Chapter Thirty-One: Hero

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This was requested by @Alm344. This goes to you my friend!

''I can't believe you are a member of the First Order! How could such a scum enter our base! And you are a woman to weak and vunerable.'' YN-1098 told you coldly. Your heart literally felt like it was split in two. Your friend Zach came over to defend you. ''Why are you bullying my friend? She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. You should instead.'' YN-1098 chuckled evily. ''You are just as much as a traitor as she is.'' Matt was very bothered by this ruckus, so he decided to walk over to you, Zach and YN-1098. 

''I disapprove of the way you treat this lady,  I as a proper gentleman, would advise you not to be so harsh to her. If this does continue the way it's going, I will take you to Kylo and punish you severely. Don't you know who she is? She's Grand Admiral Leona Kenobi. Do well to respect her.'' YN-1098 scoffed. Your heart soared as you heard his loving words. ''Grand Admiral Leona Kenobi, what kind of a ranking is that?'' He said as he shoved Matt out of the room. ''Get ready to face my WWE wrestling skills!'' You told him challengingly. YN-1098 pushed you onto the ground and stomped on your face and ribcage. 

You screamed in pain as your nose started bleeding nonstop and you were sure that YN-1098 broke at least two ribs. Matt couldn't take it anymore and rushed back into the hallway where YN-1098 was hurting you extremely badly. Matt kicked the stormtrooper violently and knocked him to the ground. You got up and took over Matt's kick. You stomped multiple times on him trying to hurt him as bad as you could. You fell to the ground worn out. Matt helped you up and looked at you very concerned. 

''Grand Admiral, are you alright?'' You shook your head no holding your nose and tried to stem the flow of the blood, while your other hand clutched the right side of your ribcage. Matt lifted you up and said: '' Let me take you to the medbay. You need medical attention and fast.'' Matt rushed towards the medbay and put you on a vacant bed. The medical droids came quickly and gave you a bandage to stem the flow of the blood. The medical droid lifted your shirt slightly. Matt gasped as he saw the terrible bruise on your ribcage. The driod explained to Matt that you had two broken ribs and that you would have to rest until they heal. 

Matt nodded wordlessly tears beginning to form in his eyes. Matt stroked your jawline gently. ''Leona, I loved you for a really long time. Ever since I saw you become a member of the First Order. And since I love you, I must be honest with you. Don't tell anyone that I told you this but I'm not just Matt the Radar Technichan. I'm also Kylo Ren.'' Matt admitted to you. Accepting that Matt was Kylo Ren, you said: ''You love me?'' ''Yes I do, Leona. Very deeply and passionately.'' ''Well I love you too, Matt. And I'm glad that you told me that you're Kylo Ren too. I always thought that the both of you are very hot.'' You admitted blushing at what you just said. 

''Well, since we love each other both, could we kiss?'' You nodded softly smiling as Matt leaned foward and gave you a gentle kiss upon your lips. It was sweet and soft, you returned the kiss happily. What a wonderful first kiss. As you drew back, Matt gave you an adorable smile. It was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. 

You finally have a lover and so does Matt

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You finally have a lover and so does Matt. He is your hero and you are forvever grateful for him to be a part of you life, your mind, your heart and your soul. 

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