Chapter Eighty-One: Together Forever

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5 months later..... Today you are going for a doctor's visit to see if everything is alright with the baby and maybe even find out what the gender is. ''I'm ready.'' You said to Adam waiting by the door. ''Alright then, let's go.'' Adam said opening the front door. Adam drove to the doctor's office near Brooklyn Heights. You went in the office together and waited in the waiting room until you were called for the checkup. 

About 20 minutes later.... ''Mr. and Mrs. Driver.'' The nurse called. You got up and followed the nurse to a checkup room. The nurse checked your heartbeat and the baby's heartbeat as well. ''Well, everything looks perfectly normal, let me check with the doctor. Wait here until he comes.'' The nurse instructed to you and Adam. ''Thanks, Nurse.'' Adam told her kindly. ''You're very welcome.'' The nurse replied with a smile as she shut the door behind her.

A little while later.... ''Hello!'' The docotr said happily. ''Hello, Doctor.'' You both said warmly. ''So how far are you along?'' The doctor asked as he saw your round stomach. ''5 months.'' You told him honestly. ''Alright, did the nurse check the baby's health already?'' He asked curiously. ''Yes, she did.'' Adam told the doctor. ''Good. Well, I think since you're pretty far along I think I could determine the gender of the baby but that's only if you'd like too, of course.'' The doctor explained. ''We'd love to know.'' You both said in unison. ''Great! I'm going to put some gel on your stomach for the sonogram, Mrs. Driver. I warn you though, it might be a bit cold.'' the doctor said grabbing a pouch of gel from the cabinet.

''Okay.'' You said preparing yourself for the cold. the doctor got the sonogram and came back into the room. ''Okay, are you ready?'' The doctor said opening the gel pouch. ''Yes.'' You told him honestly. The doctor applied the gel to your stomach and you shivered a bit. ''Cold.'' You whispered to Adam. Adam held your hand gently. The doctor turned on the sonogram and put the camera near your stomach. ''Alright, it's a boy. Congratulations.'' The doctor told you and Adam with a smile. You and Adam both squealed joyfully. ''I'm so happy, my love!'' Adam told you truthfully kissing your forehead. ''Me too.'' ''Thank you so much, Doctor.'' Adam told him greatfully. ''You're welcome. It is my pleasure.'' You checked out of the doctor's office and you can't wait till you and Adam's baby Isaiah Douglas Driver will be born.

4 months later..... You are now heavily pregnant with little Isaiah. He is going to be so handsome just like his father. ''I'm so proud of you, my love.'' Adam said kissing your round stomach. You smiled at him. Then you let out a cry of pain as you felt something wet slide down your leg. ''Honey, I think my water just broke.'' You said in pain. ''It's okay, sweetheart. Rest. I'll clean this up.'' You went to bed to sleep for a while before you were going to go into labor while Adam cleaned up the little incident. 

A couple hours later.... ''ADAM!'' You screamed in pain. Adam rushed to the bedroom and carried you to the car laying you down on the backseat and started the engine. Adam rushed to the hospital and parked in the emergency area. Adam ran into the emergency room and brought you to the nearest room that was empty for you to give birth in. The doctor came in shortly after Adam out you down on the bed. ''Alright, you're almost ready to push, okay?'' The doctor said standing next to your bedside. ''Okay.'' You said weakly. ''3-2-1, push!'' You pushed with all your might. You can't wait till Isaiah comes into the world. 

7 hours later...... ''WAHHH!'' Cried little Isaiah. Your face was shining with sweat from your labor. The doctor washed off Isaiah and put him in a white towel and handed him to you. You and Adam looked down at your son. He has beautiful dark raven hair like his father, warm hazel eyes like his mother, and full pink lips. ''He's beautiful.'' Adam said kissing his son's forehead. ''He sure is.'' You told Adam with a smile. ''I'm so proud of you, love.'' Adam said gently kissing your hand. ''Me too, love.'' Adam held Isaiah in his arms and said: ''Thank you so much doctor, we couldn't have done it without you.'' ''You're welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Driver, it is always my pleasure.'' He said smiling as he left the room. You and Adam shared a passionate kiss of love. 

You and Adam will always be together forever since you are the perfect match for each other. You will always be happy forever now since little Isaiah has come into the world. He has has brought so much joy into yours and Adam's lives than ever before. You will always be there to support each other because you are one family. Together. Forever. Always. 

*End of Adam Driver Imagines*

Possible New Imagines:

Midnight Special 

Marriage Story

With Adam's characters depending on if I'll watch them. 

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