Chapter Seventy-Three: Awakening

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7 months later.... You are now heavily pregnant with the twins. You and Ben both know in the Force that it's going to be a boy and a girl. ''Ben, what do you think we should name our children?'' You asked him curiously. ''How about Anakin Han Solo for the boy?'' ''That's beautiful. And for the girl we should name her Leia Padme Solo. What do you think?'' ''That's also a beautiful name. It's perfect.'' Ben said as he held your round belly with the twins. He pressed a kiss to your stomach. 

''You're going to be born soon. You'll see the beauty of the whole galaxy. You'll be trained to be wonderful Jedi.'' Ben whispered softly through the Force with the twins. You smiled happily at Ben and then your smile faded quickly into a face of pain as a contraption hit you. You felt something wet slide down your leg. ''Ben, I think my water just broke.'' You whispered quitely. 

''Come on, let me take you to bed.'' Ben lifted you up and carried you bridal style to the bed. He very gently, carefully set you down on the bed and kissed your forehead. ''I love you, (Y/N). The Force will be with you always.'' Ben stayed by your bedside his hand laced through yours until: ''BEN!'' You screamed aloud in pain. Ben stood up quickly and rushed with you in his arms to take you to the Millenium Falcon. Ben fired the engines quickly and took off heading to the hospital in Coruscant. He lightspeed-skipped to hurry to the plant faster since this is an emergency. 

At the hospital in Coruscant.... Ben landed the Falcon next to the hospital and carried you inside. The droid doctor showed you to the maternity ward and you followed him until you reached an empty room that you could give birth in. ''Alright Mrs., I'm going to tell you when you can push, okay?''  The droid told to you. You nodded obeying him. ''Can I push now?'' You asked him your face contorted in pain. ''Almost. On the count of 3. 3-2-1, push!'' Ben took your hand trying his best to comfort you and you pushed hard with all of your might. ''Great job! About 3 more pushes and your twins will be born!'' You pushed hard again and started to break into a sweat. 

''Push!'' You cried aloud in pain as you pushed again and a cry followed. ''It's a boy. Anakin Han Solo.'' Ben smiled at the child. You made your final push and gasped exhausted. The droids took the twins and cleaned them up and wrapped them in fuzzy white blankets. ''Here you are. Congratulations, young Jedi.'' The droid said getting ready to head out the door. You smiled happily at the droid. ''Thank you, doctor.'' Ben said smiling. ''My pleasure.'' The droid said with a slight bow as he left the room. You smiled happily at Ben as he held the twins in his strong arms. 

''They're so beautiful, aren't they?'' You asked him softly as you glanced at the twins that looked like the splitting image of you and Ben. Anakin Han Solo has golden-brown expressive eyes like his father, lucious raven black locks, porcelian skin, beauty marks, and full plush lips. Leia Padme Solo has beautiful warm (y/ec), soft shiny (y/hc), beautiful (y/sc), and full pink lips. ''Yes, they are such beautiful twins. I'm so proud of you, (Y/N).'' Ben told you with that goregous smile of his. You smiled back at him. 

 2 years later..... You and Ben are now training  Anakin and Leia to become great Jedi. ''3-2-1, duel!'' You said to Anakin and Leia. They both ignited their lightsabers. Leia has a yellow lightsaber like you do, and Anakin has a blue lightsaber like his father. They both spun their lightsabers about to attack. They clashed their lightsabers with full force onto one another's and Anakin did a backflip away from Leia's lightsaber. Anakin fell to the ground as Leia hit his lightsaber again. ''Yay! Victory!'' Leia shouted in triumph. Anakin had a sad look on his face. ''Great job, Leia!'' You said congratulating your daughter. Ben walked towards his son and said: ''It's okay, kid. You'll win another time. I promise you.'' Ben told his son in encouragement. 

Anakin's face lit up with hope. You walked towards Ben and put your arm around him. You are so glad that you met Ben and that you have beautiful twins with him. They will become wonderful Jedi and all of you are going to become the greatest Jedi ever known. The Force has finally awakened. 

*End of Ben Solo Imagines*

Ongoing Imagines:

Adam Driver


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