Chapter Fifty: Filming on Jakku

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Today you are going to the UAE to film for the scenes on Jakku. Today you are going to work mostly on the opening scene since most of the cast is in the opening scene. You are all at the airport now boarding your first class flight. ''Welcome to Qatar Airways. We hope you have a safe flight.'' The stewardess said. You entered the first class cabin and you gasped as you saw how nice it looked. ''Wow! It's so beautiful!'' You said to Adam awe-struck. ''Yes, it is.'' Adam said as he took the seat next to yours. You looked at the big TV screen in front of your seat, Adam had one too. ''What are you going to watch Adam?'' You asked him curiously. ''I don't know. I was thinking maybe ''The Notebook.'' ''That's a great idea! I think I'll watch the same thing too.''

 After you finished watching the movie you ended up falling asleep on Adam's shoulder. You woke up to him tapping on your shoulder. ''Daisy, we're here.'' Adam said waking you up. ''Already? Sorry, I fell asleep.'' You said slightly embarrased. ''That's ok.'' You exited your flight and got your things. J.J got all of the sets with the help of the crew members. You headed to the desert until you found a nice place to begin filming. 

''Ok, everyone. I think this is the perfect spot. I'm going to start setting up the sets and don't forget to drink lots of water. It gets very hot in the afternoon. I mean very hot. It can get up to 114℉ only in the shade.'' J.J told you passing a water bottle to you and the other cast members. ''Well, J.J surely was right. It is very hot.'' You said taking a sip of water and fanned yourself. ''Well, it makes it more realistic I guess. The opening scene is actually filmed at nightime. But it can get freezing cold in the nightime.'' Adam explained to you. 

One of the crew members came out and said: ''Alright, everyone! I need you to change into your costumes. If you are wearing a First Order uniform, a Chewbacca outfit or a C-3P0 outfit it can get extremely hot in those costumes so we have put cooling pads in your costumes. Follow me and get changed.'' The crew member said telling you and the other cast members to come. You followed suit and waited to get into your costume. When it was your turn the costume assistants helped to put on your costume quickly. You exited the costume area and went back to where the sets were. Almost all of the sets were already put up. They looked so cool! 

At nightime.... ''Ok, everyone! We are going to start the opening scene! Oscar, Max and BB-8 we'll need you first.'' J.J said pointing towards the set of the Jakku village. They both sat down and BB-8 looked up at them. ''Alright, 3-2-1 action!'' ''Let us begin to make things right. I have gone to far and seen to much to ignore the lies of the Jedi in the galaxy.'' Max said to Oscar. ''Well, this can help. The General's been after this for a long time.'' ''Oh, the General? To me, she is royalty.'' ''Well, she certainly is that.'' Oscar responded. BB-8 came rushing in the hut to tell them that the First Order was coming. ''And cut! That was great! Now we'll need the stormtroopers and Adam. Adam, go to the set of your shuttle ship and walk out.'' J.J instructed to Adam. Adam got in the ship. 

''3-2-1, action!'' Oscar ran towards his ship with BB-8. ''Take this. It's safer with you then it is with me. Don't worry, I'll come back for you! Go!'' Oscar said to the droid. BB-8 took off with the piece of Luke's map in his storage unit. Adam walked out. Max walked towards Adam. ''Look how old you've become.'' ''Something far worse has happened to you.'' ''You know what I've come for.'' ''I know where you've come from, before you called yourself Kylo Ren.'' ''The map to Skywalker, we know you found it. And now you are going to give it to the First Order.'' ''The First Order rose from the Dark Side. You did not.'' ''I'll show you the Dark Side.'' ''You may try. But you cannot deny the truth that is your family.'' ''You're so right.'' Adam said pretending to shoot him. 

''No.'' Oscar whispered under his breath. ''Search the village.'' Kylo commanded to the stormtroopers. Oscar shot his blast towards Adam. Adam pretended to use the Force and stop the blaster in mid-air. Oscar stood frozen. ''Bring him here.'' Oscar walked towards Kylo with a stormtrooper on either side of him. ''So who talks first? You talk first, I talk first? It's really hard to understand you with all the-'' ''Search him.'' ''Apparatus.'' Oscar said in a strained voice. Captain Phasma came with her blaster in hand. ''Sir, the villagers?'' ''Kill them all.'' Phasma shot the blasters everywhere. ''No.'' Oscar whispered leaving the village. A stormtrooper put some ''blood'' on John's helmet. John looked down sadly at his friend. All of the stormtroopers began shooting except for John. Adam looked across at him in anger. 

''And cut!'' J.J said clapping. ''Fantastic job, everyone! That's all for today! Now we're going to head to the hotel to get some sleep.'' J.J said leaving to help clean up the sets. ''Wow, Adam!'' You did such a great job today!'' You said congratulating him. ''Thank you, Daisy.'' ''You're welcome. You did an amazing job too John, Oscar and Gwen.'' ''Thank you.'' They all said taking off their masks except for Oscar since he doesn't have one. You headed to the hotel, happy that you're finally going to get some sleep even though you didn't do any work today, you still have jet lag. You will start your scenes on Jakku tomorrow though. 

''Goodnight, Adam.'' You said kissing him. ''Goodnight, Daisy.'' Adam said kissing your hand. You headed to your room smiling and happy since you love your job. Acting is so incredible and amazing to do. You are so lucky that you have been cast as Rey in Star Wars. You took your shower and collapsed onto your bed exhausted. Today has been a long day and you can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring. You are so glad to have met Adam and are so happy that you are lovers. You and Adam are so grateful to be playing as Rey and Kylo. A perfect Force dyad. 

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