Chapter Ninety-Three: Eat, Drink and Remarry

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5 months later..... ''RING RING.'' The phone rang throughout the house. It was nighttime. You answered it your heart thumping excitedly as you saw that it said: Charlie. ''Hello, (Y/N). How are you doing?'' ''I'm doing great Charlie. And you?'' ''Yes, I'm doing great. I was wondering if we could meet me at Central Park for a very special surprise.'' Charlie suggested to you. ''Of course, I can meet you. I'll be there in a few.'' You said hanging up the phone. You put on your best dress which was a puffy red dress that reached a bit past your knees. You styled your hair into a braided bun and put on the replica necklace of ''Le Coeur de la Mer'' which translates to the ''Heart of the Ocean'' from the movie ''Titanic'' starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. You drove to Central Park and saw Charlie in the distance. You parked your car and walked across the street to Central Park. ''Hello, Charlie.'' You said kissing him softly upon the lips. 

''Hello, (Y/N).'' He said looking at you with dark brooding eyes. He looked so dapper in his tuxedo. ''(Y/N), I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time now. Ever since I met you, I always felt a deep connection with you, not just through Broadway, but everything else too. I always felt that spark of love, compassion and an unbreakable bond between us. I love you very much, (Y/N), my beautiful love. Would you like to do the honor of being my wife?'' He requested as he got down on one knee and took out the box with the engagement ring and opened it. You gasped in surprise and covered your mouth with your hands. ''Yes, of course, Charlie! Yes, for now and for all eternity.'' You vowed to him. Charlie smiled happily and placed the ring on your finger and kissed you passionately and you returned his passionate kisses. You broke apart and smiled happily at each other.

''I'm so glad that I'm going to marry you, my love.'' Charlie told you happily. ''Me too.'' You headed back to Charlie's house to tell Henry the big news and after you and Charlie tell him, Charlie is going to call Nicole to tell her that he's going to be married. Charlie rang the doorbell. ''Hello, guys!'' The babysitter said smiling happily. ''Hey, we have some good news to tell you and Henry.'' ''HENRY!'' She called out. ''Hey Dad and (Y/N). What is it?'' ''Henry, I'm going to marry (Y/N)!'' ''Yay! That's amazing! Congrats!'' ''Thank you.'' You both said in unison. The babysitter also congratulated you and Charlie. Charlie then phoned Nicole to tell her the news and she was also very happy and obviously you and Charlie are as well. And your story is only just beginning. 

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