Chapter Eighty-Four: Comforting the Broken-Hearted

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''Great job everyone, you are now dismissed.'' Charlie Barber adressed to the stage crew and cast. You glanced at Charlie and saw that he looked very troubled and heart-broken. You are starring in the musical ''Being Alive'' it is about a young man that discovers love but soon realizes that she is out of reach from him and she doesn't truly love him. You play the girl that he is in love with. When everyone left, you walked towards Charlie so that you can speak to him. ''Charlie? Are you alright? You look very hurt, is there anyway that I can help you?'' You asked him with deep concern in your voice. Charlie looked up and has a stream of silent tears running down his face. Your heart felt like it got pierced by a dagger as you saw his handsome face clouded by lonlieness. Charlie didn't say anything but just sobbed quietly his whole body shaking. ''Ohh.'' You said sadly as you hugged him. 

When he calmed down a bit he said: ''I feel so bad, I was a terrible husband and I'm a terrible father. I wish that I could have really apoligized to Nicole not just be saying something but doing a great act. And Henry, he's going through such difficult moments now since he's a child of divorce and I'm nearly broke with no money because of the stupid divorce lawyers that charged $950 an hour just to speak to them. And now because of that Henry has no savings for his future education. I can barely pay the bills and taxes and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to move out of the city.'' Charlie said finishing with tears flowing down his face. 

''Charlie, I'm so sorry. Divorce is so heart-wrenching and difficult but remember that you have friends here and people who love you. You will get highly paid after the production I just know it. This is Broadway after all. I'll help you, Charlie.'' You told him reassuringly and gave him a tight embrace. ''But what if Henry and I get evicted before that? Then what will I do?'' Charlie said anxiously. ''You could live with me at the time until you can afford to move back in. And of course Henry can come too. You're my best friend,Charlie. And friends look out for each other.'' You said kissing him on the cheek. ''Thank you, my friend. Would you like to come over and see Henry? I think he'd love to see you. I'll make a nice dinner for the 3 of us.'' Charlie offered to you. 

''That would be lovely. I always heard from the others that you're a great cook. When should I come over?'' You said getting your bags ready to leave the studio. ''Tonight, if you'd like.'' Charlie told you honestly. ''Ok, I'd like that.'' You said with a smile. ''Ok.'' Charlie said getting his bags ready as well. ''I'll follow you, alright?'' ''That's fine with me. Let's walk to the parking lot together.'' You headed out and saw that the sun was setting over the horizon. ''So how are things with you and Mary-Ann?'' You asked him curiously. ''Oh, we broke up after she realized that I got divorced to Nicole. She said that she doesn't want a broke, divorced man in her life. So I left without arguement.'' Charlie said explaining to you. ''That's terrible. I'm so sorry, Charlie.'' You said sadly. ''It's okay. I'm over it now.'' Charlie told you with truth in his eyes.

''Well, that's my car. I'll follow you.'' You said unlocking it with your car keys. It took only about 30 minutes to get there surprisingly with all the traffic in ''The City That Never Sleeps.'' You arrived at his apartment and went inside. It had nice white lights with beige colored walls with very little furniture but it still looked quite nice. There were some pictures on the walls with Charlie and Henry but you found nothing of Nicole. There are also some pictures that Henry drew as well that is also hung up on the wall. ''It looks really nice.'' You told him honestly. ''I know it isn't much, but I call it home.'' 

''DAD!'' Henry said hugging Charlie happily. ''God, you guys are so attractive. Sorry.'' The babysitter said in embarassment. You and Charlie both laughed. ''It's okay. Thanks for taking care of Henry. I'm sorry that I can't pay you but thank you for working without pay. I truly appreaciate that. I promise you, once I'm not nearly broke, you'll be paid a lot.'' Charlie told her honestly. ''That's okay I enjoy spending time with Henry. You're welcome. Bye.'' The babysitter said closing the door behind her. ''Dad, who is she?'' Henry asked looking at you. ''Oh this is (Y/N) she is starring in the musical that I'm working on right now. She's a close friend of mine so I decided to invite her for dinner.'' Charlie explained to his son. ''Hello (Y/N), you are very beautiful.'' ''Thank you Henry, and you're very handsome.'' You told him with a smile. 

Henry laughed at that comment. ''How about asparagus and salmon?'' Charlie asked you. ''That sounds great.'' You said thinking about how delicious it will taste. ''YUM!'' Henry said rubbing his stomach. ''Charlie, do you need help?'' You asked him. ''Oh no, it's alright. It will take about 30 minutes.'' Charlie said starting the oven. 

30 minutes later.... ''Alright, it's ready!'' Charlie said putting all the food on the plates. You and Henry washed your hands and sat down at the dinner table. ''Well, enjoy.'' Charlie said sitting down after he placed the food down on the table. You took a bite of the salmon and it melted in your mouth perfectly it was delicious. Then you tried the tender asparagus that was seasoned with butter and spices and was cooked to perfection. ''Oh Charlie! You're an excellent cook! I'd don't think I've ever tasted anything so good in my whole life.'' You said licking your lips. ''Thank you.'' Charlie said happily. 

''Dad, can you show her the knife trick?'' Henry asked his father. ''No, remember it's not a dinner thing.'' ''What's the knife trick?'' You asked him curiously. ''Well, I have this pocket knife and I pretended to cut myself  but last time, I actually did, and I bled a lot and ended up collapsing. So I haven't done it since.'' Charlie said explaning to you. ''That must have been terrible.'' You said shocked. ''Yeah, it wasn't a pretty sight.'' Charlie said honestly. You spent the rest of the dinner talking getting to know each other better and laughing at each other's jokes. During that evening, you knew that Charlie will be comforted again sooner than he thinks. You have finally comforted your best friend's broken heart. 

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