Chapter Seventy-One: The Imperial (Wedding) March

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2 months later..... Today you and Kylo are going to get married! You are both so happy and delighted for this moment to come. Your wedding dress is going to be First Order themed: A red dress with black flowers. It has a silk texture and cuts about 2 inches below your knees and you have 2 inch black heels. You have red lipstick on and dark mascara. You look like the most perfect bride for Kylo Ren. You also have your red engagement ring on and your hair is in waves that suits you very well. Kylo has on a black tuxedo with black shoes. He looks extremely sexy. You stood across from him and smiled. 

''You look goregous, Rey. I love your First Order themed dress. You look perfect in red and black.'' Kylo told you honestly. ''Thank you my love. You look so sexy in a tuxedo and so attractive in black. It really brings out your hair color. You look so handsome.'' You told him honestly. ''Thank you.'' He told you with his adorable smile that melted your heart. Captain Phasma cleared her throat which meant the ceremony was about to begin. You and Kylo are the only one's there. Nobody is witnessing it except for Captain Phasma. This is a private wedding and Hux must never find out that you're going to be married. 

''Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Do you Kylo Ren take Rey Palpatine to be your lawfully wedded wife through sickness and health, as long as you both shall live?'' Phasma asked Kylo. ''I do.'' He responded with all the love in his voice. ''Do you Rey Palpatine take Kylo Ren to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and health as long as you both shall live?'' ''I do.'' You then said your vows and slipped your wedding rings onto each other's fingers: a simple gold band. 

''Congratulations, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.'' Captain Phasma said clapping. Kylo leaned foward to kiss you passionately and you returned his kiss with equal passion. You broke apart and smiled happily at each other. ''I love you so much, Kylo.'' You said kissing him again. ''I love you so much too, Rey. Well, you're ready for cake?'' Kylo asked you smiling. ''Of course I am.'' You said walking towards the cake. It is 2 separate 2 tiered cakes. 1 with red icing and the First Order symbol on it and the flavor is chocolate. The other is black icing with the other First Order symbol on it and it is vanilla flavored. 

Your favorite was the chocolate cake. So was Kylo's favorite as well. You never really imagined Kylo having a sweet tooth but it turns out he sure does have one. He loves chocolate even more than you.  After cake and blue milk, you headed to Kylo's quarters to gaze at the galaxy's majestic beauty. You gazed at all of the constellations in the galaxy and it made you think of Kylo's beauty marks that you adored. Constellations are like a game of connecting the dots, but your constellation is what determines your destiny. And that constellation was Kylo. 

He has determined your destiny, he was your destiny all along. And you know that Kylo feels the same as you do. Since you met each other your destinies were finally revealed to one another and it was being with each other. All of the stars that have burned out in the galaxy were your lonlieness but now every star has reignited itself when you found compassion, love and strength in Kylo. You'll never be lonely again since Kylo has come into your life and Kylo will never be lonely again either.  And you may even have children someday and they'll bring even more joy into your lives  then you already have now. You will train them to become great Siths like you and Kylo. You are the perfect soulmate match for each other and you always will be. 

You are a dyad in the Force, a power greater than life itself. Together you are invincible and you'll let nothing stand in the way of each other's paths. For better or worse, through sickness and in health, you'll always be together because that's why the Force brought you both together. To love, cherish, and bring compassion to each other as husband and wife, and two halves of a whole. Nothing will break the bond of your love. 

*End of Kylo Ren Imagines*

Ongoing Imagines: 

Adam Driver

Ben Solo


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