Chapter Twenty-Four: Beautiful City

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The next morning..... ''Good Morning, Adam.'' You whispered into his hair as you kissed his forehead. Adam was still asleep, looked so calm and young he was very relaxed as if there were no worries entering his mind. You brushed a few strands away from his face drinking in his handsome features. You laid back on the bed listening to Adam's comforting breathing. Adam woke up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. His hair looked so adorable and tousled it made you want to run your fingers through it. You ran your fingers through Adam's heavenly soft raven locks and kissed his forehead. ''God I love you, Adam.'' You said your heart melting at his adorable features. ''Me too, Daisy. You mean everything to me.'' Adam told you kissing your hand gently. 

''Well, it's time for breakfast and then after that I'd like to show you my apartment and my dog Moose.'' Adam told you excitedely. ''Aww, Moose! That's such a cute name. What dog breed is he?'' You asked him curiously. ''He is a mix between a Pit Bull and a Rotweiler. The breed name is called a Pitweiler.'' Adam explained to you. ''I can't wait to see him but first let's have breakfast!'' You got dressed in a beautiful red dress with puffy sleeves and Adam put on a suit with a navy blue tie and sprayed some intoxicating eau de cologne on him. He brushed his lucious locks that framed his beautiful face. ''You are so handsome.'' You told him blushing. ''And you are so beautiful, Daisy.'' Adam told you lovingly. 

Everytime you hear his attractive silky baritone voice, you feel weak at the knees. His voice is like the smoothest  honey. You took Adam's warm large hand into your petite hand and headed to the dining area to get some breakfast. You had a lovely fruit salad with a delicious crispy, flaky pain au chocolat. It was the best breakfast that you ever tasted. Adam took the same since you are so alike with your similar intrests. You licked your lips. ''That was absolutely delicious, Adam.'' You told him gratefully. ''I knew you'd love it. Let's see Moose now.'' Adam told you joyfully. ''Yes!'' You said with excitement. 

You walked in the busy streets of the beautiful city of New York to Brooklyn Heights where Adam's apartment was. Adam unlocked the door and you walked into his apartment. ''Wow, it's beautiful!'' You said taking in the beautiful decor from the crystal chandelier to the golden mirror. ''Thank you.'' Adam said beaming happily. Moose came in barking excitedely. ''Hey Moose, I missed you.'' Adam said patting his head. 


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''This is Daisy, my girlfriend. Be a good boy and say hello to her.'' Moose wagged his tail and walked towards you, licking your hand. ''Look, he likes you already!'' You smiled at Moose and patted his head. ''He really is a sweet dog! So friendly with people!'' You complimented to both Moose and Adam. Moose barked in agreement and Adam beamed with joy. ''Would you like to play fetch with him?'' You nodded. Adam got Moose's frisbee that was on the table along with Moose's leash. Adam attached Moose's leash to his collar and opened the door. ''Where are we going to play fetch?'' You asked Adam curiously. ''In Central Park. The most beautiful park fit for a beautiful city.'' Adam told you smiling. 

You walked to Central Park and Moose barked excitedely trying to get Adam to let go of his leash. ''Hold on boy, we aren't there yet.'' Adam said laughing as he tried to resist the pull of Moose's strength. You laughed along as well. ''He sure is excited isn't he?'' ''For sure.'' Moose ran to the open area in the park to play fetch. Adam tossed the Frisbee high into the air and Moose caught it right away. ''Wow, he runs really fast!'' You said surprised. 

''He sure does. Would you like to try?'' You nodded as Moose came trotting back with the Frisbee in his mouth. You took the Frisbee out of Moose's mouth and tossed it far away from him.

Moose chased after it and caught it just in time. You clapped congratulating Moose. Adam did too. Moose came back panting and very exhausted from all of his running, chasing and fetching. You smiled at petted his soft coat. You are so happy that Adam is your soulmate and with his loyal companion Moose the Piweiler.

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