to go meet the prisoners. The pillar child was internally fuming. She was so close to asking the warden if she could see if any of the prisoners was who she was looking for! It seemed like fate was against her that day. Perhaps she needed to keep her patience and bide her time some more.
The girl finished her donut and left the guard office. Her small feet tapped on the floor as she walked through the hall to get to the main area, where she would be able to return to the chapel. Her horn burned with all the feelings of the humans around. Her ears heard something that made her bristle from a mix of disgust and surprise.

"Hey little girl, what'cha doing in a place like this?," It was the voice of a prisoner that spotted her.
She tried to keep herself away from prisoners, but this unfortunate soul seemed to have found her by accident. The little child continued to walk away quietly, hoping the prisoner would give up and believe she was just a trick of the eye. She was not so fortunate.
"Don't ignore me, widdle girl.," the inmate said in a baby talk way and reached out to the tiny pillar, "Come and pway with me."
The plum haired girl broke into a run to get away from the human. She however took a turn into an area she was unfamiliar with from the panic of staying away from the prisoners. She looked around and took a breath. Somehow she got onto the stairwell without realizing. Her father must have piloted her to a place without humans. After looking around and calming down a bit, she felt her horns buzz with energy.

Stand energy.

There was a stand nearby! The little girl walked up the stairs and through a hall. She felt a hand reach out and grab her.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you.," Came a voice.
The pillar girl wanted to lash out, the feeling of a stand washed over her. She lashed out in the form of a punch and hit a large piano. The piano made a sound but did not move. The child looked around. She was no longer in the hallway. (Y/n)'s red eyes looked around, carefully taking in the sight of the strange room she was in. It looked old. Mid 20th century style. Dull green and brown colors. The smell of cigar smoke permeated the air. The plum haired girl looked behind her and saw a young human boy. He was a blond boy with fair skin and golden eyes. He looked to be wearing a baseball uniform.
He seemed to be cautious of the girl before him as she was of him.
"Are you okay? You don't need to be afraid of me.," The boy asked.
(Y/n) nodded slowly as she looked around the room again. She smelled traces of other people in that room. Two men and a woman.
"Where am I?," the pillar child asked.
"You're in a ghost room. You're safe here.," the boy said, "I'm Emporio. I just wanted to talk to you."
"Talk? About what?," the little girl inquired.
"You're in danger. You have to escape now.," the boy, Emporio, replied, "You cannot trust father Pucci."
The red eyed pillar crossed her arms and sat on the hardwood floor, running through all the information she had from living with Enrico Pucci. He was not cruel to her. He did scold her if she did something wrong and was punishing her for killing that man. He was also keeping her mother's necklace from her.

The red eyed child sighed.
"How am I in danger? He never did anything to hurt me.," the tiny horned girl spoke and rubbed her horn in agitation.
"Please. Believe me.," the boy said, "You're in danger. Please, you have to leave."
"I can't leave now, I need to find Jolyne.," the little plum haired girl responded, "She was framed."
"I know she was. And she is in danger as well. I'll try to help both of you survive this.", the blond boy spoke, "All I ask of you, is to not tell anyone of my existence."
(Y/n) tilted her head and thought a bit. She felt kind of safe with Pucci, but there was a nagging feeling she was getting. There was a way that Pucci looked at her that was a little uncomfortable. Like he knew more about her than he was letting on.
"One question. Is Jolyne here?," the plum haired girl asked.
"She is. She transferred in today.," Emporio replied, "I'll keep an eye on her for you. You just need to find a way to get away from that man."
The plum haired pillar nodded. She'd agree with this boy for now. She just needed to get Jolyne out.
The little girl rubbed her horn in irritation more. She just wanted to be near a Joestar again. She wished she had Jonathan's skull with her again. That would help. Or maybe Dio's circlet. Smelling her brothers' scents would help her calm down. She started to rub her horn with greater fervor.
"Are you okay?," the blond boy asked as he saw her horn become more shiny looking.
"I'm just mad.," the tiny girl hissed out, "But how are you here? How's a human child in a prison?"
"What do you mean, you're a child as well!," Emporio said back.
The Boy stopped as the girl's words registered in his mind. 'Human child'.

Red and golden eyes stared at each other. The two children did not know what to say to each other in that moment. He did not even seem to flinch at the fact she had red eyes or horns. The little pillar finally stood, the boards creaked beneath her feet. She felt the biting energy of her father turned stand inside of her.
"I made a promise. A promise to George and Johnathan that I intended to keep.," the plum haired girl announced, "I'm going to watch over the descendants."
Emporio did not understand what she meant, but acknowledged her passion in her voice. The blond boy sighed and motioned to (y/n) to follow. The much smaller girl did and was taken back to a hallway. The same hallway she was grabbed from. She heard Emporio's voice from behind her.
"Be careful. You may need to use your stand sooner than you would like.," the boy said and finally disappeared.
The small girl felt around with her horns and walked the halls, lost. She sniffed the air, searching for a scent she recognized. Whether it be a guard, Pucci or Jolyne. The pillar girl began to run, following scents. The child kept running and slid to turn around corners. She ran into a prisoner. She backed up and looked up. She saw his eyes were pure white. He did not seem hurt, she did not run into him very hard.

He seemed confused and used his can to feel around. He sort of reminded her of that water stand user back in egypt. He was blind. (Y/n) stayed quiet to not alert him. She felt stand energy from him.
"Who is there?," the man asked.
His pale hair and strange tattoo under his eye made him look unique. The girl still stayed quiet. She kept her stand inside of her body. She smelled some sort of powder on him. He had a weapon hidden somewhere. Her eyes were locked on him, keeping distance between her and him. Her horn kept a sense of the surroundings.
"I know I felt something hit my legs.," the man spoke, "And there was the sound of running earlier. Small, is it a child?"
The man prodded the area around him with the cane he held.
"I was told father Pucci had a child with him, did I run into her?," the man mused, "Child, are you here?"
(Y/n) kept her hands over her mouth, she took a slow step back. The clatter of her necklace alerted the man. He moved his head to look down.
"Child? Are you afraid of responding?," the man asked, "Speak."
"I'm lost.," the plum haired pillar girl replied.
"You should turn around. The chapel is in the opposite direction.," the man said and walked forward with his cane.
The tiny pillar thought a bit before following him, he was going the same way anyway.

The man stopped at a doorway and pointed, "Take this hall and go down the stairs. Then follow the main hall. You can follow the guard post from there back to the chapel. If you get lost again, there are plenty of guards in this direction to help you."
"Thank you!," (y/n) smiled to the man who could not see it.
The man tapped his cane next to her leg, "You are welcome. Now go, (y/n). Father Pucci is more than likely wondering where you are."
The plum haired pillar ran off, following the directions given to her by the tall blind man. While he walked back to where he was heading.
"To think you knew lord DIO since he was a child and yet are still young yourself.," the man mused, "No matter. I need to prepare for my upcoming task."

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