Chapter Seventy-Seven: The Birth of the Twins

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2 months later..... You are now heavily pregnant with the twins. You can't wait 'till they are born. They will be so beautiful. You moved to a bigger home in N.J but you don't live in Paterson anymore. It is a very beautiful 2 story home with different color bricks (red,white,brown, beige) all kind of blended together. It is a 3 bedroom 4 bathroom home. The walls are white and the foundation in the house is a beautiful round column. Marvin also moved in with you and Paterson. You are so glad that Marvin finally knows how to behave properly now. ''Honey, don't you think that we should think of names for the twins?'' Paterson asked you. ''Yes, that would be wonderful, darling. How about Emily for the girl and William for the boy?'' You suggested to him. 

''That's great. Like William Carlos Williams and Emily Elizabeth Dickinson. That could be their middle names. What do you think?'' Paterson asked you excitedely. ''That's perfect. Will and Emily. Both named after famous poets.'' You said with a smile. Soon you let out a cry of pain as you felt a sharp pain in your womb. ''Honey, are you alright? Is it the twins?'' You contorted your face in pain and nodded yes as you cried out again. Paterson saw that your water has broke and said: ''Alright honey. It's okay. I'll clean this up but first let me carry you to bed.''

 You smiled weakly at him as he carried you bridal style to the bedroom and kissed your warm forehead. ''You can do this, love. I'll be right back.'' Paterson said as he kissed you again and left the room to clean up. He finished cleaning up quickly and rushed upstairs and carried you to the car so he could bring you to the hospital. Paterson drove quickly to the nearest hospital since you have started going into labor. 

At the hospital..... Paterson rushed to the maternity ward with you in his arms and a doctor showed Paterson to the nearest vacant room. Paterson set you down onto the bed and you felt tons of sharp pains in your stomach. ''Alright, 3-2-1, push!'' The doctor instructed to you in a loud voice. You pushed with all your strength and cried in pain. Paterson felt so hurt in this moment. He hates to see you in pain. ''Good, only 2 more pushes and your first twin will be born!'' The doctor told you encouragingly. You pushed hard again and one more time and a cry followed your scream. Paterson gasped at how beautiful the baby boy Will looked. You pushed again with all your might to give birth to your second twin Emily. You sighed in exhaustion. 

The doctor washed the twins off and placed them in the incumbator. You smiled happily at your husband. ''I'm so proud of you, Laura.'' Paterson said kissing you passionately on the lips. ''I'm so proud of us. The twins are so beautiful, aren't they?'' You said with joy in your eyes. ''They sure are beautiful. I love you so much, Laura.'' ''Me too, Paterson.'' You both took turns cradeling the twins in your arms and watched them close their little eyes and have a soft smile on their faces dreaming the greatest and sweetest of all dreams. 

12 years later..... The twins are now 12 years old. Will looks just like his father with dark hair and luscious waves, broad shoulders, beauty marks, a deep voice and he loves poetry. Emily looks just like her mother with long curly dark hair, warm brown eyes, a gentle sweet voice and she loves music, singing and art. Emily plays the guitar, sings and does artwork and Will writes poetry in his secret notebook. You are all such a happy family. You and Emily played a duet on the guitar of ''I've Been Workin' on the Railroad'' by John Denver and sang it as well and Paterson and Will recited their beautiful works of poetry. Today has been an extraordinary day and it will from now to all eternity since you are all such a perfect family. 

Since you met Paterson, your whole life has changed. You fell in love with him and his poetry and everything about him. And then you got married and adopted Marvin. Oh, Marvin? He's super friendly now with the children. And then you had beautiful twins that you love from the bottom of your heart and so does Paterson as well. Before you met Paterson, it felt like your life was unwritten. Like an empty page. But once you met, that page was filled. Just like the Japanese poet said: ''Sometimes an empty page presents the most possibilities.'' And he was right. 

*End of Paterson Imagines*

Ongoing Imagines:

Adam Driver

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