Chapter Ninety: Being Alive

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This was requested by @Alm344, Happy Valentine's Day my friend!

Your heart was filled with an aching feeling of sadness and hopelessness as you saw everyone laughing at you as you were in the bar where all the Broadway actors and actresses go to. ''You're such an autistic lonely woman no wonder you don't have anyone!'' They all told you mockingly. You swallowed the lump in your throat trying everything not to male you cry. At the same time, you were thinking strategically how to stand up for yourself, while you really thought that they were speaking the truth. It's Valentine's Day and you're a 30 year old woman still single and doesn't have very many friends. But this can't be true. No, you won't let it happen. There is someone out there for you, it's just you haven't met them yet. Suddenly and angry, deep baritone voice disrupted you inner thoughts. 

''Hey, what's going on here? Who are you making fun of? You guys are actors and actresses, please act professional! The poor guy or girl they must be feeling terrible right now! Leave! I'll talk to you guys later!'' He said dismissing them in a strict tone of voice fueled with dissapointment. He glanced at you sitting on the barstool. His heart felt so broken. He tapped you gently on the shoulder. ''Exscuse me, Miss?'' You sat up and looked at him and your breath caught in your throat as you glanced at him. He is very tall, has a broad figure, he has beautiful raven waves of hair cascading almost to his shoulders, a perfectly framed face scattered with beauty marks across his face, heavenly golden chocolate pupils and pink full lips. 

''Um, yes?'' You asked with a nervous squeak in you voice. ''I'm sorry about them. I can't believe them somethimes. They always act like they're the best just because they are Broadway actors. That doesn't make them surperior to others. I'm their director. I'll talk to them later. What did they say to you?'' He asked with comfort in his voice. ''They called me a lonely autistic woman that doesn't have anyone.'' You told him with a tear-streaked face. ''Oh, that's terrible. Such a terrible thing to say too, esspecially on the day of love!'' He said with a slightly shocked voice. ''Yeah, it really made me feel terrible.'' You said trying to rub the tears out of your eyes.

 ''Forgive me, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Charlie Barber and you are?'' ''Leona Stevens.'' Charlie shook hands with you and you were overwhelmed by his hand size compared to yours. ''Would you like to go for a walk in Central Park that way we can get to know each other a little better, that is of course, if you're free.'' Charlie said offering to you. ''Of course, I'd love that.'' You said as you stood up to head to Central Park. 

At Central Park.... You and Charlie walked into the beautiful Central Park and began to talk about your life stories. ''So Leona, tell me a bit about yourself, do you have any siblings? I love your accent, is it Scottish?'' Charlie asked you curiously. ''Yes, it is. I have a brother named Spencer Reid. He works at the FBI. I just realized that we were related and it filled my heart with fullness and joy when I realized that I wasn't an only child anymore. I lost my mother to the reaper a few years ago it still leaves an aching in my heart and my father abandoned me and my mother when I was a small child. Spencer really brings joy into my life and understands what I'm going through.'' You told him sadly.

 ''Oh, Leona. I'm so sorry. I got divorced to my wife about a year ago and we have a 9-year-old son. I raise him here in NYC and we visit about every 2 months in LA where she lives that way my son can visit his Mom.'' ''That must have been terrible. So how did you become a director?'' You asked him with curiousity. ''Well, I studied at the University of Indianapolis then I moved to NYC to Julliard to study. I began to write plays and they soon quickly became a sucess and that's when I met Nicole, my ex-wife and I hired her.'' ''Wow, you must be a great director to have studied at the School of Julliard!'' You told him with surprise. ''Thank you. So what do you do for a living?'' 

''I work at the FBI with my brother. I'm really good at studying scientific devices with criminals and finding out where they are by pointing out their heat signature.'' You told him proudly. ''Wow, you must have a really high IQ to be working at the FBI.'' Charlie said with a smile. ''I don't know. I'm not that smart.'' You told him modestly. ''That's not true. You're one of the brightest women I've ever met before. It was great to know you a bit, Leona.'' ''You too, Charlie.'' You said your face flushing as his dark piercing gaze looked at you. ''I really love you, Leona. You're a really nice woman.'' He said taking your hands gently in his. Your breath catched in your throat again as you felt his warm gentle hands in yours. 

''I love you too, Charlie.'' You said parting your lips and leaned towards him. Charlie did the same and pressed his lips softly and gently against yours. Love flooded through your veins for Charlie. Oh, how you love him so much. How you love the feeling of those soft, warm, plush lips covered with yours. You pulled away slightly and smiled at each other. ''Happy Valentine's Day, my love.'' Charlie said kissing your hand gently. ''Happy Valentine's Day, Charlie.'' You responded back to him. You have finally found a lover in your life and you'll  never let him go. You love Charlie Barber and you finally feel alive again, accepted, loved and cared for because you have this wonderful man that has come into your life. 

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