Chapter Seventy: Jedi Order

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1 month later..... You and Ben have finished your lovely honeymoon in Naboo and are heading back to Ach-to to begin your Jedi Order as Master Yoda wanted you to. 

At Ach-to.... You landed the Falcon on Ach-to and headed towards the Jedi Temple. The younglings were already there waiting for you to come. ''Good Morning, Younglings! I'm Master Solo and this here is also Master Solo as well.'' Ben explained to them. ''Cool! We get to be trained by Han Solo's son and his wife!'' A girl youngling said. You both smiled at them. ''Today, we will be exploring the Force. You will be learning what the Force is and how important it is to the whole galaxy.'' You told them smiling. The younglings sat cross-legged in a circle knowing that they were going to be medidating. 

''Well Done, Younglings! You're ready to begin! You're already ready to begin! So, the Force is what surrounds and binds every living thing together. Without it, life wouldn't exist. It's like oxygen in a way to help every living thing breathe. But is also helps strengthen everyone too. Even non-Jedi's. It may seem surprising but everyone has some midi-chlorians in their bodies. Jedi and Sith just have more which make them very sensitive in the Force. Now close your eyes. Breathe. And reach out. Not physically, but emotionally. With your feelings. What do you see?'' Ben asked them circling around the younglings. 

''The island. Death and decay. Warmth. Cold. Violence. Peace.'' They all said observantly. ''And between it all?'' You asked. ''Balance. A Force.'' A youngling said happily. ''And inside you?'' ''And inside me, that same Force. There's something else. On the island. A place where more Jedi will awaken. Where thousands of generations live. Twins. More Skywalkers to continue the Jedi legacy.'' A youngling girl said. You exchanged glances with Ben. You both knew exactly what the little girl meant. She is definetely strong with the Force. She can sense that you and Ben are going to have twins. Something that you and Ben never sensed before. You and Ben smiled joyfully knowing that you're going to have wonderful children to continue the Skywalker/Solo legacy. 

''Alright, Younglings! It's time for bed! A Jedi needs rest in order to continue their journey.'' You told them honestly. The younglings obeyed and headed to their huts 2 younglings in each hut and there are 10 younglings total. You turned to face Ben both of you surprised at what the youngling girl said earlier. ''You think it's true? That I'm carrying twins, our twins will continue the legacy with their mighty Skywalker/Solo blood?'' You asked Ben curiously. ''Yes, it's true.  All of it. We're going to have wonderful children. And they will continue the Skywalker legacy. I'm so proud of you, (Y/N) and I'm so proud of us!'' Ben said happily as he kissed your stomach where the twins were. Your stomach showed no sign of pregnancy, but you now just sensed the tinest spark of life. The youngling was right. She'll become a very powerful Jedi. 

''I love you so much, Ben. I can't wait till they come into the galaxy. They will bring good to the galaxy and fight all forces of evil in their midst.'' You told him kissing his cheek. ''Yes, they will. I love you so much too, (Y/N)! And so will our children as well. We'll train them in the Jedi Temple with the others and they'll become powerful Jedi.'' Ben told you truthfully and with all the love in his voice. ''We should sing for the children, don't you think? My mother used to sing this song to me it's called: All is Found. It's a lullaby. They'll love it just like I did.'' You told him smiling joyfully. ''I'm sure they would. I'd love to hear you sing. You have a beautiful voice. I know that.'' Ben told you truthfully. Breathing in deeply, you began to sing: 

Where the North Wind meets the sea

There's a river full of memory

Sleep my darling, safe and sound, 

For in this river all is found

In her waters, deep and true

Lie the answers and a path for you

Dive down deep into her sound

But not to far or you'll be drowned

Yes, she will sing for those who'll hear

And her song, all magic flows

But can you brave what you most fear?

Can you face what the river knows?

Where the North Wind meets the sea

There's a mother full of memory

Come, my darling, homeward bound

When all is lost, all is found

You finished it beautifully. ''That was beautiful, (Y/N). The twins loved it too.'' Ben said sensing in the Force. ''They sure did.'' You both shared a passionate kiss next to the crashing waves and you relished the moment you are so glad that you and Ben are perfect soulmates and you're going to have twins. You are also very proud of your new order. A Jedi Order. 


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